All of that on a single week of stats?
I guess Symmetra’s new problem is, that you need a coordinated team to squeeze some usefulness out of her, otherwise she’s a waste of a hero slot, and it’s much harder to do so now than it was with V2 of her.
Since she now needs aim and was preferably played in former times by people with zero aim, less people play her. The buildup time of her weapon is garbage, her weapon is just garbage.
Flying turrets seem nice, but can be shot easily, it’s nice that they are more durable now, but only three of them is not much.
Most just don’t use the teleport, because the range is not far enough. And her ultimate is - well I don’t know - really bad, because you just need to walk on the other side, right, so what’s the point of this wall?
While in lower ranks some people were really frustrated about Sym2 on the enemy team, it is now that they just barely notice her “oh, it’s a Symmetra, well, I don’t care.” She’s a waste of hero slot more or less right now.
Its been three weeks now, and her pick and winrates show no sign of recovering
Ive literally already called that. Im sorry but Sym 3.0 is a total joke. She honestly already needs another rework because even if you tweak numbers on this version of Sym, it doesn’t fix the issue that her kit doesn’t really work well together. Ive already made Sym 4.0 if you wanted to read it:
I like the new Symmetra, I find her funnier to play than 2.0. The problem I see is she being able to launch the turrets across the map.
Oh, and like all Sym’s versions, is hard to play against.
Just my opinión btw
Im pretty sure i responded to that thread.
Either way, i understand ur sentiment, but i disagree w the idea that her barrier ult needs replacing. The fact that her avg. damage blocked has gone up 45% is a testament to its potential.
Even tho i miss 2.0, i srsly doubt the devs will revert and buff her, judging by the mercy rework, so its a waste of energy to ask for that.
Sym 3.0 could be great, she just needs literally every aspect of her kit buffed in one way or another.
This is not true at all. Symmetra was self-sufficient in being able to play her own game with keeping her ultimate up and turrets in place. She was not self-sufficient in winning games. No hero is. If your team crumpled with old Symmetra, you could bury your head in your ultimate/turret game, and ignore everything else going on and feel self-sufficient. And occasionally this would pull off a win anyway by doing this.
But now she engages with the game with everyone else. She doesn’t have her own separate game she’s playing, so she feels less self-sufficient, since the actual game of Overwatch isn’t about self-sufficiency. This is just a sign that she’s playing the same game as everyone else, not that she’s a weaker character.
This is like saying Tracer shouldn’t be reliant on recall to win duels or Hanzo shouldn’t be reliant on storm arrow. And again, you can win duels without them, but it’s much harder. Just like most heroes if they don’t have their ability up and get value out of it.
To be honest, I feel like your complaints are that she’s now an Overwatch hero much like any other, instead of being able to bury herself in her own separate game that maybe contributed enough to win or maybe didn’t. This was 100% intended in the rework. The whole game of Symmetra ultimate and zone control through turrets had wildly inconsistent value depending on map and team comp, as well as being extremely easy to counter in an organized environment. And worst of all, your team rarely noticed the value from it even when you were doing well.
I mean, if you want her ~60% win rate back…sorry buddy, but that’s not ever happening, nor should it. She’s still among the highest win rates in the game. Stop focusing on the downturn from a crazy high (and possibly artificially inflated) win rate and acknowledge the absolute position compared to other heroes.
Pls explain how u justify a huge drop in winrate in tandem w a lower pickrate.
The only logical explanation is that she is straight up worse. Literallt what reason is there to choose a Sym now over a torb, in the rare situation u actually want a Sym.
And dont say teleporter, because half the cast can flank on their own,especially the other dps.
Another explanation: We’re bad with her still and people find her less fun to play.
Still objectively worse though.
Its been over a month, nearly two, in combined PTR + live comp release. How much more time do we need.
I think her win rate is lower because she was overpowered before and is now close to balanced. Or if you buy into that whole “she was situational, so people swapped when they were losing more than on other heroes, inflating her win rate” silliness, then she lost that element that was inflating her win rate. Take your pick. Either way she still has the third best win rate in the game and there are no excuses for why it would be inflated anymore. Arguing her win rate shouldn’t change when before she had the highest win rate by a ridiculous margin is absurd.
