1.0 Mercy is unhealthy

You know what the other differences between Mass Resurrect and those ults are? Well two huge ones.

  1. By the very nature of Resurrect, the more value you are getting out of it the less teammates there are alive to help you get your ult off. If McCree wants a bubble or DVa to cover him with a DM he can probably get it. If old Mercy asked for that… well there’s a reasonably good chance that Zarya/DVa are already dead.
  2. Those 3 offensive ults can win points and win games. The way Overtime is set up guarantees that there is not and can never be a defensive ult in the entire game that can win a teamfight or a point or game. Now it can save a fight… but not win it. That’s why Defensive Ults can have better raw numbers without feeling overpowered.
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One team will have a Hanzo and Zarya and the other will not. Who do You think is going to win the game?

Also, old Mercy has already been proven to be less powerful than current Mercy. There goes your argument…


Single resurrect imo.

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This is a huge over simplification lol also current meta + Hammond would shut down old mercy and with the los fixes and a cast time Hammond would have a reason to exist.

It’s funny because Mercy was a troll pick for the longest time with mass rez.

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What a surprise. Jk, just am not seeing what’s so good about current Mercy. She has a fantastic ultimate in the form of a static CD ability.


Guys right now it’s just opinion, who cares.

No body is going to sway anyone.

Opinions will be opinions👌

This post is a great example of the sheer ignorance of mass res, did you happen to read or watch just about anything on these forums regarding it beyond the first sentence?

Mass res had flaws yes, it was annoying yes, but they were things that could easily be fixed with LOS checks, small cast time, not being able to fly to dead bodies or allows enemies to see dead bodies to predict where she will fly, increased ultimate cost. SO MANY THINGS but instead we got this rework with 10th and incoming 11th nerf which most likely will change nothing where Mercy has not only ruled the support meta but the entire meta of the game for almost a year.

As far as I am concerned the removal of res as an ability is a matter for the HEALTH of the game NOT for Mercy and Mercy players.

I am a Mercy main and I am sick of Mercy, sick of everyone yelling at me to play her when I don’t feel like it, enough is enough.


This entire post’s purpose is too sway those who have clashing opinions with the OP about Mercy :stuck_out_tongue: .

Her ult can win just about anything without a combo. Also did I mention it didn’t have LoS restrictions?

Current Mercy is bad, but so was old Mercy. You can’t just slap LOS and a cast time and call it a day. I’m pretty sure blizzard tried that internally and it didn’t pan out how they wanted it to.

Single resurrect can be balanced, but Blizzard doesn’t want to test things for whatever reason. Give her single resurrect a fill-up meter like Torbjorn for all I care that way she can’t resurrect before every team fight.


No he was just posting his opinion, he clearly said take for what you will👌

But hey who cares😂

I’m heading out anyway.

Nice to meet you Arceus🤗

One has clearly proven to be worse than the other. I’ll let you figure that one out on your own.

But they ended up giving her a cast time for the current iteration of Mercy? It doesn’t add up.

Blizzard has said that they are intentionally avoiding doing stuff like that. As for the reasoning behind it, who knows?

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Hi babes, add me on kik, Rainbowdash6666

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I’m on Xbox sadly, but thanks for the offer👌

Actually it couldn’t. At least not directly. The overtime mechanics literally makes it so if you or your team can’t kill your opponents, you will. Not. Win. Period.
Doesn’t matter how many times you resurrect your team.

Career profile :stuck_out_tongue: .
Check it :stuck_out_tongue: .

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I just watched a video online recently when the enemy Mercy flew in the middle of the team and res’d 3 people, the other team stomped them and took the point with no ults. Funny how mass res worked…

Oh my, I feel like an idiot👌

I will friend you, thank you😁

No. Mercy 1.0 was much healthier, more fun and would have been way easier to balance.