šŸ•Š Maybe just give Mercy 60hps

Ye beacuse believe it or not, when a healer contributes 325 damage and less than 2 elims, I expect them to have enough healing to mitigate sacrificing all this damage and yet she is 4th in terms of healing. Itā€™s almost like I used my brain and determined that Mercys average healing numbers are not enough compensation for missing out on 8k extra damage per game. SHOCKING


Yes, but you donā€™t understand how balance works. There are more variables than just elims and healing output. You must not be blind to those variables.

Whist I do wish that list had average resurrections and average damage boosted listed, it is a good synopsis of why Mercy, supposed to be the best healer (as Ryan mentioned) Is getting completely out-performed.


No, YOU donā€™t and itā€™s been made very clear on here. Idk how someone who is plat border can have such little understanding of this game or balance. Itā€™s blowing my mind right now.


Thatā€™s just noise. What Iā€™m saying actually means something. What youā€™re saying is just you being angry and trying to insult me. :yum:

Iā€™m not angry Iā€™m dumbfounded at the sheer lack of understanding of this game.

Iā€™m glad I have pro players who share my opinion or Iā€™d think I was going insane with how some people refuse to accept reality on here.


Theyā€™re trolling, I think. Thatā€™s the only reason I could think someone was being so daft.


also LOL yeah that 53% winrate on Mercy is just sooo good! So good itā€™s only the second lowest LOL


She also has the least objective time which is directly related to how much she contests points, she has the least deaths that is the one stat where she shines and yet despite the fact that she lives longer than Ana, Moira and Baptiste contributes less damage and healing than them during a course of a match and as posted above she has been statistically the bottom 2 support for the last 2 years and only saw a resurgence this month with Echo and hero bans.

Oh would you look at that


Man Bap and Mercy need some helpā€¦

Though happy to see Zen back up!


We have a better moth now anyway, with a skin to match! Echo is crowned Moth queen now!


The sad part is Echo doesnā€™t even make Mercy meta :sob: I thought she would bc she did in comp last week but then I realized it was only because Mcree, Widow, Rein, and Brig were all banned that week. In the Flash Ops tournament the OWL/contenders/top teams didnā€™t use Mercy once even though you had to have Echo every game, because there were no hero bans artificially creating a meta.


Also SWEET JESUS, someone make Baps boots charge faster and buff the healing grenade fire rate or travel speed cuz that is just SAD.


On top of this Mercy needs to be a main healer because she has very little synergy with any of the main healers. She does, or at least did, have synergy with the off-healers.

Being unable to run with Zen hurts both her and diveā€™s viability.


I think he needs his gun nerf reverted as well tbh. Having him bring valuable damage is a good thing and it was pretty high skill.


Because they design Echo to be self-sufficientā€¦and to think there were doomsayers about a new Mercy Meta on the rise with Echoā€™s release.


All hail the new Moth Queen, Echo!


Hey I can get behind that. Moth skin is cute and the color palette is pretty pleasing.


What are your thoughts on providing that extra HPS in the form of a lingering HoT on the target? I would like this a lot personally. The healing-juggling of managing health pools would be made a tad less tedious knowing the person I had to stop healing, to keep someone else alive, is still getting something after Iā€™ve swapped the beam onto someone else.

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Think this might help the pocketing issue, and might finally break up the PharaMercy combination since Pharah could have some agency with the lingering heal affect.

(No joke had a friend in a Discord bring this up like last week )