I guess the main problem is that the character she is now isn’t entirely unviable, but I find it difficult to see it as an improvement when she simply felt so much more self sufficient before. Frankly, when I play against a Symmetra and she ‘goes off’, it feels like an unfairly sharp win that hits you out of nowhere, and that’s not fun to play against. I literally just got done demolishing on Hanamura with her on attack, but it felt so fast and easy that frankly the win didn’t feel very deserved. There wasn’t much that the enemy team could do once I was able to establish a foothold, and it’s kind of one of those things that’s both too weak and too strong all at once - I feel the same with Doomfist.
To me, this game should have an exchange. Person A does X, person B counters with Y. Person A manages to win the ultimate FIGHT because they were more skilled, or got the drop on the other person, totally fine. But if person A can simply delete person B without person B able to do anything about it, or is able to sort of unfairly bumrush them with some ability, it just feels cheesy.
And to that end, to me, she is weaker - she’s weaker because she’s not as strong on her own as she once was, and while when she does ‘pop off’ it IS very strong, it’s frankly too strong and too unreliable to make her viable? Like, I would NEVER play her in comp unless I’d had a well rehearsed team strategy, which is kinda… Eh? Not great, to me. Before, I felt confident that I could win with most teams even if they didn’t want me playing Sym, now it’s difficult to not rely on your team to prop you up and if they don’t want to, they’re not going to.
EDIT: I also just wanted to add that I don’t think Symmetra winning a duel as a DPS character should be reliant on her having her turrets up. For instance, when I was playing hanamura against a Sym she flanked and managed to cast all three of her turrets in the main doorframe. This made it incredibly easy for them to capture the point because she had an almost instant and extreme advantage over us, and we lost the point almost immediately simply because the turrets caught a lot of people in the battle and when you’re in a team fight no one is prioritizing the turrets. Contrarily, if you’re playing Symmetra and you get caught out without having your turrets down where they will get someone already, you’re likely going to lose that fight. It takes out the back and forth of the characters having an actual fight, whereas Sym 2.0 had a lockon beam but a COUNTDOWN of killing you. It wasn’t instant- hitting all three of her new turrets along with her spamming orbs is an instakill, and it feels not great. Additionally, you are both weak and overpowered because it’s all so conditional - and I find that difficult to applaud because it means that a large part of her being able to actually do damage is entirely reliant on those turrets which it didn’t feel like it was before. Turrets should always be an addition to damage, never half the bag IMO.