〽 Sym 3.0: worse pickrate than 2.0, winrate DOWN 7%

Soldier and McCree both have a greater then 2% pickrate. Almost every hero does.

The only ones that dont are Sym, Sombra, Torb, Mei and Bastion, who all bave less than 1%. they are literal trash tier, and it was like this BEFORE sniper meta.

Or, maybe, just maybe, she’s a utility belt character who offers little real gameplay beyond being Teleporter: The Character than she used to.

Like, yeah you see those youtubers doing crazy things with their friends - but people are already getting wise to the few spots you can capitalize on TP with and outside of a small crop of funny videos where people get surprised and blindsided, she’s not going to offer any more use after that. The surprise element is the only thing she’s got going for her right now, her kit design is just awful. She can’t win duels, she can’t do anything but just be a peg leg for her team that could get far more reliable out of a junkrat or other DPS character.

She’s a gimmick, and gimmicks die.


I’m at a loss for words. Delusions are a hell of a drug I guess.
Also virtue signaling and a severe lack of reading comprehension.

Thank God. Her turrets are unbelievably annoying.

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But you can literally say the same thing about Sym 2.0, only Sym 2.0 was worse. I think there are more than a few spots you can get use out of her new teleporter, and there’s more ways to use it than to get back from spawn because you died.

I win duels with her all the time and I am still way more reliable on her than I would be on Junkrat. That might not be your experience, but it’s mine and it’s the same for a lot of people. Nothing you said really addresses the fact that people are still learning her, and expect to have the same potential as they felt they did when they had all those hours on Sym 2.0. It just goes to show that people will complain about anything and everything, either way you split it.

Doesnt matter

the point is that even when hero gets reworked or buffed no1 will even think of it because they can just pick hero they practiced for weeks and get easy win.

Everything about % of pick rate is mostly if not ONLY determined by bandwagon or “mental?”(idk if its the right word) thinking

Hero is released, some people tries it, not even one day and they are complaining, other people who didnt had a chance to try X hero see that people say its “sh/it” so now instead of playing they wont even touch it and will just spread the “x hero is sh/t” to everyone or even on forums or reddit, and the pick rate drops.

even people who main X hero will say the same thing after PTR or even in PTR with new changes, something they dont like? just say that it wont help and X hero will stay sh/t

And because of all of this hero is being discriminated and people are not even picking it on comp or QP so the pick rate drops even more.

AND because of it, the pick rate is so small that people complain on forums discriminating X hero even more, so people wouldnt even think of picking it because its consider a “troll” hero in this game, and the pick rate is non existing

And there is even discrimination IN GAME, pick x hero people will report you or complain so you swtich- this decreases pick rate also.NOT because of you who changes but because of people who say that to you because they are idiots.

This is the same thing as people do in real life, sheep mentality or bandwagon.

so now we know your “counter” to “BEFORE SNIPER META”, and that its bs.

now we can talk about why other hereos have sh/tty pick rate also, its because as i said there is no point playing anything else than a sniper, is this hard to understand?

You can kill tanks, you can oneshot 80% of the roster, they dont have any counters/hard counters, they have pharah? you can oneshot them and its a HARD COUNTER to pharah unlike hitscans

There is no disadvantage to play sniper, so go figure.

Nerf snipers and Tracer, every possible hero will get really huge pick rate boost, because instead of being forced to play Snipers they will go to heros that they like or would be meta- probably Dive

But then we would have still even better time than now since Genji Doomfist Soldier even Sombra could be dive.

So just nerf Snipers and this game will be great again.

I really disagree about saying the same thing - just because you think that doesn’t make it true. To me, Sym 3.0 is far weaker than Sym 2.0 because she’s got no shield, her turrets take longer to deploy and can’t be used to win a duel, and you have fewer of them so they’re often on cooldown.

It’s not a matter of experience it’s just a matter of how her kit is arranged - How is she supposed to defend herself? She can’t. How is she supposed to output reliable damage? She can’t, unless you count her turrets which, we already discussed, can’t be deployed quickly anymore. She can neither point and click damage (that needle gun is ridiculous, good luck killing anything but shields with it) and she’s constantly dead when she puts herself at risk unless she’s being babysat by a healer.

