1.0 Mercy is unhealthy

Just rework her again at this point. Get rid of valk and rez and replace them.

I also think the impact and how overrall ults are managed in Overwatch is un healthy. But that’s just me.

If by pre-thinking you mean shouting at your team to commit suicide on the point then yes, it took a lot :laughing: Before someone comes and tell me it didn’t happen often, it did. It happened almost every game we had a Mercy. “Die on point!”


Also, this point is absolutely ridiculous. Dying as a main healer is not good in general. Mass ress or not. Essentially, what you’re saying is, ”current Mercy is good because when you die, it won’t mean as much” which goes to show how incompetent you are being.

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I would say that was only true for higher levels of play.

The middle and lower levels, you could use res without thinking just fine.

One reason I didn’t like it.

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Then there’s current Valkyrie! Ever screw up using that pathetic excuse of an ultimate?

Mercy is a must pick in all ranks now though 0.0 .

Oh I have no doubt.

I’m not disagreeing👌

I just don’t want the old one either.

That’s just me😁

Fair enough. I, for one, want mass Resurrect to return with changes such as a short cast time and LoS fix.


Jelly you said it yourself, middle and lower levels. Those are the same people that cry old sym, bastion, and torb are OP. They are being punished for not learning how to play the game i.e. focus the supports first and you wont have any problems. That being said old Mercy’s kit skill wise didn’t translate very well to high ranks unless you absolutely knew what you were doing. Because mechanical skill is higher up there you would never be awarded time to get a 5 man, pre-invul mind you. That was her core weakness. She was dead weight without her team, hence her Mass Rez ult. Mercy is only as valuable as her living teammates so she had an ult that would bring them back so she can continue having that value.


Oi, I never said current iteration of mercy was good either. ;-;

Which then begs the question, which one is better and easier to balance?

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1.0 would be overall easier to balance and more fun to play and play against once its finally balanced correctly.


Very true. But I should have been more clear.

I meant very very high levels of play.

Let’s just say, Jelly is not a huge fan of current mercy, but I really don’t like her old one.

Ask any support player that is not a mercy main and see if they did prefer the current Mercy than the old one. Dude, even if there were any problems with the hiding, it was something of a past and I don’t see it would still be one in the current meta.

Res on an ability is straight too powerful. Indeed it was more so when it was an ult but you have to charge it. Good mercy can rank up because they know how to stay alive and charge their ult. Also that in fact, because it was an ult it encourages the player to heal until the point they get their ult, meanwhile she was extremely vulnerable.

People really don’t like people who are less mechanically skilled been on the rank they are as far as I see, but too bad this is not a FPS game and not even a deathmatch game, and so far Blizzard has absolutely no intention to make it one.

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Niche Mercy over must pick Mercy any day :stuck_out_tongue:

Single, interruptible res over mass res anyday.


Res is what gets me

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Hun, does it look like this one wants a bloated rework?

  • 1 second cast time
  • LoS fix
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Please do some research before you say anything about Hide and rez. This was a tactic people used in order to game the sr system and was an in-optimal way to play Mercy, and now that performance based sr, it doesn’t matter anyway.


One team can Rez 5 people at once, and one team can’t, who is gonna win the game? Mass Rez will make Mercy even more of a must pick.

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Did you just call me hun?

Lol, had to say that lol😂

I will take that I guess.

Would still prefer another rework. Something to change her up. Just my opinion.

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