〽 Sym 3.0: worse pickrate than 2.0, winrate DOWN 7%

10 1.0 hours/700 2.0 hours/50 3.0 hours here. Can confirm this is fully accurate.

pickrate down to 69 :frowning:

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Dont worry, we just need more time to learn her. Like, in a month or so, we’re all just gonna wake up and realise she was OP all along!!! Just you wait!


You’re a single person - the stats this person is pulling from uses the numbers from thousands of people. It’s great that the new Sym works better with your personal playstyle, but not every person is going to excel at every hero, and just because you succeed more with her now does not mean her previous playstyle wasn’t valid, either. I slaughtered with her before, now she’s just garbage to me because she can’t even win a single 1v1 duel, and it’s ridiculous that she’s a DPS character who can’t win a duel. I hate her new playstyle and it doesn’t jive with me; it’s still a valid style, but I and other old Sym players are entitled to hate the change as well.

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Are we using data from Overbuff where they still have her labeled as a support hero?

Her role clasdification on overbuff doesnt affect her pickrate compated to all heroes.

Omnic meta ( linked in the first post) also tells the same story.

Wow so her winrate is closer to 50?

That means she’s balanced

So u think having a sub 1% pickrate is balanced?

My issues with current Symmetra:

  1. Primary Fire: takes too long to charge to good damage, doesn’t hold the charge long enough, and the range is too short for someone with squishiness. So they need to buff one of the three: damage, range, or her HP.

  2. Turrets keep getting stuck on things you weren’t aiming at. I use the default Symmetra cross hair - make it so that the big circle is the hit box of the turret. If an object is in that circle, the turret will stick to it. If not, it won’t.

  3. Make the teleporter deploy faster. Right now Symmetra needs to have tp off cool down and have godlike reflexes to save her team from a grav with it. Which is something Blizzard advertised she could do as part if this rework.


So, you believe Sym 2.0 was overpowered when her winrate was near 60%?

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Actually… it is abnormal for a Hero with low pickrate to have a 60% winrate because the Win rate should border around 50%.

This means Sym is brokenly OP or people couldn’t counter her effectively.

I solo soldier, hanzo, widow with tele tactics, mcree if i can bait out the flash bang, bastion, torb, and sometimes genji. The trick for me is charge the right click and commit to left click. If you miss the charge shot then you will lose the duel but i been playing doom since rocket punch nerf so it is easy for me. It’s different but i solo much better with her now than before.

I agree, she was very strong.

That’s why it always hit me weird that she was so severely underplayed and considered a liability to the community to the point that it became a meme.

My point is that if someone believes her winrate going down while her pickrate stay the same is she becoming “balanced”, then she was nerfed. There’s no other alternative for that. And that’s what a lot of Symmetra players have been saying since the rework hit PTR, but is shut down by people who don’t play her saying “new Sym is sooooo much better than old Sym”.

That’s why I’m asking if Trihexsub also stand in the group that believes Sym was nerfed.


Well im not being funny but thats the community’s fault.

Everyone who didnt play her complained about how Sym was bad because she had too much setup for a fast paced game like OW. So the devs answered ur prayers, and theres still complaints.

Either u want her to have setup or u dont. Make a choice.

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Must be nice playing with Soldiers, Widows and Hanzos who don’t see the TP coming a mile away, because at my level everyone is pretty wise to her tricks and the few spots where she can surprise you - if you’re just putting it out in the open, have fun getting shot in the head. I don’t get why people are surprised to hear that the TP has an incredible difference in usage and ability based on the tiers of play- Torb’s turret is the exact same way. Great that it works for you, but it doesn’t work for any of the levels on my accounts in Plat or below.

The old sym was use a lot for the Streamers doing the Bronze to x rank challenge and Sym whilst underplayed, was a hero that was often underestimated. Teams lose matches against Sym because they do not acknowledge her and therefore they get burned for trying to rush in carelessly resulting in easy wins and high win rates.

Personally I think the problem lies in the way she is played… like the current Sym doesn’t feel like an area lock down type of hero but more of a disruption that draws people attention with the ever changing way of placing her turrets.

Right now… like like the Mercy situation in February… it is too early to deem Sym rework as a fail.

We have to see the Win Rate drop even further and stabilised at around 40% to know that Sym doesn’t work.

50% win rate is more or less the goal Blizzard wants to achieve. meaning statistically… she is balanced and of course we know Blizzard don’t care because they wouldn’t be so lost at trying to figure Mercy out.

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Pretty much the same situation with Mercy and with Hanzo…

Like people don’t try to play or understand aspects of that character and all they can do is complain about them and look… Mercy is boring and storm arrow is arguably op.

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Mercy is an absolute snorefest now, you never feel like you’re having a big hero moment anymore- she never really shines, she just survives or doesn’t, and it feels very ineffectual. I miss old Mercy.


yep. Ever since the rez nerfs, i rather have the original mercy back to be honest. What a bummer. It was so much fun when the rework was first released x]. Op, but fun.

And the thing is that she’s not BAD to play, in fact I’d say she’s bordering on OP - and only because she has res on cooldown now and a very reliable healing output that other healers don’t have. And I acknowledge she SHOULD be the ‘best’ healer in the game, she’s the poster child of the supports and I’m ok with Mercy having a bit of edge over other healers because she’s the only one that needs to choose between doing damage and healing and can never do both herself, so she’s earned that place. However, if the enemy team has a Mercy our fight is twice as hard simply because they have that Mercy, and even when we focus her or try and take that advantage away it can be very difficult these days because Mercy has far more barriers to hide behind and less reason to be mobile than I feel she used to. These days the name of the game with Mercy is simply staying alive, whereas before it felt like there were rewards to me risking my life when I played her - now, if I overextend and am punished for it there’s never much reward because the only reason I have to overextend is to get a single res of (never worth it) or to help a team mate win/survive a fight, which is kind of a toss up based on that player and has nothing to do with me as a player. I have almost no impact on the game beyond staying at the backest lines so I can keep Healbot2.0 alive and well for my teammates to utilize - it’s just so… zzZZZzzz.

But because she’s strong, people keep playing her and insisting she’s ‘fixed’ purely because they got their panties in a twist over the enemy getting rezzed.