These are solid weaknesses of her kit, it’s just fact you can’t even argue it’s not true because they’re just skills she no longer has. If she’s meant to be a DPS then why can’t she survive without being babysat? If you can’t even reliably win duels with a few of the other DPS characters then honestly there’s something wrong with the kit, because it should be a rock paper scissors kind of thing - right now all I see Symmetra being used for is to spam chokes with her bubble gun, surprise the enemy with strange TP locations and do a few cheeky nests of her turrets that get a few kills before getting destroyed and waiting another fight for them to be on cooldown. It’s not, to me, useful to have on my team or useful to play with. I’ve done a few interesting things with her but nothing in her DPS arena managed to shine at all, the only thing that seemed neat was the utility of the TP and that alone is not enough to make her a viable pick IMO. She’s broken.

Sym2 was definitely not worse, but she was a lot more subtle. Many of her contributions to the team were invisible and very hard to notice in the fray. But I’ll just point the two most obvious one that get lost in hindsight when you have a friendly Sym:

  • Shield Generator breaks a lot of combos. Many combo-reliant heroes want to maximize their efficiency, and thus, relies on combos that deal 200~250 damage to finish their targets in the least amount of time possible. Getting +75HP from a SG breaks that math, and makes your team more survivable. Or, as I usually said, it don’t prevent one ally from dying to Dragonblade, but it prevent that Dragonblade to become a triple or quadruple kill.
  • We all know that in theory, Sym had a lower time to kill (TTK) than literally every other hero in game, which means she supposedly shouldn’t be able to simply fry people to death. However, the psychological effect of the fear that once she is within range, you are effectively in a time trial to kill her before dying, and that deterred a lot of solo plays from happening solely from her presence peeling for her team. McCree or Hog can choke their shots, D.va might be necessary somewhere else, but Symmetra in the backline will stay there, probably also have turrets around her, and that tension made a lot of enemy flankers hesitate.

Those kinds of invisible contributions were all around Sym2 kit. But unless you was keeping a close eye on Symmetra, and really understood all the nuances in her kit, you would probably never understand how she was helping, and probably only saw her throwing orbs and placing turrets that would break in every team fight (she also expected most or all of her turrets to die in every fight, it’s normal, they are disposable).


How does that explain Sym 2.0 one tricks with a 60%+ winrate? She isn’t better overall. All that has happened is her playstyle is more active, but it has less payoff.

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I’m well aware of what old Sym brought to the table… I used her to great success myself. And damn I miss shield generator.

The quote you took, I was referring to the fact that any good Tracer or Sombra (or any other flanker/big brain player for that matter) knew where the tele/shield gen locations were, which I mentioned because the other person I was talking to thinks most people have already “figured out” the new teleporter… which, they haven’t, and that goes for teammates and red team alike.

How much value you actually got out of teleporter or shield gen from 2.0 varied in my experience, either they were untouched/ignored (or in teleporters case, unused, if no one died) or they were destroyed rather quickly and you had to build your ult back up again. It was two far extremes, in my opinion.
Looking at it from an optimistic perspective, one could view the fast destruction of her older ultimates as a tradeoff of sorts, especially if Tracer Pulse Bombed it or something similar, but really, most people only felt they got value out of Sym as long as shield gen was up, whether she was doing work or not.

Thanks for bringing up those points though. I did like Sym’s old, passive, nuanced style of play but her playstyle is way more fast-paced and less passive now. For me, anyway. And I definitely miss shield gen. Shield gen over photon wall any day.

I can’t really argue with the other person though… stating their feelings are facts, but totally missing the mark when it comes to the actual facts about Sym’s new abilities. That’s not my problem to solve. :wink:

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The teleporter is even more omegatrash than her primary. Slow deployment, terrible placement issues, not enough range, no frontal indicator, and if a tank goes through first on high ground everyone else just falls off the ledge and if they don’t everyone gets killed because there is no shield and if you wait the shield is destroyed before you can do anything. It is a joke of an ability.

Everything in her kit is trash right now except her turrets and secondary. Everything in Sym 2.0’s kit was extremely useful at some point in every match.

There is literally no reason to play her now. She is a boring no brain character that is only good for long range spam damage and Junkrat and Pharah are both considerably stronger than her and more fun to play.