Her pick rate is lower because she lost some dedicated players, but her perception amongst the rest of the community didn’t shift at all, so she hasn’t picked up new players. Losing some dedicated players is to be expected, and unfortunately necessary when a rework like this is needed. But she hasn’t picked up many new players because a hero with a trash reputation isn’t going to pick up new players by being a well-balanced hero. This rework needed to make a big splash the way Hanzo’s did, if it was going to have any major improvement in the short term. Blizzard failed to do that, so to be honest, it’s going to probably take months before the community’s perception of Symmetra catches up to reality. Though if we can see some pro games on a patch with new Symmetra in it, I think that’ll speed things along.
Sorry i stopped taking u srsly when u said Sym was OP
Legitimately the best laugh Ive had all day.
What’s your explanation for her having the highest win rate by an absurd margin for most of the game’s lifetime?
Its as you said: Sym 2.0 was highly situational, which meant she was very powerful but only against certain comps, and maps.
The rework failef at making her versatile. She has retained her niche, being played in the same situations, but hasbecome much worse in it, hence the slightly lower pick and hugely lower win.
She didn’t retain her niche at all. Her niche was about ultimates that don’t exist anymore and turrets that are way more versatile but less powerful at that old niche.
Pick rate indicates overall popularity. It does not indicate whether a hero is niche or widely viable. For example, Reinhardt is only really good for brawly comps or death ball comps, and is absolutely horrible for dive comps or any other mobility-based comp. Yet he has the highest pick rate in the game at the moment. Because he’s popular and strong with how people play. Not because he works in every situation.
If you think the old win rate was crazy due to her being situational, then my explanation for the lower win rate is that she is no longer situational. People no longer play her only on first point defense and then swap off. They stick with her the whole time because she’s not more powerful on the first point anymore, since nothing in her kit is uniquely good at that part of the game. I mean, most people have agreed that she’s better on attack than defense now, which was definitely not the overall feeling before. Just that alone would bring her win rate more in line with other heroes.
I’d argue that nothing in her kit is situational at all now, other than her alternate fire being her primary now.
I mean, I can only think of a couple of scenarios where you’d be better off with a Symmetra than anyone else in the cast. When you want to try a TP flank, or when you want to try a TP ult. That’s really it.
She can add damage to the team, provided her gimmicks aren’t countered quickly. She can stand mid/long range and toss fire into the fray and hope that she does some ancillary damage. She can throw turrets and add trickle damage to a team fight as well. Am I saying she’s all around bad? No, but I am saying she lacks distinction. Her kit borrows from so many other kits, it’s not even funny.
We used to have a character that was unique, now we have a ground based pharah with a lower powered zarya beam, a less ranged Shadow Step, a gigantic Reinhardt shield for an ult, and turrets. Turrets are the only unique aspect of her now, and I have a feeling with Torb 2.0, that will no longer be unique.
60% winrate does not justify a complete and total rework of a character to the point that they are no longer unique. Symmetra still holds some of the names of her abilities, but they all behave entirely differently. She’s not the same character. She’ s a new character with an old name.
Can we please stop pretending like the things that distinguish Symmetra’s abilities from other sorta similar abilities don’t exist? Please?
Pharah’s rockets are completely different from Symmetra’s orbs. The only thing they share is that they’re a projectile and fly straight. They don’t even share damage values, since Symmetra’s orbs charge up. Symmetra’s orbs charge up, can be released early, they move slower, they have a much bigger projectile, a much bigger splash radius, and the fire rate and ammo capacity is totally different. Not to mention that where the characters position themselves is so different that the weapon hardly ever feels the same.
Zarya’s beam is only superficially similar to Symmetra’s. The range is different, the damage levels are different, and the way that you build up damage is so different that you use them in completely different ways. Adn again, they’re on completely different heroes, so they have a different use in those heroes’ kits.
If you legitimately think Teleporter is the same as Shadow Step (and you’re not just exaggerating), you must have zero creativity. There are so many things you can do with teleporter that you couldn’t dream of doing with Shadow Step.
And if you think any big, blue barrier is the same, you must think that Reinhardt, Winston, Orisa, and Sym 2.0 are all the same. Come on. The possibilities of her new ultimate are incredible, and the fact that you can totally flub it doesn’t invalidate that.
