1-1-4 Role Queue

Why doesn’t the game do 1-4-1 and just balance the tanks and healers to be geared toward solo healing and tanking to accommodate more DPS players? like buff the crap outta the tanks and healers and let the people have their dps in order to keep queue times down for everybody. just outta curiosity since the DPS is a larger portion of the community and most MMORPG use 1-1-4 for parties?

Edit 1:
TLDR: The answer to why not is PAPA JEFF said so. No further questions.


People already complain that tanks are better at damage than damage heroes and support power creep makes everything live forever. Buffing them will just fuel these old arguments.

Also solo tank/support is frustrating and stressful to play. I will keep the 2-2-2 format we are getting.


We are not im MMORPG game, at least thats the reason why im still here.
Also its for how frustrating it is to solo tank/heal, and to not make this roles to op without 2 2 2, what aslo still gona be part of this game.

I dont like role lock myself, but role lock to 1 4 1 would be even worse.

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My first thought is when you have some AoE healers and some that aren’t, one group is going to become 100% useless no matter what.

Either the AoE’s will be more than enough to keep a team alive and there’s no point in solo targets, or AoE is dispersed too much and you might as well just keep individual teammates up rather than failing to keep them all.

At least with how things are now, there’s always been a pretty solid mix between the two playstyles, which lets their utility shine through over their solid heal potential.

That’s because it’s PvE. Tanks in MMORPG’s can just press a single button to get all aggro focused onto them, and then the healers just need to focus on keeping that single tank alive.

In an actual PvP scenario, everything is much more spread out and a lot less predictable than hard coded AI.


I’m not saying Role lock as it is now but after re balancing the tanks and healers since as they are they aren’t really designed for solo tanking or healing. and I use MMORPG because those influences are what makes this game so different from other FPS games especially with the tanks and blizzards history. those party make ups were refined for years and settled into 1-1-4 because of efficiency and player demographics, I would argue the only reason overwatch doesn’t have a similar system is because of the lack of role lock prior to now causing them to balance healing and tanking differently than other games with the role lock and the current player base demographic it just makes since for 1-1-4 since it is a game and people should be able to play how they want (DPS), I don’t mind 2-2-2 but I was curious why they choose 2-2-2 despite their player demographics and the balance changes they need to make regardless.

How about 2/3/2? Increase the roster by one, and still have a backup for the necessities. I haven’t been on board for this until now, but I see it, it makes sense.

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I hate 1-1-4 because I don’t want to be Mercy.

with more room for DPS you wouldn’t have to be mercy with role lock nobody is going into a game with a position they don’t want but there are more DPS players so why not make the game reflect it, it’d be a lot of work to balance it is the answer but it still would make the most sense considering player demographics. if you lock roles at a limited number you have more choices in balancing the game is all I’m really saying, if there’s a limit of one tank and one healer they can afford to be more powerful than the 4 DPS. I’m kinda inspired, if I’m not to lazy maybe I’ll try to create it in workshop and see how they might balance it.

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Do you play supports on a regular basis? Do you have any idea how much of a nightmare that would be as a solo healer, every single game? How much toxicity you’d get? How exactly would you balance the supports so any of the “off healers” are viable or so that we don’t end up with only one viable healer?

This sounds like a dps main who wants faster queue times at the expense of everyone else’s enjoyment of the game. I get it, longer queues are going to suck, but I’m not willing to solo heal in what would be a ridiculous toxicity fest of 4 spread out Hanzo, widow, genji, pharah (for example) while they all scream over the mic that they need healing to accommodate faster queues for the dps, sorry.


TF2 is a good example of a game balanced more toward 1-1-4 (not role locked) and this games spiritual predecessor, and it was PVP.
I’m a Flex main so calm yourself, I mostly play tank and support, but it’s a game with majority DPS players so why do you think that representing them is going to be at your expense, that’s why I suggested buffs for tanks and healer (I’ve also posted before about adding Need tank to voice wheel).
Why are you getting so bent outta shape. I would say increase their healing for AoE and create lingering healing and increase movement for focus base healers and increase shield and health for shield tanks, reduced cooldowns and maybe an ability to pull damage or share damage with your team depending on the “off” tank since they’d need to be rebalanced to main tanks in the most over arching terms I’m sure more would need to be done but that’s why it’s balancing and not a fix, you tweak it till it’s right.

I feel like with 1 tank 1 support base, the max character should be 4 or 5 then, like a moba or something. It would seem less stressful of a role for those roles.

Hello again :stuck_out_tongue:

I would hate that to be honest, being the solo tank, even if they were compensated to do their job better, puts too much stress on the solo tank, and forces them to play perfectly and they never get to do ANYTHING but that, meaning we do a job so the others can have fun, and I’m not for that idea at all.

And also the same for solo healers, they would have to constantly just do that job, and especially on defense this becomes a problem, because when your solo tank or solo healer dies, you are forced to give up point, or you are forced to fight on point, wipe, and that would screw up the defense/attack 50/50 win rate they strive to balance maps for, everything would be attacker favored and that is a big problem.


I was saying on another thread they could do it for a new map type where you defend an objective with a shared health pool or something like that (now that I think about it that’s literally Junkenstien’s revenge), or maybe a Battlefront 2 type map with multiple capture points that you can recapture and who ever holds the most at the end wins. It’s not like they couldn’t do with some new official modes in rotation.

Yeah I’d like to see new competitive modes added, but for that, they would have to change the balance of a hero to a different hero entirely in a single mode, and I don’t like the idea of having to master two different versions of the same hero based on game type, and still, it has the obvious issue of even being balanced, but it still wouldn’t be fun to be the solo healer or tank because you are forced to do the job of ONLY mitigating damage, or ONLY healing with no downtime to actually get to have any fun for yourself, regardless of how it’s balanced it would still be the problem.

But again, I am for all new modes to be added to the regular competitive playlist, AS LONG AS ITS NOT A FRIGGEN VARIANT OF 2CP. >:c

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Well the BF2 style mode would be fine in comp but the double junkenstien mode might only be good for arcade.

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idk if this has been posted yet but:


Jeff specifically addressed this in a video, actually. Can’t remember exactly what was said though…

No. People already complain about tanks being so strong. Having one tank be able to stand up to 4 DPS would be more like boss mode.

Either way, solo tanking and solo healing is not fun. Why do DPS expect everything in the game to cater to them?

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Solo healing and tanking blows.


Am I the only one that enjoy’s the occasional solo heal?