📓 Heroes that need changes

This is the only thing holding me back from actually suggesting it
 the player models.

But if we gave all Tanks steadfast, they’d at least be

So i guess i’d much rather see something tweaked such as limiters on mobility, enhancements on certain mobility, and an increase in gravity to all players
 and yes i said that.

Too often do i see Tanks like Reinhardt flying miles into the air, and doomfists abusing the skybox.

Oh, and let’s change D,Va while we’re at it.

Boosters and DM are now on the same resource, a much larger one, and infinite as long as it’s allowed to regen.


A good D,Va would know when to use more of one than the other, and would know how to get the best use out of it

A bad D,Va would abuse both, and be punished.

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Stop trying to nerf Rein and Lucio just because people like then and they’re fun, Rein is a tank that now get’s to actually tank some of the CC that’s always flying around. And Lucio is a support that supports his team through speedboost, it’s either useful or it’s garbage. If you want to see more Lucio competition, think of something to compete with speedboost instead of just making it less fun and impactful


Roadhog could very well be a dps, but he’s too big, and I’m not too sure how positive would the community reactions be to Roadhog being 50% smaller to fit into the roster. (no pun intended)

Some realistic properties in this game would be truly welcome, but we have a talking monkey and a giant hamster

Doesn’t sound bad, but imo it would be very hard to find a soft spot where the resources wouldn’t be too high nor too low for D.Va to comfortably use the abilities.

I love them both, I prefer this meta much much much more over double shield. Let’s be honest, though. Reinhardt is a little overtuned, and the LĂșcio nerf isn’t very drastic. It’s only to reduce the power a little, I find Reinhardt to be quite unstoppable while speed boosted.


Well let’s say she needs to burn DM to block a massive amount of damage, now you’ve basically given her a choice
 keep burning it and stay where she is, or take the chance of repositioning and having the resources enough to do so.

And if she does commit, she’s going to be juggling that meter
 which means she could easily have her DM faked out, and would give more chances to actually bypass it.

If she burns her boosters, she’d need to be careful of where she’s going, not just diving directly into fire with the full intent of staying there.

It would become up to her how to use her abilities
 either one would be strong if she committed to using more of it than the other, but that’s all up to the player.

Right now DM feels like a cooldown ability with extra flashy steps
 i’d like for it to almost always be available, with a cost.

Same as her boosters
 i’d love it if you could fly from one end of the map to the other
 but it would come at a clear cost.

A simple way to balance this interaction is

Make DM burn the resource much faster than the boosters.
With this in place, she could DM for a few longer seconds and burn it all, or boost for a while
 but using too much of one punishes use of the other.

(And by boost for a while, i mean like
 30 seconds of free flight.)

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This wouldn’t actually be that hard to recreate in the workshop. Let me get on that.

oh I forgot we can’t adjust DM and boosters duration
 ok this will be clunky (if it even works

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I also have a whole hero concept that i wish to someday create in the workshop

(And would love feedback on. >3>)

Sadly i’m horrible with the tool, and can’t even make basic changes.
In case you’re bored and interested in my ramblings:

[Hero Concept: "V" (Big read) đŸŠŸ]

fixed it for you, and now this is the only good change in the list, good job


Sorry,but I can’t say I agree with any of those changes.

Sigma: Probably needs a Brigitte style mini-rework instead.
Torb: I don’t know what he needs,but that’s definitely not it.
Baptiste: It would be better if his nerfs to IF and his primary fire were reverted.
Reinhardt: I’m not a Rein main,but 50% to 30% seems a bit much.
Mei: Primary fire nerf seems fair,but the Wall CD? Nope.
Widowmaker: Sure,increase ammo consumption,but revert her recent charge time nerf in return.
LĂșcio: I mean,sure,LĂșcio tends to be a staple in the meta,but he’s pretty balanced.

Reworks: Bastion is the only hero out of those three that needs one. Sym needs her double shield nerfs + infinite TP reverted and she’ll be fine. In my opinion, Mercy is fine and pretty balanced,so as the say saying goes “if it ain’t broke,don’t fix it”.


Turns out not being able to modify the duration of boosters is a much larger issue than anything when trying to bring this D.va idea to life.

also the freaking inconsistencies
 it’s impossible to change the cooldown of DM, but possible with other abilities

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Widow should have to reload after each shot, with a longer reload, and not be hit scan. You know, how more competent FPS balance sniper rifles.

I agree mercy needs a rework but i think blizzard wants her to be a pocket healer, but here’s what I suggested:


  • during resurrect, mercy takes 20%-50% more damage
    (basically zen’s discord effect)
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I agree with a change to Lucio, maybe a slight nerf to his speed boost is needed to stop making him a regular must pick.

Interesting fact: I used to be a Lucio main (40+ hours) when the game first came out he was a must pick also, and his amp actually increased his speed by 100% (I think they nerfed it down to 70-80% or something like that, I can’t remember because it’s been so long)

Reinhardt nerf is a fat flipping no

He was legit unbearable to play with 30% steadfest. and steadfest is not the problem
So no thanks

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As someone who put up with 18+ seasons of Reinhardt getting out CC’d by a LUCIO, I am happy with even a 20% resistance. 30 is fine, and 50 is too much.

She has been the most oppressive, boring, and poorly designed hero since launch.
She has the sheer space control of Doomfist, without the giant hitbox and range limits.
She has the high power range of Hanzo, with no projectile, and generally better mobility.

She has been the single reason why some metas exist in the first place.

We, as a collective playerbase, hate Widow.

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I put up the same amount of time and I can tell you getting cced 10m away because there team used one cc ability to push me away, when my team used alot of there resources to just get me there is not fair and it is UNBEARABLE TO PLAY

Rein does not need nerfs he is perfectly balanced what is needed is better balancing of other tanks

Nerfing steadfast would make him trash tier the truth is tanks should not be able to be CC’d as far as a soldier who is half there size if people want that nerfed then make it so being for for example take size into account then

Widow is in a fine spot I think. I used to play her a lot, and the nerf she got definitely made her feel weird, but it was needed. LĂșcio, does not need to be nerfed. He’s arguably one of the most balanced heroes in the game.

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He’s nearly a mustpick. That’s not balanced.

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I would add Dva as well, but sure.

No, except Bastion.

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