Also, really? You think Torb’s new turret is going to feel like Symmetra’s just because he can throw it out a little more easily? Come on…
This tendency to write off everything new in Symmetra’s kit while pretending that her old kit was some flawless unique gem that others just didn’t understand is just ridiculous.
60% winrate while being viewed as a troll pick and never touched in professional play is a problem, though. Her value was passive, invisible, and useless in high level organized play. Those are huge issues that mean the perception of her balance and her actual power level are going to be totally out of whack. So she’s either balanced and seen as the worst character in the game, or she’s totally broken and seen as balanced until the pros figure out how broken she is and they break the whole game. There’s a reason why Jeff Kaplan commented on being worried about what Overwatch would look like if Symmetra was ever meta. Because she probably wouldn’t be unless she broke the game’s balance.
New Symmetra doesn’t have those issues. She’s just fighting lingering preconceptions and some issues with her primary fire and survivability.
I’ll admit she was situational, but that still didn’t mean she needed a rework. Just simple buffs to her 2.0 kit would have been amazing. 3.0 really did nothing for and made her abilities useless.
Can we please stop passive aggressive hating on peoples opinions that don’t agree with your viewpoint? Please?
The points you make further down don’t change the fact that they took the things away from her that were useful in her kit, and replaced them with different things that no longer contribute to her kit as a whole. She had synergy before, she no longer does. Now she’s a mish-mash of abilities that no longer synergize with themselves.
Basically, they could have removed the ramp up beam, given her static damage, given her tossable turrets (indestructible during flight) with the same numbers she had, and the character would have been balanced. There was no reason to completely re-do her kit.
UNLESS: You take into account that they had planned all along to remove the ability to give an entire team shields, negating other characters combo kill potential. If I had extra money to bet, I’d wager his tossable armor mechanic will be going away. Hide and watch.
It was useless in the cookie cutter meta that everyone was choosing in high levels of play. There’s a difference. Not contributing towards a meta does not mean not able to contribute. If you want to blame anyone, blame Blizzard for creating characters with abilities that synergize with each other well enough that a “meta” can be created to begin with.
She’s earned a bad reputation for not fitting into meta for 2 years. Now that she’s been changed, people find it easier just to ignore her, rework or not, than to try to incorporate her into a new meta. Her new abilities are gimmicky, and that’s why she’s not being picked. She doesn’t offer the team anything they don’t already have (Dive meta is still dive meta, they don’t need her TP to dive) and the TP doesn’t enable enough to non dive characters to attempt to employ them over characters that innately have those mechanics built in.
She’s facing more than just primary fire and survival issues, but I would argue that those are the most glaring problems at the moment. She needs several tweaks made to her kit in order to get some synergy from it. There are plenty of posts by myself, and others that point this out. I don’t need to post them again.
You’re entitled to your opinion, and I do appreciate you sharing it here. It’s good to have someone play Devils advocate.
How can it be superficially superior when you just listed the exact reasons it’s genuinely superior? “It has more range, damage, and a better charge mechanic that is more user friendly, but it’s not better, nope.” Syms new beam doesn’t fit her kit. It’s still more reliable and safer to spam a barrier down with orbs than get near any tank. 2.0 was much better vs barriers.
I wouldn’t know because nobody wants to use the TP half the time and the other half it destroys itself. Were you gonna say save your team from a grav? Nope, it spawned just out of range from you and you die while spamming interact.
Wanna know what usually gets the most value out of her barrier? Protecting your turrets. That is her true ult. Enemies run straight at the turrets it’s amazing. That being said, it’s interface isn’t user friendly. The slightest adjustment and you’ve flung it past the enemy team. Oh you wanted to put it down from cover? Too bad, you’re too close to the wall so it won’t let you, and moving slightly to the left gets your head popped off by Widow.
Torbs turret has considerably more range than Syms. In fact, I’d wager it’s going to counter her own turrets, as it will probably have much more health, survive any damage from Syms turrets, and then destroy Syms turrets. His turret has always outclassed her turrets.
It wasn’t flawless but it was a unique gem that people didn’t understand. I have never played with another Sym that did a well placed backdoor TP on Attack. They always put it somewhere dumb ahead of the choke where it does not do anything but get you back to the choke faster. People did not understand how to play her as evidenced by the typical “omg hold w+m1 lel” misconception.