šŸŒ”ļø Will OW2 be a success or a failure?āœ…

Well considering Overwatch was a huge hit when it came out & OW2 is going to be adding a fully fledged story mode as well as shaking up the PvP side of the game with 5v5, a new mode(s), new maps, new heroes, lots of balance changes etc. I think itā€™s going to bring in both a ton of old players & bring in a bunch of new players who felt like it was too late to jump into Overwatch because everyone was too good at it after playing for years

Everything will be fresh for everyone and I donā€™t think those who just want OW2 for the PvP will have to pay full retail ($60+) to play meaning more people will jump in to increase the longevity of the game & lower queue times for everyone. All in all, a huge success

This is a fair enough assumption, but how long will it last before it overstays its welcome as a new game? Thats what most people are afraid of, afraid it will go strong for a few years (depending how well they handle the new features), and then development will be dropped off a cliff like this game

Iā€™m still enjoying OW with almost 2 years of no major content being added, so Iā€™m not exactly worried about OW2 not being fun to play a few years after launch, they have a great unique game that no one else is even close to competing with. I wouldnā€™t be opposed to OW2 having consistent major content for like 3-4 years then having another 2 year hiatus of content for OW3 to revive it again with more story mode tbh. Iā€™m used to waiting for great games like Elder Scrolls & Fallout & Diablo so this isnā€™t anything new to me

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Mate, I am a Star Citizen backer, aint nobody waiting longer than I am for a game.
In any case, I wish I could share the enthusiasm, I hope it turns to be the game you want.


Thatā€™s not Arcaneā€¦ If Hour Zero is a preview of Overwatch Story mode, it wonā€™t be that great.

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My prediction: The game will have a massive marketing campaign just before release, showing off all the new heroes/maps/cinematics. These things will cause the game to be a financial success because of the initial hype, particularly among non-Overwatch players. Overwatch veterans, however, will be disappointed by the continuation of the same old balance/design issues (along with a slew of new ones) and painfully slow updates. The new heroes will render the majority of the existing cast obsolete. Interest in the game will quickly die down after the initial surge, especially when people realize that the Overwatch 2 we got was a way for Blizzard to cut their losses for their failed grand plan. Overwatch will enter maintenance mode within a year after the launch of Overwatch 2.

In short: Financial success, failure in substance/goodwill.


It will fail if they donā€™t nerf Roadhog.

Success, it will be, donā€™t worry.

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With the tactic of ā€œhold everything backā€, itā€™s got little chance to fail. Itā€™s gonna launch with so much stuff itā€™s gonna look like a flood of content (despite how most of it isnā€™t tied to ā€œOW2ā€). Real question is how good is the story mode gonna be. I fully expect it to get repetitive, just donā€™t know how fast thatā€™s gonna happen. Despite all that, itā€™s still gonna sell just because weā€™ll finally be getting content again.

Seen barely any gameplay for their new PVE modes. And not crazy about 5v5.

So not too optimistic.

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You do know they will provide ongoing content right? They have said so, it will be faster than a year.

OW2 will be a successful failure. It has enough of a global fan base it will make plenty of money. What it wonā€™t do is live up to its potential. Nor will it ever, because on the top 5 things that are important in growing this game, actual gameplay content is 3rd or 4th on the list.


You assume ow2 will come out

There is a lot said but not everything you hear is true.

This is sort of how I feel. But I give it ~2 years before we see or hear about something serious. I think by name alone itā€™ll last longer if only for people stubbornly thinking that if they just grind out a little bit longer, something on the other side will be funner or rewarding enough to have justified the sunk cost.

When thereā€™s no pot at the end of the rainbow, only the dreary repetitiveness of absolutely tilting PvP matches and lopsided balancing problems, thereā€™s going to be a drop in numbers. But again, I feel thatā€™ll take time. 2 years after launch, is when Iā€™d start measuring it to see how healthy itā€™s doing.

I feel like thatā€™s an extremely pessimistic & unlikely prediction, but who knows :man_shrugging:

After playing 6v6 for so long, i canā€™t see many people will gladly stay happy with 5v5.

Iā€™m like 50/50 on whether 5v5 is actually going to happen. The OW team clearly believes in it but Iā€™ve seen so few positive responses to it in the community. Iā€™m on the optimistic side and Iā€™m just neutral on 5v5, I see some value but also have a fair number of concerns.

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If they buff all the tanks and nerf or delete all the tank killing they buffed to insane levels during goats but never completely reverted: smashing success. If they nerf a single tank, keep or buff the tank killing in the game: dumpster fire.

Depends on how good it is. People have short memories, they will quickly forget the harassment scandal and any perceived slights with the lack of communication they deluded themselves that they were entitled to if the game is good.

If it is bad, well, hell hath no fury like a creepy obsessed nerd scorned.