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You’re joking right… we have 11 Megathreads and total of 85,000 to 95,000 comments so far.

Sym’s issue is paltry to the Mercy outrage.

Sym low pick rate and high win rate is a abnormal figure. I mean I am conscious of her when I was in a match with her… I would consider Moira, Brigitte and Winston to be her best counter prior to her rework.

Sym had a small hit box and a very annoying kit to fight against and there is a lot of trolling where people do their haha, I’m going to drop to bronze and play only Sym and climb back to my Diamond and GM Rank…

Mid and Lower Tiers struggle against Sym.

The current Sym has a kit that is much more inline with the other heroes but… it isn’t something that can mass eliminate people with zero effort.

Some of her stuff are quite powerful… but it has it’s limits…

Symettra isn’t a troll pick for haha I’m going to ruin this person’s life. She has a place in the game and she can be countered by a much larger cast than before which is a blessing.

And it isn’t like she is trashed, like the other heroes, she has a fair chance to fight back and hold her own.

She can be countered by the entire cast, with the exception of herself, which is a stalemate. She doesn’t hard counter anyone anymore. The only characters she was a hard counter to previously were Tracer and Genji. Now, Symmetra doesn’t counter those players anymore.

And you think this is fair and just? You’re ok with that fact? This game is supposed to play like rock, paper, scissors. Symmetras role no longer takes that game into account. She’s something entirely different. Rock, Paper and Scissors counter her, and she counters: Situationally unaware players. Not any of the player characters, just the driver of that character.


Yes… but you have to ask yourself, legit… who was actually a Symmetra Main and not a troll picker for Streaming purposes or a flex player going onto Symmetra for the Trolls and Lol of it.

Symmetra was an issue because it didn’t take much for her to decimate the entire team she is fighting against and having near 60% win rate whilst being one of the least picked heroes is WAY too abnormal.

If Sym is dropping back towards a near 50% win rate, then that means they have ‘Fixed’ her because the abnormality has been address.

As for the whole counter picking thing… there is a lot of people who don’t even follow this which is really annoying for me -_-… and it isn’t even Quick Play but Competitive.

Also the game has an issue where people aren’t openly accepting of odd picks like Sym, Torb and Sombra unless there is proof that running them will work.

Moment things goes a little bit iffy… it is 100% negativity towards said player.

But yeah, Sym require some skill to play now… but at same time… it depends whether people will main her.

My win rate when up to 64% with her since the changes, which was at 40% previously.

Toemaytoe Toemahtoe?

I honestly feel these numbers aren’t accurate as the character itself as she is a whole knew character, not Autolock doomfest that alot of the mains were use too. I find her way more practical and fun than the previous iterations. Just her left click is baaaaad.

The people who enjoyed a more casual less aim dependent play style, that could still feel like they were contributing to the team.

The issue with the old Sym, if she was doing her job well, you rarely ever saw her. As a result, the only time she was ever really noticed is when everyone got an extra 75 shields, or when she got POTG by melting 3 or more people in a row.

So true, doesn’t matter what character you’re playing, but it’s especially bad when you’re playing off meta characters.

Sadly, I don’t think the playerbase will allow that to happen. The toxicity is still rampant even after the rework.

“I personally am doing really well, so clearly you can ignore the overwhelmingly negative, objective stats for my subjective opinion”

Also, Sym 3.0 has already been nerfed; you can no longer build teleporters in spawn.

Meanwhile, the pitiful range buff for ger primary still hasnt left ptr.

This rework is a sinking ship, and Blizz cba to bring lifejackets.

The reason why the stats are effected is because sym mains who played her before arent fairly good with dps and dps players dont often play sym. So no it’s not a subjective look at my stats only, it’s the overall kit of sym that’s better. Majority of syms kills and wins came from auto-delete and choke poke tactics, there was nothing fun or rewarding about that

You also got to look at it too, she’s considered a dps now and is way more flexable so times where people didnt play her other than 1st point hybrid/2pc are now playing her on more attack roles.

Sym is better overall, different, but better.

I lost you somewhere around “winrate down” in the title…
sym had the highest winrate in the game, because she was only used in the one or two places where she was great. now people actually use her so her winrate is more “normal”