#1 Hanzo ( Wraxu) asking for hanzo nerfs

I really want to know why they buffed his arrow flight speed in addition to Storm Arrow. I’d love to hear the devs reasoning for that.

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Literally just remove headshots on storm arrow otherwise it’s FtH but better

Eagle eye is a trait not a card thats why i was confused

Please. Tracer/soldier/Genji are still much better. Not to mention Pharah. You cannot see through your salt.

Dude what? Hanzo is far superior now than any dps in the game. Not one hero can compete with his burst damage. Its nutty.

Every hanzo main worth their salt told you all this was going to happen

This was a product of the community over stating how powerful scatter shot was and when they did the rework they had to try to cover the power that hanzo was going to lose and the power that they gave him happened to be way higher than needed after scatters removal

In short when giving feedback you don’t need to drive home to point by blowing it out of proportion


It wasn’t even that good either. It’s terrible coding and now that Storm Arrow is FAR superior than scatter…Its poetry

Tracer, soldier and genji are better than hanzo? What do you smoke, I want the same

Pros had been asking for Tracer to be nerfed for months and only thing she got is 100 damage nerf on his ult which doesn’t address the problem yet everyone thinks she is fine because the meta isn’t favoring her right now. Blizzard doesn’t listen popular players.

Tbh idk what Wraxu is thinking, he’s prob salty everyone is picking “his hero” as he calls him and he has stated multiple times on stream how he hates HIS HERO is popular.

Reducing it to 4 arrows it’s gonna feel horrible; first because hit registration is beyond awful in this game, specially Hanzo’s. Less arrows mean no regs affect the ability even more. Second because it’s gonna make the ability too easy to play around, it already has a lot of counterplay avaliable.

The community is again (just like with scatter) failing to see the bigger picture, it’s better to close your eyes and scream “omg Hanzo’s E does X amount of damage NERF IT” When no Hanzo player ever hits all 6 of them let alone chains headshots with it.

One can only hope Blizzard doesn’t listen like they did with scatter.


I called it.
My boyfriend, an avid Hanzo main, made a topic on the PTR forum on about how this shouldn’t go live because it’s obviously OP. People called him salty for scatter being removed and that he has to use his “skills” now instead of cheese.

This is Mercy rework all over again. All they had to do is change 1 abilty. But they gave him on top of that increased arrow speed AND a new mobility skill. One of those 2 additional buffs would’ve been more than enough.

In my boyfriends opinion, they should revert the arrow speed, but keep the lunge.

But I know Blizzard so that’s not gonna happen. Hanzo will probably stay like this for 2 months until the first nerf will hit. It still won’t be enough so they’ll nerf him again and again and again.


Arrow flight speed made him aiming more consistent. Its more “Hanzo placed that shot well” now instead of the old walking into an arrow thing.
Though I can’t see how they would come to the conclusion that both of those combined would be fair.

So he’d prefer him as a close range tank buster as opposed to a mid range sniper? Interesting to say the least.

He can be salty about that okay, but don’t deny that hanzo isn’t a balanced hero. Tracer and genji in their prime didn’t have 1 shot capability in long-mid-close combined with vertical and horizontal mobility and an 8 second ability with a 1140 max damage output and his ultimate is as the same size of the Western Hemisphere and it doesn’t put him in danger on cast.


None of those things made Hanzo good back then.

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Yes because his projectile speed increase combined with lunge made him a beast, hanzo’s weakness was any hero that could reach him and fight him in close range, like winston for example, he was hanzo’s counter but atm hanzo can lunge out of winston’s range and kill winston with 2 headshots or just press E, same with Dva, geni and tracer. Those are hanzo’s counters and they were played in every game in high ranks thats why he didn’t see a lot of play time. Basically he counters his counters with ease, he is more dangerous to his counters more than his counters to him.

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Yeah Hanzo’s weakness was being a trash hero back then. Hanzo shouldn’t be made irrelevant because you pressed one button and got within his range. That is bad design, he should have a chance at defending himself.

D.va, Winston, Genji, Tracer are all viable counters to Hanzo. Winston just doesn’t get a free kill anymore everytime he presses shift on top of Hanzo yet he is still very effective at zoning him which is exactly what he is meant to do. Genji and Tracer can still destroy Hanzo, specially Tracer.


Well Hanzo is not really mid range at the moment. He’s close, mid AND far range with the increased arrow speed.
Far range should be Widows strength, yet Hanzo does her job better and consistently because he has the peek advantage and sonic arrow.

Hanzo’s strength should be mid-close range. He has a burst ability to burst down divers and a lunge to get away. Where Widow only has her grappling hook. She is supposed to be weak in mid-close range.

His weakness should be range, which it isn’t at the moment. He’s doing Widows, McCrees and Reapers job all in one.


Wraxu wants Storm Arrow to be more of a Tracer buster, so he’d rather have fewer arrows but higher damage. That means 1 head-shot or 2 body-shots will kill her, and the lower arrow count doesn’t matter as much since he’s not going to get 5 shots off against a Tracer regardless.

So it would probably be more of a buff to reduce the arrow count by 1 but upping the damage to compensate. The leap cooldown increase would really only have an impact on his level of play, and even there it would probably still just be a smaller impact.

Nope I disagree, he is a sniper he should suffer no matter what in close range. That’s why he has high brust damage which is understandable, but now he has extra horizontal mobility so even high mobile hero will suffer against him, and no tracer, dca and genji are trash in comparison to hanzo’s output and even at dueling him. Not even close to viable. Just like Widowmaker, she has the same as hanzo’s Damage potential combined with 1 mobility ability on 10 seconds cooldown, that’s exactly balanced because she has to position herself well to avoid being dove and forced to use her grapple But hanzo is way more unpredictable, he can work as genji or widowmaker at the same time with a huge brust damage which is supid design indeed


We all know that Storm Arrow is busted.

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