1.0 Mercy is unhealthy

Here is a better video,

Neither were/are healthy. Undoing picks is a different scale than getting them, and being the only hero who can do it is always going to be questionable because it’s a buttload of versatile utility.

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6 invulnerable enemies on the point (for a very short time) all with ults unless that team sucks absolutely is going to win most of the time.

omg I love that video.

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Which is why it shouldn’t be a common ability on a static CD :stuck_out_tongue:

She was a F tier pick before because of her lack of utility.

Sameeee. The carrot devs really ought to learn something from it.

A bunch of these are just bad rezzes and movement into traps. I don’t really get it

Yes, and I advocate for removing it hahaha

It wasn’t her lack of utility; she’s always had damage boost and that’s still more than Moira has ever offered.

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Think her utility was particularly low though because of her absence of an e ability.

Exactly, which they could have given her damage reduction on an E and no invul while rezzing, tying her E into her ult. Also, Moira does damage which Mercy does not and also has burst healing.

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Her fast charging ult had utility and she still had damage boost… Which is still more than Moira and Moira has an E. The problem wasn’t that Ana had more utility than her; she also had way more healing, way more damage, movement speed on nano, and antinade. I can’t remember if it had a bigger radius, did more damage, or had a lower cooldown at the time, too. I think it was a combo of them

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Except previously, Mercy only ever had heals, dmgb, GA and Resurrect. Imo, her kit was lacking which then explains why her only use in pro tournaments back then was to pocket a Pharah.

Mercy had the same amount of abilities than Moira does now but with more variety. For all intents and purposes, damage boost could have been on E and shooty gun could have been on right click and you can see now that launch mercy still had, essentially, an E. Damage boost is a separate ability than her heal even though it’s channeled the same way, much like discord and harmony orb. That’s why she didn’t have an E at launch.

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Without res Mercy would be meaningless, why would you pick a hero that require your teammate to actively spend resources on you in order to keep you alive over someone who can simply kill or walkaway from whoever coming for you. We want mercy to be in a better and more reasonable spot not the bin, I am no Mercy main cause I suck at her but I definitely want seeing her around, well I like Mercy mains.

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Yeah but if the only think you can do as Mercy is heal whereas Moira can do equal parts damage, then it makes sense that Mercy’s kit, in particular, is lacking. Also, I think to compensate for the lack of damage, they gave her damage boost.

  1. Falls in line with her pacifist nature.
  2. Makes her kit less stale and boring. I personally would not want to heal for the entirety of the game.

This current Mercy isnt good either. She out works all the healers, and has been nerfed 10 times, and a 11th on the way. More are going to come cause rez on cooldown wont work. Rez needs to be a ult some way.

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It’s not really equal parts damage, but utility is non-damage, non-healing, non-mobility… Capability. Moira has none of it. Mercy has more of it than Ana, too. The only thing you can do as Mercy isn’t just healing. You can damage boost, you can juke, you (could) rez. It isn’t really lacking anything–you said it yourself: damage boost compensates for the lack of direct damage.

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Moira can kill. 20 char

Weirdly, all the buffs to her are unjustifiable then (invul buff).

It seems to me the justification was that they were trying to bring mercy to Ana’s level then later realized that it was a bad idea to allow that power creep

Can’t quote your name bc it has a bad word in it. anyway
Mercy has a gun. But she doesn’t have to most of the time; her escape is generally reliable

Or it was because of ”Suicide Res”. Now it’s a matter of choosing.