🌡️ Will OW2 be a success or a failure?✅

Overwatch two: hot or not?

I’m interested in your opinions. Do you think it will be a success or a failure?

I believe that in order to answer this question we need to look at the changes that are being put forward in the player versus player mode.

Possibly the most important change of all is the reduction of one player so that there are now only five players on each team With one tank, two damage and two support.

Do you think that this is a good way to go forward?

I would say that there are some positives as well as negative.


The reduction of one player means that it’s easier to form a full team of friends/acquaintances

The reduction of one player means possibly better performance as the game would be less demanding on the CPU.


With one less player all of the maps feel a little bit too big and almost battle Royale esque in the sense that a lot of the time you are running around for a while before you encounter combat. This could possibly be addressed by having a universal speed buff for all heroes.


Having only five players per team means that everything feels a bit more personal and you shoulder more responsibility and there is more focus on you. This is in contrast to 6 versus 6 in which you can kind of lay back a bit and blend into the background while your team does most of the work

With all of this said it’s clear that five versus five has both positive and negative’s. I wouldn’t call it a straight up upgrade.

For this reason I would suggest it is quite important to allow people to still enjoy the old six versus six game mode when the sequel launches.


I think it will be just mediocre which will cause people to lose interest very fast.


Commercial success for sure 100% story mode will be successful since it will have a lot of cinematic shorts baked in as cutscenes. That alone guarantees a story telling success.

PvP will might start out amazing as a miracle, but one thing all possible OW2 timelines have in common is PvP balance and gameplay turning to garbage if given enough time like for OW1.


It will thrive for 2 months before everyone realizes how bad tanking is again and were stuck with the same bottleneck.

Then blizzard will go 032 saying that will fix the game.


I lost interest in OW2 whether it will be a fail or not idk.


I think it will ultimately be a success BUT no where near the success it could have been if they hadn’t botched the delivery of this whole OW/OW2 transition.


Who knows? It could be great if the devs make the pvp f2p.

Success like Fortnite or Apex? Maybe not but still a success with a lot of players.

Going f2p with a bad game won’t change anything in a long run. You will get a burst for players and they will be gone when realize the game isn’t good.


That is why OW1 is not f2p right now.

But hey, maybe and just maybe ow2 could be good + f2p = decent success (even if it is not as big as other games)

the game has to have such a great end game, the game has to have good balance changes (with changes EVERY season), making seasons unique and engaging (no end of the season sprays for pretty much saying “thanks for logging in”), bring back the competitive card that allows you to play “rank” during that time where they actually had breaks between the seasons; I have been asking for that card for 10+ seasons because there are people that want to queue up for rank without the stress of losing SR and wanting to play attack/defense (there needs to be a middle ground between rank and quickplay, quickplay is not a transition for competitive play since you don’t get to defend after you attack).

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hard to say. The story mode will (unfortunately) make it a success for Activision/Blizzard.
PvP won’t turn a lot for the better, as everyone who’s been interested in Overwatch PvP either owns it or has at least tried overwatch for free. 5v5 takes a lot of complexity out of the game, reworks can cause heroes to lose their identity and playerbase, tanking will most likely not improve but rather deteriorate and the team will become even more dependent on one person. I can already see the next tank exodus coming. The tanks will be weaker than they are now, the toxicity towards the tank players will increase if they don’t play the metatanks or if they are bad. If the tank dies, the teamfight is practically lost.

Then the new standard skins and UI are just there to have something new. (I hope there are toggleable skin packs with the original skins for the story mode to see all characters in the game and cut scenes in their correct outfits and an option for PvE and PvP to use the old UI)
xQcOW described it well in its reaction to the OW 2 Test PVP Gameplay: “its the same game”

In my opinion, it is a huge mistake, as it could have been solved much better and more easily and OW2 should not exist (atleast not like that).

PvE as DLC where you can buy new campaigns.
Initially 25-30 € for the Base PvE and new campaigns then 5-10 € and a DLCpass for like 30€. Possibly also a completely independent solo RPG game.

Keep updating PvP. but with two models
F2P: access to QP and Arcade, no free loot boxes, credits can be obtained via playing (QP or Classic) (30 per match) or real money.
Premium: access to ranked and premium exclusive QP, free loot boxes. (So ​​nothing changes for buyers from overwatch) (30 credits per match or real money)

Activision could also give Team 4 more money to hire more developers. It is absolutely crazy that hundreds of employees are fired, but the CEO gets a 200 million bonus.

OW2 isn’t getting anywhere near as successful on the PvP side as Overwatch was.


i think overwatch 2 will be huge for a limited time but this is blizzard were talking about they’ll mess it up again somehow down the road. maybe in a year in it will be abandoned and they will be working on some other new project or maybe world of warcraft 2. wish i had a crystal ball and could see the future

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It all imho depends on the updates afterwards

OW2 will be canceled…Facts

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It will remain a loved/hated niche and be relatively financially successful

But never rise to the heights of League/Fortnite


Depends on how different it is from the first, and whether or not they’ve learned the real lessons that need to be learned from the original. I think there are two main roads to revenue in gaming (and of course either can be done badly leading to failure despite intention):

  1. player-centric: going all out for the players base and making it an awesome experience, which leads to natural engagement (rather than forced engagement) and players’ willingness to spend time and money on the property because the experience is just that good

  2. corporation-centric: make an experience with all sorts of awful compromises, demonstrate blatant self-interest, and manipulate players into doing what you want them to do

For me, it comes down to matchmaking. I’m beyond considering whether matchmaking is fair or not. I’ve heard the best arguments there are, and I’m not convinced by any of them since my own experience trumps any 3rd party explanation of why that experience is actually amazing and fair.

If they get matchmaking wrong I think it fails. If they get player incentives wrong (wherein good players have to deal with countless ways to throw their matches, and they get repeatedly dragged down by the throwers, I think it fails). I think if they don’t get more creative with character abilities (instead of just Frankensteining existing abilities together and calling it a new hero) I think it fails.

If the game is essentially OW1, as recent gameplay suggests, and it’s 90% the same P v P experience as it has been for – almost 7 years (!!!) I think it fails. Overwatch at this point is just so incredibly stale; the next iteration cannot just be some new maps and calling it a day. The fundamental gameplay loop needs to change in an interesting and creative way.

These examples are just the tip of the iceberg, because there are countless ways it fails.

But I think it only starts great and remains great if Blizzard actually learns to care about the customer: it cannot just see players as a revenue source. Inspired, passionate game design is a must. And it must learn from the many failures of the past 7 years.


PvE might be a hit.
Pvp might flop because of the same issues ow1 has. Bad balancing.


i dont know how league does it but its been popular throughout its long lifespan. best RTS i guess

I think OW2 will be a failure.

Same old issues - general disregard of playerbase in favor of small circle of streamers and pros, favoritism with balancing.

PvE will be interesting couple of times, until players figure out optimal combos, and then it’s all over. PvP will be just like OW1 from the start - forced meta changes, heroes being broken on release and then trashed to make way for next “star”, smurfs, general “streamlining” of gameplay into more “pew-pew”.


If it has a solid singleplayer campain, OW2 will be a mild sucess (nothing like Fortinite or OW at launch, but still), but if the PvE is just a collection of Archives-type missions, them it will be a failure…

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