đź““ Heroes that need changes

Based on OWL statistics and own experience ranging from masters to top500.


  • Sigma
  • Torbjörn
  • Baptiste



  • Gravitic Flux
    • Lift duration decreased from 1 to 0.8 seconds


  • Rivet Gun (Primary fire)
    • Projectiles are no longer affected by gravity


  • Biotic Launcher (Secondary fire)
    • Area of effect increased from 3 to 3.5 meters


  • Reinhardt
  • Mei
  • Widowmaker
  • LĂşcio



  • Steadfast
    • Effect reduced from 50% to 30%


  • Endothermic Blaster (Primary fire)
    • Now can pierce only through 1 target
  • Ice Wall
    • Cooldown increased from 10 to 15 seconds


  • Widow’s Kiss (Secondary fire)
    • Time to fully charge scoped shots increased from 0.9 to 1.2 seconds
    • Ammo consumption per shot increased from 3 to 5


  • Amp It Up
    • Movement speed buff decreased from 60% to 50%


  • Bastion
  • Mercy
  • Symmetra


I really don’t have any specific changes to suggest. I would like to see changes made to Bastion so he requires less babysitting, for Mercy to not be a pocket healer. And something new for Symmetra, she’s a mess.


Sigma buff is ok.
Torb doesn’t need a buff right now.
Baptiste needs a buff that isn’t this, possibly a revert of any of the recent nerfs.
Rein nerf is ok ig.
Mei first nerf is ok, ice wall should be 12 seconds
Widow, though I hate her does not need this nerf. Decrease the ammo to 20.
Lucio nerf agreed, also think standard range should be 10m and 15m for amp.
Agree with all the reworks.


Ofc you want heroes you dislike to be the most nerfed ones…

Tell me, why the hell they’d nerf Widowmaker even more? Some pros already have a hard time with their muscle memory with her…

Sorry not sorry but these suggestions of yours are not well thought at all & is one of the reasons why only the top 0.01% should be taken seriously when it’s the matter of balancing.


Changed it.



Still at the “rework Mercy” idea, I see…Please stop. Mercy doesn’t need a rework. People have always played her as a pocket hero, ever since the game came out.

If you don’t want to play a hero like Mercy…then…don’t…play…Mercy…

If you want those sick kills you were talking about LAST thread, play Moira. Or Zenyatta. Or Baptiste.

You have the mentality of your average Widowmaker main. Only the Widowmaker main is less demanding. Widowmaker mains have actually adjusted to her changes, despite the struggle it has initially caused.


No. How about just, dont try to suggest anything for pros at all.


Not open to having a discussion?

Not interested.


Both need to be directly impactful on their own… sadly this is widely forbidden and frowned upon.

I have learned that we cannot balance these heroes based on public opinion… it would never ever work.

The moment that Bastion can survive a single Roadhog hook, or fight a Tracer 1v1, he’s going to be labeled as “OP” and “Unkillable” By the community.

Mercy on the other hand, needs greater impact aside from simply healing or damage boosting.

As much as i would love to see her large resurrect return to the game, once again… community backlash would be the issue.

And aside from that, she can’t do much anyways without her ultimate by that point.

I personally suggest a rework focused on returning a flashy moment for her ultimate, and giving her a side ability which would give her versatility and power for herself, not entirely based on team dependence.

As for Bastion, i have my own suggestions and have gone into much detail, but as a self proclaimed Bastion main since the very beginning, this is what i think needs to happen:

  • Ironclad removed entirely.
  • Base spread in Sentry Mode tightened, and reverse bloom removed or even reversed into regular bloom.
  • Headshots enabled in Sentry Mode.
  • Bastion deploys a personal shield while in Sentry Mode, the barrier only regenerating while out of Sentry Mode.
  • Bastion’s Tank Mode is now a second transformation, with lower damage rockets.
  • Bastion’s new ultimate is “Overload” Enhancing every other mode of his, while allowing for faster reloads and higher damage for a short duration.

I already said my opinion. And I disagreed.

If you’re not intrested why did you make the thread in the 1st place?


Disagreements = Obviously not open to a discussion.


It seems like he’s one of those im always right & everyone else who disagrees with them are wrong kinda posters.


This isn’t realy a discussion starter regarding balance.

Anyways keep bumping the post as you do, both of you.

You mean torbjorn projectiles becoming hitscan??? Are you crazy lol, he’d be a better version of mcree with a turret, 100 armor boost on a 10 sec cooldown and a better ult.
Nerfing steadfast changes almost nothing in the meta really.
If you are really watching OWL you wouldn’t want a symmetra rework (if you are talking about the ones she got or the mercy one, changing abilities like TP and turret would be fine for me), as she is a non throw pick for the first time ever.

I feel like widow isn’t that good right now, ofc it’s annoying to get one shotted, but with dva 3 second boosters widow can be almost a throw pick agains’t a organized team.

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The only thing i disagree with entirely here is:

In fact, i believe that all Tanks should have this passive, and Orisa’s very similar ability should be altered to provide something else alongside full CC immunity, something… flashy.


As for Mercy, I kinda wish they would put a little version of Valkyrie on cooldown and put Resurrect back to being an ultimate in some very different form. The infamous “dragonblade rez” idea really stuck with me.

I love the Bastion suggestions, great job.


It may be out of date, and a little… rusty… But here’s the original post:
[New year, new Bastion. 🤖]

And as for Mercy, i can see the Rez working only in one way… and that is providing instant resurrections for any number around her (In line of sight), but with a status effect… such as capped health which would be lower than normal.

(Or simply lower health upon return.)

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I once had this idea too. I don’t know how much would it fit with very mobile tanks like Hammond, D.Va or Winston… That wouldn’t be great for them.

All tanks who don’t rely on mobility could definitely have this, it makes sense for big targets to be pushed around less.


You made the post. Expect people to comment on it. Your arrogance is shocking, and this might be why pretty much no one agreed with your last virtual slam-poem regarding Mercy.

Not only that, but I wrote my own response…which you promptly ignored. Guess you don’t want a discussion unless it’s people agreeing with you, or you telling someone else how they apparently don’t want a discussion.

If you don’t want to play a character that plays like Mercy, there are 6 other healers waiting for you. I get it, you like her looks…but it’s a video game. Take what you have, or pick something else.


As much as some would immediately hate the idea… i personally think some Tanks should be moved to the DPS roster, and vice verse.

Unless you have anything to say regarding the balance changes I proposed, don’t say anything. I’m not here to to talk about your feelings towards me.

Or actually, keep talking. It gains the post visibility.

Who specifically? I don’t really see any of them in the DPS category. They would all need player model size reductions so they can have their health pool lowered… it would imo be a lot of work.