📓 Heroes that need changes

how dare you

fun is subjective uwu


No matter what the balance team does, they will never make every hero viable at once. There will always be “must pucks”. That doesn’t mean that they aren’t balanced. Rein and LĂșcio are both balanced. But because every other Tank in the game besides Zarya and D.va are pretty bad right now, Rein is “broken”. Because LĂșcio has his speed boost, he’s “broken”. I respect your opinion, and definitely understand why you believe these characters should receive nerfs. But in my opinion, I think they are in really good spots.

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LOL, OK. Why, cause you can’t hit him.

I’m pretty sure McCree will probably be receiving a nerf, and needs it.

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That is such a plat thought

There is literally no other reason to slow down his main unique utility outside that fact you want him to be easier to hit.

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The combo is too powerful.

I agree with a lot actually. But I feel like Mercy definitely doesn’t need a rework, Widow may be fine now (hard to tell), Ana needs a (rather slight) nerf, Mercy a tiny buff. Sym should probably just be left alone, reworks have already done so much damage.

The wall CD just needs to start when it’s broken not placed. Cause currently it has a 12 second CD but it starts when placed and it lasts for 3 seconds so it’s technically more like an 8s CD. IMO it doesn’t need an additional 3s.

No comment on her primary.

I’m not sure what started the Mercy rework movement lately, but I want no part of it.

Rework Bastion! :triumph:

It seems to me the answer is to single out Lucio and kill him and then it is not a problem.

sigma doesnt need buffs he needs nerfs though i prefer he would be removed from the game his kit is extemely over powered and he can pretty much hit u from every direction but rein however he could atleast use a damage nerf how hard he can hit is freaking crazy


Yeah, kind of

Completely subject, lots of people love playing her

Egh, only reason I agree with that is because she hard-counters a lot, but her hardcounters are comps, not heroes. But again, subjective.

She has no shield break or ability to burst even more, she has no utility besides her ult. She has a laughably ult, he has a strong one. She is weak against tanks, he is strong against them and has a one-shot.

He has two mobility options, she just one. But yeah, it might be a bit better.

Kind of true, except that Doom can still do something when the enemy is on point, and Widow often not. Also, she is stopped by shields, he is not.

Yeah, but he has multiple CCs, a better ult, better mobility, and also something to deal with tanks on top of that.

That’s something thrown around a lot, but I have yet to see any evidence or even sources for that. Like, I’ll believe that she was one of the reasons maybe at least sometimes, but saying the “single reason” when the synergy between the last Metas was so obviously strong, when the Meta heroes were strong on their own as well, etc., is absolutely laughable.

Like, you can hate Widow, but could you please not cherry pick things Widow does slightly better than others and leave out half of their kits? Can you please not parade one myth that has never had any back-up?

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I stop read when i dont see mcree on the nerf list.

This is why metas exist. The second a hero is meta, they’re suddenly “OP” and “broken”. The second a hero isn’t meta, they are “UP”, “weak” and “useless”

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I lied when it comes to Mercy

Well, not even the devs themselves who conceived the game years ago follow this balancing mindset, so therefore I really don’t think I have to explain how terrible it would be for a game designed like Overwatch

I would recommend adding Sombra and Symmetra to the buff list.

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