šŸ•Š Maybe just give Mercy 60hps

People pointing out Mercy has a couple of okay stats.


Lmao love that gif!!

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An interesting sidenote: I just started perusing the forums a couple days ago, and was intrigued to discover that other mercy mains have also been feeling like their primary use is pocketing. Iā€™d been feeling pressured into it more and more recently, and itā€™sā€¦ relieving? to see other people experiencing the same. well, relieving and depressing at the same time really


Itā€™s just the optimal way to play her now, sadly. If you donā€™t have a Pharah/Ashe on your team to pocket thereā€™s usually not a good reason to play Mercy over any other support.

If I play her and am not constantly pocketing my DPS I get yelled at by my team in comp. Itā€™s frankly boring to stare at the back of a DPSā€™s character model while you right click them all game. I really, really miss being able to play her as a main support dashing around wildly all match having fun with mobility.

Now I feel chained to a DPS all game, literally.


Winrate is not a good statistic to measure balance at all rofl. Itā€™s so easily skewed.


She still has a pretty good pickrate/winrate so she must have something other supports donā€™t. She can damage boost which is pretty big for her now that Ashe is much better. Sheā€™s also far more mobile than any other support. I donā€™t see a reason she needs to be buffed since sheā€™s balanced rn.

I still want fundamental changes to how Valkryie works.

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I call it MDS (Moth Derangment Syndrome) aka Blonde Lady Bad. Its still very much alive and well, and imo made the devs scared to do or say anything in light of mercy


I would start with 55 firstā€¦ Lets slowly increase it and see how it goes. Thatā€™s better then going to 60 then realizing that to much and having to drop it back down.

Iā€™d be fine with this but Blizzardā€™s version ā€œslowlyā€ increase would probably involve a whole two years of ramping up her heals. :sob:


Sheā€™s skewed by Echo, Ashe, Pharah, and Widow. Thatā€™s literally it. Itā€™s like saying Bastion is good because he has decent stats in an Orisa meta.

She should be more than a battery pack for four heroes


Nah, just put it back to 60 and if thatā€™s too much then put it to 55. Itā€™d be much harder to convince people that 55 is still not enough than to convince people that 60 is too much. Itā€™s already hard enough to convince people Mercy needs any kind of buff at all.

So try 60. Leave it for a few weeks. If she suddenly becomes OP (which she wonā€™t), then nerf it to 55.

If it goes to 55 itā€™s never getting buffed again because people will say ā€œWell you got a buff just shut up and be happy sheā€™s fine nowā€ even if it doesnā€™t help her viability.

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If she became OP you nerf damage boost or Valkyrieā€™s duration imo

Idk if she became OP because of 60 HPS Iā€™d rather they nerf it to 55 and see if that makes her in the perfect spot. But I feel like sheā€™d still be too weak with 55 so idk


You mean the meta comp actually fits her and sheā€™s being played because of it? And thatā€™s somehow skewed her pickrate, how?

A hero who can fit in every single meta is busted which was the case with mercy being able to heal deathball comps better than burst healers. But a hero whoā€™s being played in the respective team comps they synergies with is skewed. Iā€™ve seen it all.

The one thing thatā€™s kept her relevant throughout every meta being able to pull out a pharmercy or sniper comp, in favor of being a heal bot in a game where everything dies through all the healing this game has to offer. Thatā€™s a quick way to make sure sheā€™s never played again.

She would be still to weak at 55. She needs to be able to keep up tanks so she can synergize with offhealers instead of competiting for them. Valkyrie is one of the longest ults in the game and damage boost was actually a big part of why she was meta before. I know several pros at the time wanted it nerfed and didnā€™t complain about her healing. So either of those seem like good spots to shave off.


No. I donā€™t mean that. I mean that sheā€™s not able to do anything unless with 4 specific heroes not unlike Bastion. Sheā€™d be the same regardless of who was meta. And it boosts her because it does not speak to her general viability.

No different than Genji being boosted by Ana.


Not even the fact that her viability hinges on 3 specific DPS heroes but also the fact that sheā€™s no longer viable as a main healer at all and needs to be played as a pocket bot off healer with one DPS all game is the root of the issue

Anyone who thinks itā€™s healthy that Mercy is only good pocketing a Pharah or Ashe is insane

Also love how the person arguing with you rn is an Ana-defender even tho Ana has a 17% pickrate this week Oop letā€™s not act like Ana isnā€™t pretty much viable in 90% of team comps rn but yeah Mercy canā€™t get buffed xd


So, you really do mean exactly that then? Her being played in team comps that compliment her is somehow a fault to you, because sheā€™s not ā€œgenerally viableā€ at all times. Absolutely no hero should be viable all the time.

She is not viable in any comp, she is viable only as Pharmercy, Mecho and Mashe. These are not comps, these are her dps synergies but she as a healer does not posses a comp she excels in on her own. A comp is dive or death ball or double barrier or bunker or something.