〽 Sym 3.0: worse pickrate than 2.0, winrate DOWN 7%

Sym, Mei and Sombra are “DEAD-HEROS” with a low pickrate. People always prefer DPS heros can cause WIPES to the enemy team, like Genji ult, Tracer bomb, Hanzo ult etc

Widow for 1.8 years was considered a troll pick and only on Master, GM, top 500 and OWL is usable. Pick widow in Silver, Gold and platinum and your account will not last more than 2 weeks before gets banned by fake reporting

DVA.& Widow are both very powerful right now, and have been historically. Widow in particular had her own sniper meta shortly after game release similar to Hanzo now.

Mei also used to be meta (and will be again when her ptr buff goes thru), and Sombra 1.0 was so powerful she was even used (albeit rarely) by pro teams.

Sym was actually so powerful in beta that they overnerfed to the point she was trash by comp season 1, and has been eversince.

There is clearly no relationship between whether or not a hero has an ult that matches their role and their power level.

Sym mains having an average winrate that is equal to the winrate of people who play her only on first point…

That is not out of the ordinary?


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You can’t really use winrates for the off-meta characters… it’s a little tilted because winrates are calculated at the end of the match. typically those people playing torb/symm/bastion… they either get so frustrated that they are getting wrecked, over and over and over, that they leave or they switch off before the end of the match.

So, in essence, you’ve just called the entire playerbase of Symmetra (many of which are mobility challenged) weird. Way to start off a post.

Again, you just can’t seem to keep your foot out of your mouth. You should have dared to not say it. You shouldn’t have said it. You should have kept your detrimental shaming comment to yourself.

I’m not certain if you’re including yourself in that group, or attempting to speak on their behalf. I’m confused.

In any case, yes Symmetra needs more TLC. She’s not done yet. She’s not complete. They shouldn’t have released her in this state.

Now you’re just ignoring what I’m saying.

That’s not how you do it, you make a completely new character discarding what worked, ignore feed-back, and then wonder what went wrong and why nobody wants to play the game you think they should.

Edit* Sorry to bother, just saw this was an 11 day old post!

Considering the current toxicity towards Symmetra and Symmetra mains still exists and her usefulness and her as a hero is still extremely easy to neutralize, what makes you think she’ll suddenly be played in OWL anyway?

Who cares if her pickrate there goes from 0% to 1% or 2%?

So in essence your post comes down to “I’M OFFENDED!”
I’m still waiting for your point…
I stand by every word because facts don’t care about your feelings and ironically you just called the majority of Symmetra mains (ugh) mobility challenged. Way to go buddy. Aside from that how did you not just prove my point exactly? When according to you only a few ppl main her aside from mobility impaired ppl? Geez.

She was always a weird afterthought and it showed. They took the TF2 engineer and stripped him of the teleporter and made 2 heroes out of that (probably stemming from having this hero concept that would fit the telly better ect), both of which are lacking ever since.

Torb would’ve been a great pick if they left him the telly. Instead we got 2 blunders generally plain known for throw picks. And I hate to break it to you but her kit was/still is abysmal clunky and unfun, so it’s not really far fetched to call people MAINING that weird. I did not say weird is bad btw, whatever floats your boat really but I won’t call a turd a flower just because people can’t handle objective criticism.

Fact is If Torb had the new telly he would be complete, I prolly still wouldn’t play him much but I could see why you would want to play that.

And they also came to realize that auto-aim was a short-sighted idea, now if they could only realize that everything about her is a mistake. I mean look at her now, the turrets are the most annoying thing I came across since the birth of online FPS. Hell they are doubling down on buffing the most annoying things in the cast, this could very well turn into the annoyance meta at some point.

Try to argue around that, buddy. OH and just fyi contrary to public belief “I’m offended” is really not an argument.

Old two Ults were WAY better.

So? We know thats why Sym has a high winrate. The point is that it should therefore go down if more people start to play her.

But thats not happening. Fewer ppl are playing her and her winrate is still going down. That can only mean she has just become straight up worse at the same job.

Im not a sym player but definitely hate the rework. I was actually starting to play her more before the rework and was having loads of fun. Now I just cant play her and get the same enjoyment. I wish Blizzard would not be so prideful and revert her because statistically on paper and in practice she is worse. Also less fun but thats opinon

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She needs so much help, and all theyvs given her is a 2 meter primary buff. And she only got THAT because Seagull complained. Fml.


I just want old sym back tbh. She was a character when I wanted to chill out and play I could but still make sure im focusing, that chill character has now sadly went to Mercy but she is extremely less fun lol

Also maybe we should pass on all complaints to Seagull apparently the bird knows all things balance

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Don’t worry guys, next year new rework … Blizzard is a turtle but they always win the race at the end, right ? The only issue is to know, when or where is the finishing line.

Next there will be no rework, just sym getting deleted

My post is best summed up by the following statement:

Your soap box was entirely built from “weird”, and now you’re upset that I kicked it out from under you.

I didn’t specify a ratio of mobility challenged vs non mobility challenged anywhere in my post, only pointed out that you are being exceedingly insensitive in regards to their plight. They have had a character taken from them that they were able to play with some measure of success, with no alternative given. If that’s a difficult concept to understand for you, no amount of typing a reply will make it clear to you what is wrong with that.

I’m not offended. I’m mystified. I simply cannot wrap my head around why you would willingly type out that wall of bigotry, and then come back and attempt to justify it. As for your “buddy” statement, that would assume that we are friends, and your behavior thus far is the first thing I would avoid in a “friend”.

Every hero has dropped with pick rate since Snipers meta, so instead of buffing everyone else to OP heroes, nerf heroes that are OP.

Now people will not pick sym or any other hero because there is no point if Hanzo or Widow can do everything easier and there is no need for tactics if you can oneshot anything.

How is this hard to think of?, doesnt matter how you buff Sym or any other hero, even now when Mccree/soldier is buffed, people still dont pick them because Hanzo and widow still are OP.

but that doesnt mean they still need buffs…

How come people complained about their time spent mastering Sym 2.0 and now it’s like a mystery that they can’t pick up a reworked hero and still maintain the same winrate when she’s only been out for a minute. Especially when you see people still using the same old Sym strats!

I watch a lot of amazing YouTubers and the crazy, fast-paced things they do with her, the teamwork they manage to pull off with her, and I am doing great. I haven’t brought my Sym to comp quite yet because I acknowledge that I am still learning her. People are still relearning her.