1 day until Doom’s Day

Ahh well this is where you are ignorant. Allow me to educate you - seems the air is quite thin up there in your lofty tower of infinite skill.

There was a specific bronze 5 bug and that was addressed with SR boosts to affected players.

Not sure what that has to do with me though, particularly as I won all my games until I hit high plat and maintained a high win rate when I wasnt forced to switch.

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Seeing career high plats in my games has ruined the integrity or value of climbing in this game.

All you gotta do is watch one of them sick ZBRA montages to see doom has a lot of potential

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Another hypothesis is that you might not be as good at OW2 as you were in OW1.

Excuse me, I’m sometimes so metal :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m ranked higher than I was in ow1…
:man_shrugging:t3: It’s ok congrats on climbing I just don’t see you or any other plat player as a masters player.

Holly, this conversation is gold (pun intended). Been a while since I last saw someone who appreciates the smell of their own fart as much.


Yes but you are amongst the peasants like myself now.

How unfortunate.

Luckily an objective data-driven system matters more than your opinion of how you rank.

Believe me, I know gold. I lived there for years.


True chads don’t ask for buffs. They simply ask not for trash talking or reporting them, when we do their thing.

No you haven’t! I just didn’t see you as gold, so it doesn’t count.

You got me. I actually started OW1 season 2 in Bronze as my first FPS.

Didn’t know Tracer took a lot so thought I’d main her. Then Sombra came out and ran around in invis a lot but didn’t do much.

Honestly it took launch Brig before I was mid gold.

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Ah yes their objective data is so correct! I love having hard stuck plat players in my game going 8 and 23! They definitely deserve to be in this rank…

Well unfortunately for you, the match making is so bad that I was getting t500 players in diamond.

Either way, you are stuck with us now.

But since you are 100% genuine, 24 carat Masters, you should be able to carry :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yikes, either you hate doom so much or you have never played with or against doom

Chubby confirmed literally plat but got boosted to masters :rofl:

:man_shrugging:t3: Hard stuck gold in ow1, masters in ow2. Refuses to acknowledge multiple other boosted players like yourself…
Nice one.

Both of my accounts have been masters for 10+ seasons now on multiple roles and Jasonbent has peaked gm.
It’s ok to admit there’s a matchmaking problem, it’s pretty clear to see when you have players going 4 and 15 or 8 and 23 in 15 min long games.
You check their profile and what do you know they were plat in the last season of ow1! Who could have seen that coming…
Congratulations to the guy on climbing from gold to masters, all I’m saying is I don’t see him as a masters player after seeing all these career high hard stuck plat players in masters ow2 games.
Waiting on you to randomly bring up toast since you’re obsessed with him.

Ahh I remember you!!!

It’s so nice to see you talk try to talk like a grown up!

You can have masters all to yourself - you deserve little buddy :slightly_smiling_face:

Now go get ‘em and carry us all!

But it seems like you still have trouble reading…

Make sure you go university :slightly_smiling_face:

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Who wouldn’t be :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::weary::weary::weary:


What I learned from this thread is a certain doom player has a massive ego.

Masters is a terrible rank
If you truly think you’re masters it shouldn’t matter what I think :slight_smile: