#1 Hanzo ( Wraxu) asking for hanzo nerfs

I will test her once i get back to home.

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Remember they allowed Mercy and Junkrat stayed broken for 6 months

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Tracer full mag in the head…isnt 1 hit plus not many can do it. Bastion 1 bullet does not 1 hit you

2 abilities not 1 hit…plus you can survive it most of the time.

Literal being outplayed if that happens to you if a soilder getst that

None of those are hit kos… what are you talking about.


hanzo is a joke. wraxu is right, 3-4 arrows would be balanced.

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For the sake of discussing game balance, I consider instakill combos and big burst abilities the same thing. Just because something like Soldier combo requires pressing two buttons instead of one don’t make it conceptually different because the end result is the same: One dead enemy that had no time to react.

Tracer burst is 240 damage in one second with bodyshots. Bastion burst is 525 damage in one second. They go fast enough that most players just don’t have enough time to 1) notice they are being hit, 2) notice that its a tracer/bastion hitting them, and 3) react in time with something that allow them to survive the burst damage.

Yes but here you are assuming that tracer and solider would land 100% of their mag on the target which is also impossible to happen by a human being, and you can heal a tagret and save them from tracer, soldier and mccree damage or even react and kill them but hanzo does insta kill so there is no way to counter it. It’s all up to hanzo’s aim and not you, if he can aim good you will die

Spamming storm arrows on a close target doesn’t even need great aiming skills, just do it. Most victims cannot do much against such a barrage, or dodge it.

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okay that’s a better understanding, but you have to remember this is Blizz model. They do it in Arena in WoW, Hots, Hearthstone and Starcraft. If people actual played more than just OW and been with blizz for more than 1 year. You really shouldn’t be surprised with the balancing and broken abilities in this game.

My guess is it would compensation for getting less damage overall because of less arrows. In saying that, 80 would bring back one shotting Tracer who is supposed to counter the snipers…

In WoW’s arena DPS do crazy damage because they are the only source of Damage, healers in WoW are just heales they don’t have the ability to do damage like zen and Ana for example and that’s okay in WoW, because the game has to be balanced for pvp anc pve and there are so many classes and specs but in OW it’s a pure pvp game with 28 heroes so no excuses to balance it

As a McCree main, I can tell you that this rarely leads to a kill unless you can isolate someone and get close enough to land all of the rng without them being healed or shielded in the process.

It has the potential to but it rarely ever works above gold/plat.

I guess you weren’t in Arena with Holy Pally with Prot armor, or Monk/Dk meta where monk where 1 hitting everyone and full heals nonstop. Or when resto sham in BC could hero and LB spam. This is nothing new man.

In BC yeah and in Vanilla rets would 1 shot a world boss but I’m talking about now, nothing of this exists

You’re right, but it took them 12 years though. That’s my point. It’s nothing new with Blizzard, their notorious balancing issues.

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Yep. Fight broken with broken. Not a new strategy, that was the balancing strategy in TF2 for a while as well. I think it’s still the strategy on DOTA2 balance (I have some friends that complain about that, I don’t play dota myself).

My point is mostly that if you start complaining about instakill abilities, you can’t cry only about one single instakill ability. So, just learn to deal with the cards we have in hand.

I would personally like to see Blizz step-up on releasing new heroes to create more diverse metas than endlessly trying to tweak the small pool of heroes everyone actually plays…

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Wow can you imagine a widow ult that let you fire 6 max charge shots with no cooldown? TEAM KILL!

WAS Sounds like he’s salty that other people are playing Hanzo.


they play him becaus Hanzo is op not because anything else, I’m not a hanzo main and i barley plaed hazo prerework and i can carry with him in high plat and diamond on my main

Nah, Machine gun Hanzo is just OP.