1-1-4 Role Queue

No, but I think less than 50% of supports enjoy solo healing.

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I agree, the best meta is 4 dps 1T 1healer, just because they’ve created more damage dealers in thier roster it has to be meta. And ppl addapt for it. It is so fun to play 4dps+hamm+mercy. I gonna miss this chaos, where those stupid op orisa+hog with thier imba halt+hook are scattered at every corner and booped away bc of no skill set in those heroes, and thier backline can’t comfortly faceroll anymore. **** the structure in this game, it is boring.

What about 2/3/2? That would accommodate more DPS players while still having backups for the tanks & healers.

I wouldn’t want 1-1-4 as is but I keep getting that it would be too stressful which I understand since it’s a game, you want to have fun not be stress I just feel like the 2-2-2 role queue is going to give DPS a louder voice when they call for nerfs and a lot of the character changes that are going to come in the future to balance the game for 2-2-2 are going to suck especially since double sniper, dive and bunker are likely going to be back.

I’ll take it but only if Moira gets

  • 500 health
  • Higher damage/healing
  • 3 second fade

So I can be invincible and kill all the DPS


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Seems people have forgotten but Overwatch was unique in that healers AND tanks could do significant enough damage so they could contribute damage to the overall team. Unfortunately that’s not good enough for a minority of very loud players who are now championing the loss of freedom of choice.

The devs tested this internally.

They hated it- and I do too for the same reasons.

Problem with being a single tank/healer is that if you die- your team crumbles right afterward. It puts ALL the tanking or healing pressure on one person, and it’s not fun.


2/3/2 could work but adding the additional person into a match might do all kinds of weird things to the meta can you imagine orisa, zarya, baptiste, mercy, torb, bastion, mei as a bunker comp, shield, bubble, wall, lamp all the while damage, damage, damage :fearful:
shudders in gold comp

Deal I’m a Flex main with a focus on Heal and tank, we’ll watch them scurry but only if tanks get complete CC immunity across the board

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This is going to ruin every single other mode.

Is 2-2-2 not going to be enforce in mystery hero’s, low gravity, or mayhem?
or not mayhem but in the other two?

Nope. Just QP and Competetive (and we’re getting ‘classic qp’ as an arcade mode, woo ;-; )

I was thinking they’d enforce it in mayhem and the others except no limit and mystery heroes like they did with the hero limit, this was sorta based on that idea but arcade has never been very balanced (mayhem CC is outta control)
still glad they aren’t changing it.

Keep. 2/2/2. Out. Of. My. Mayhem.

Better yet had no limits to mayhem.:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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The unkillable Zarya 6 stacks, Jesus Christ…

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I did a custom match with some friends and they all went lucio and juggled me into the void. I didn’t touch the ground I just died:sob:

Buffing the tank or the support would make the issues worse not better.

If you lose and the most powerful person on the team is the support/tank that only one exists then that player will get the blame.

If the tank/support is the most powerful individual this can also produce situations where they get ganged up on heavily which depending on the games design can be quite annoying.

If you want to reduce the need for tanks/supports you’d nerf them rather than buff them.

A competent Lúcio can juggle you to the void on his own, I can’t imagine what 6 could look like, :shiver:

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Weird things are okay if it’s in the right direction of adaptation for an overall better gaming experience.

This would allow for more DPS players, while still having the crucial backup for tanks and supports that keep teamfights going & pushing. Balance changes would be an obvious, but the 2/3/2 model would address the fact that OW has an abundance of DPS players in comparison to tank/support players.

You aren’t reducing the need you’d be increasing their ability to absorb damage and solo tank, I think somewhere I suggested an ability to pull damage away from teammates, their are other games that use similar game types like the (can’t spell) Juggernaut mode from halo or TF2 where one player is more tanky then all the rest by a wide margin. I know it’s not likely to happen and I understand that the balance changes and the reworking of kits are too difficult to really manage on a game that’s already released. Also any type of game can be balanced that they can balance it to make it fun was never in question, the question is more about why they went in the direction they did despite player demographics.