🌡️ Will OW2 be a success or a failure?✅

It’ll sell enough to make back the dev costs with a profit but I doubt it’ll reach Overwatch 1 levels of sales/hype. Blizzards done too much damage to the franchise to attain that status again. What’s to say ow2 doesn’t get abandoned after 2/3 years of content again for a 3rd game?

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Kinda hard to have an opinion when there’s still so much about it that we don’t know yet.

Our opinions are irrelevant. We will see what will happen once game goes live.

OW2 needs to look and feel like a new game, every hero needs changes to their gameplay at the very minimum, this isnt an update, this isnt an expansion, this is a new game, which with the info we have about it currently, is completely polar opposite of the case, infact OW2 looks worse than OW1 so far.

There is no reason for them to call OW2 a sequel, its not. I can almost gurantee it was supposed to be an expansion for this game, and all the maps/potential reworks/ graphical improvements could have been updates to this game, but it is what it is.


I would have preferred this as someone who wants to become PvE only. Because that would mean that PvE would have no compromises on quality. Right now things are sketchy because OW2 has to come out eventually for shareholder value, and PvE + PvP are being worked in tandem with each other.

So, if PvE is 70% done and PvP 40% done, and a deadline has to be met by crunching. PvE would easily get ignored in favor of PvP and be released in a worse form than it would have as DLC. Also my content holds PvP players content hostage and vice versa.

It’s a scary position for anyone who only likes either PvP or PvE.

Whether something is an expansion or sequel depends on how the consumer purchases it. Sequels have you purchase an entirely separate game for access to everything. Expansions is where you still have access to the base game just with extra content and heavy modifications. But the trick is that expansions that modify the base game heavily could also be sold as sequels.

Diablo 2 LOD could have been sold separately Diablo 3 back in its time. Like OW2, it would have heavily modfied the base game and add additional content.

COD MW1 and MW2 could have been just condensed into a single expansion. Same with BO1 and B02.

So with that said, OW2 is undoubtable an expansion that forces you upgrade the base game with the expansion’s edits. If OW2 never gave us anything for free, then it would be a sequel like COD MW1 and MW2.

It’s how it’s sold when it comes to ‘sequels’ that heavily edit a base game and add more to whether it’s an expansion or sequel.

All I can hope for is that it will be accessible on Linux within the first year of release.

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Whatever you think of Overwatch now, is exactly what it will be.

The balancing is not going to get better, like now.
Heroes with fundamentally bad design will still exist, like now.
Poor buff/nerf decisions will persist for years, like now.
Matchmaking will be in the toilet, like now.

There have been zero signs of any kind of ‘lessons learned’ in any of the OW 2 news/vids/showcases. So the issues you might have with OW now are still going to be there in OW2. Heck, you might pick up a bunch of new ones!


It is actually now the best time to speak while the game is not even ready yet. later it will be too late.

Indeed and 5v5 is even a step back.


Lol, ye youre right, but OW2 didnt heavily edit anything besides making everything significantly worse (5v5), and laughable tweaks and changes from this game.

I dont have much faith for PvP, so I hope the PVE is decent enough to warrant the title of “sequel”


It’s the same BattleNet, so I assume it will. They’ve solved the issues with Wine for that, and I’ve run other Blizzard games off of it.

I don’t know anything, so I have no way to say, but my feeling is that OW2 will be pretty small. I’m having a hard time seeing how the PvE really holds you, based on what we’ve seen, other than if you’re a huge grinder. Personally, I can’t even run the events without losing interest.

I don’t think PvP is going to be appreciably different. Queue times will probably go down? Maybe the game will open up for more 1v1 plays? But we’ve seen this game already, and it’s no longer shiny and new. They’re using the same heroes, a lot of the same maps, and the game flow looks to be about the same. To me it feels like a rebalance packaged as a sequel. People who already like the game will like it, I think. I don’t think it gets back the people who played and got over the game, and I don’t think it pulls in other fps players.

That said, I don’t know anything. Maybe it kills it.

Agreed, OW1 heroes need to have their playstyle ‘reloaded’ or brought up to the next level. Mercy especially needs this as current Valkyrie makes Mercy’s playstyle very boring. She survives way too easily in Valk, and the value you get out of Valk reflects that. Surviving as Mercy is what separates the good from the bad, so Valk is yikes in so many ways.

What Valk needs is to keep Mercy vulnerable, but increase the clutch factor and player agency to match other defensive ults like beat/trans. That means no free flight, double beam length and perma regen (which sucks now at 10 HP/S in OW2 :woozy_face: ). We don’t need free flight anyways since superjump fufills that flight fantasy.

I wouldnt mind getting rid of the flight since valk opens up the wing hitbox to clownworld tier widths without being able to cancel it or anything

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And then people tell you to duel in Valk which gets your bottom handed to you in 3300+ as you, funnily enough, become so much easier to hit. She’s a horrid duelist unless you purchase a projectile aimbot tuned to 100m/s projectiles, or spend years in the Himalayan mountains mastering Valk projectile speeds.

You can only speak about current game and what you would wish to be in the next one. That’s okay. But knowing Blizzard and their LGBTQ+ developers, they will say something like “Haumm :thinking: we find it very strange when you say no one asked for this because we developers did”.

Hopefully, it will be a disaster :heart_eyes: :nail_care:


I think Overwatch 2 will be a huge success.

This is the meme point of view I expected the forums to have

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Success. There’s a lot of appetite from people who have dropped off of the game over the years to come back to it with a huge content drop. I think PvE will be successful as well. I hope they know better than to do this sequel thing again with the game after that point though, they should support the game continuously after OW2.

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I don’t know , but in all cases , in 5v5 I’m switching to another role from Tank .

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In what way, I would like to know because we have seen the information you have seen too, or are you relying on the hopium telephone through the content creators?

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