🌡️ Will OW2 be a success or a failure?✅

i think everything will ride on how the tanks feel, if the game comes out and they feel too weak then I don’t know if the game could recover from it, no matter if the buff them all a month later.

Even if they won’t be too weak , not everyone loves such pressure from both enemy team and your own. You have 9 pairs of judging eyes on you.

Which means, that tank will be picked either by a) really mentally sturdy players or b) players who are beyond point of caring and won’t be bothered.


5v5 will definitely fix the main flaw of this game, such as tank balance issue. By implementing 5v5, devs openly admitted the fact they can not balance properly this overpowered role in game. Tanks are deciding the outcome of the match, with the support synergy easily applied to them since ow release. It is bad, it is too team reliant, dps role is irrelevant. With 5v5 in will be equalized, and you will have to pop-off same hard on other roles as on dps to get the impact on the game. Effort to reward value ratio will stabilize. Overwatch 2 will become more competitive than ow1, because now ow1 is a complete RNG when your success depends on what others do in most of the matches, not even talking about matchmaker balancing, that is a complete different story. Matchmaker itself can not do appropriate balancing with such amount of variables into it. 1 hero pick or a whole composition can kill all your skill performance by existing, and you can’t force hero swaps for the rest of your team when 1 swap is just not enough.

Solo tanking definitely isn’t for everyone, but only half the number of players need to do it for queues to be the same as today. And the design changes they’re making to tanks will be popular among tank players I think.

Main question isn’t if people will play tank, but if they will play one for it’s intended purpose. One tank to rule them all is quite attractive for trolls, throwers, griefers and other similar types.


I agree, along with it seeming they aren’t buffing tanks, just making them more aggressive at the cost of defense and using the excuse that they could have both healers on it (which I doubt would be fun for tanks nor healers). so far it’s seems that tanks will mostly be punching bags which will be a terrible start for the game

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Who knows? They seem to be adressing a lot of the issues, but what we know is not enough to make a good prediction. Also, depends on the definition of success.

Personally I have 0 hype for it anymore and it’s very possible I won’t even buy it.


Blood sacrifices and illuminati worship to the elite who fund the game LOL.

i like angry joes little skit on how they come up with ideas. basically take ideas and rebrand it to their liking

A huge failure

none asked or liked 5v5 , they still did that

none asked or liked crossplay , they still did that

none asked or liked region lock, they still did that

they removed all cc but left ana (even if I play her) sleep because ‘‘too iconic’’ , zero coerence.

dunno how a game with succeed if you ignore your playerbase and do what you want ignoring all feedbacks

(ah and also because all the lawsuits blizz have on his head, never forget this).


No doubt, but I think its safe to say that if players buy from the PVE portal, they will continue doing it for years on end as a main revenue generator.

Or they go different route, in online games pve versions are not always more profitable on their own than pvp.
So, they will focus on what make money better, selling OW2 on its own might not be what will convince that game future is in that route, and they might go back to focus on pvp or focus on some new microtransactions sources of income over content.

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because they literally have said and will continue to say that “the players dont really know what they want”

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OWL literally had one of its best years this year with the most viewed Grand Finals in OWL history :skull: You guys love to say OWL is dead/dying because you WANT it to, but it’s objectively not LOL

And when tons of big streamers/lots of players come back for OW2, OWL is gonna do even better lol that’s just logic

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OWL quite literally cannot stand on its own two feet. Hardly anyone outside of OW talks about it let alone watches it without some sort of incentive. The league itself is still operating at a loss. Then even within its own user base OWL still holds a lot of animosity because people still feel its directly responsible for the current state of the game and they’re right to feel so.


Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Except it literally is :thinking:

Just because you say something is dead, doesn’t make it so. Obviously morale and popularity of OWL is at a low, morale and popularity of OW is at a low. But viewership wise it’s doing just fine and will be doing great when OW2 launches, not “die” when OW2 launches like the person I was REPLYING to said.

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Then Mercy may be once again hiding, which Blizzard actively fights against. Even while their methods are really weird.

Sometimes I wonder, if developers making changes have even vague understanding of what those changes will cause average player to do.

Which is why I expect OW2 to be a mess, as developers simply never bother to check, if natural way to use hero is close to “expected” way.

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Mercy does not need any nerf, that heaviness with the obsession to nerf Mercy, when there are other heroes who do need that nerf.