[✅ Today's Tank Balance ideas

lets see it colored                 ⌬  
I like it.

I don’t think 20% cuts is for dealing with Reaper/Tracer/Sombra or even mid Range soldier. Their enormous spread is entirely mitigated gigantic hitbox sizes, and even now feel like butter to the flankers hot knoife (part of why barriers with their many hundreds of health are such a must).

Perhaps contrast TTKs for some Damage/Tank interactions with and without the armour changes to give a better understanding of how your proposed changes would play out? My gut feeling says I’d only play Hog if this sorta change took place, but perhaps the flat reduction on HS damage that armour doesn’t help with would be an enormous boon for boof headed tanks :man_shrugging:t2:

Not going to lie, that sounds absolutely true.

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Kind of a weird tradeoff for hog on armor.

30% more damage on armor
14% less damage on armored headshots

This is a net nerf. She doesn’t need to be weaker.

I would go with Fortify back to 50%, but cooldown bumped up to 15 seconds. Halt gets the Snare duration partially reverted (nerf was 1.0 -> 0.65, I say go for 0.8) and its cooldown bumped up to 10 seconds. Barrier gets bumped to 1000 HP, cooldown unchanged. So Halt and Fortify are stronger again, but lower frequency, meaning she is going to need an off-tank to help her brawl… but when she does use her abilities, they’re going to be good. Idea here is high impact but low frequency. Even here she might be weaker, but less so than with your changes.

I… am unsure on this. Accretion would definitely need its damage reverted if you did that. I would Kinetic Grasp just have its cooldown bumped up to 13 to 15 seconds as well, and his Barrier restored to 1200 HP with a 0.65 second placement cooldown. Once again, we’re dealing with a hero who has high impact but low frequency on their ancillary abilties, so an off-tank is going to be much more valuable than an Orisa.

Or flip how armor works, so it reduces damage above a certain threshold rather than damage under a threshold. For example, it could reduce all single instances of damage over 30 by 20%. Using this math, a discrete hit dealing 70 damage would instead deal 62 damage ([0.8*70]+6) if fully applied against armor. That’d reign in burst damage, which is still an issue, and make it so that burst damage is ideal against squishies and sustained against tanks.

I agree with point 1, I disagree with point 2.

I like this, kinetic grasp is kind of weird because if you’re focused enough as to reach maximum shields you are probably going to die fast either way, so a different reward for eating all of that doesn’t sound bad

I would rather if she became a support


Care to elaborate?

Winston’s only weakness is CC, removing that makes him basically immortal while he has his ult up, it lowers his skill ceiling by a lot

Every time I see one of these threads it always makes me think the same thing. It’s like we dont care that double barrier would be making a return.

“only weakness”

Yet he’s one of the weaker tanks in the game. If you can focus him down before ult, do so afterwards as well.

I mean, isn’t that what the Lore Winston is all about.

Things are looking down, about to lose. Nope, Primal time.

And it wouldn’t be CC immune after the Ult is cast, just when the Ult is activated.

If it’s enough of a nerf, then tweak it. My preference would be +1 extra damage on her primary fire.

sry i red it wrong. I actually roly like that. I think sig changes are a bit too good for him but i rly like it.

As a flex tank player I’d say that these change ideas are just a little absolutely horrible. If you want to ensure another Orisa/Sigma double barriers meta with probably Doomfist/Symmetra as the only viable meta DPS again then these changes are right on the target. Moving a 300hp Mei into the tank role is a joke also. She’d require an overhaul of her abilities and a passive ability to be even considered a tank

I’m not too sure what you mean (though I think I figure it out later) :thinking:

Tracer (Hog has the same damage per pellet, the more you know).
Current armour rules
No fall off
12~5 HS

Max fall off
3.6~1.8 HS

20% flat reduction
12~10.8 HS

Max fall off

This is alarming… It’s basically double the damage a tracer currently does on hs in fall off range which, against a tank, is most of the bullets. My gut was correct and now my brain regrets looking into it further. I don’t wants it… :grimacing:

Let’s check Solider.
Current armour
No fall off
40~35 HS

Max fall off
20~15 HS

20% armour
No fall off

Max fall off
20~18 HS

In this instance, solider doesn’t really see a large difference in hs damage inside his fall off (50 being the break point between the two). It does make him do significantly more damage a round for regular body shots which is the numerical version of what you were saying about Hog? I’m sure there’s some philosophy about damage vs aim requirements in here some where :man_shrugging:t2:

Looking at Sombra, Reaper and Dva who each do 7/8/2 damage a pellet respectively, there’s are almost as nightmarish as the tracer scenario above (Dva is more nightmarish as she doesn’t crack the 50% damage threshold of the current armour and receives the greatest benefit) :cold_face:

I really really really like this idea.

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The problem is getting close in the first place. Trust me, I want these tanks to be strong again more than anything as Orisa was one of my favorites for a very long time. This does tamper with sigma’s and orisa’s ability to take a fight at close range but in most cases, when will this ever be a problem? The two dps on your team will be making sure that this doesnt happen as that’s their job. Not to mention, a very large majority of the characters have absolutely no chance of getting behind or up close to a sig/orisa anyway.

Not to mention, the main complaint is that it turned this game into a barrier shooting simulator. Not even junkrat could deplete both barriers before one or the other was off cooldown/done recharging.

I played these 2 frequently when this was meta. It’s the reason I got to 3600 tank at all. So please, dont pretend like I dont know what I’m talking about.

Really does make one wonder.

Considering it should be obvious that a Reaper/Rein/Lucio comp using amped speed boost, or a Dive comp could get into close range rather easily.

Perhaps you’re not thinking about how the changes to armor would make it 30% more vulnerable to attacks from Tracer/D.va/Hammond/Sombra/Reaper etc.

Or how Orisa couldn’t casually throw out a 50% Slow.

Or Sigma can’t CC an entire Dive team with a projectile they can’t be matrixed.

Or how Mei can’t act as a DoubleBarrier bodyguard.

And I take it you’ve never seen CC? Have you forgotten how easy it is to stomp on dive right now?

Mei, brig, mcree, lucio, sombra, ect?

Pick the right team for the situation with double barrier and the enemy team is not getting through.

P.s. nerfing their 1v1 potential is not a buff even if the tradeoff is a barrier buff.

Also, the armor changes proposed are just no.

And that’s why this idea is all about making Tanks more vulnerable to Dive.

Also, if Mei is a Tank, then she can’t be used by DoubleBarrier.

And all those other CCs would either be stripped out by these changes, blocked by Matrix and DomeBarrier, or…well you got Brig.

But if the devs have their way with the Experimental Card. That Peel is getting weaker too.

Also, really, Reaper damage versus armor is going up from 80 per shot against armor, to 120 per shot. You don’t think that’s significant?

Tracer would go from 2 damage per bullet against armor, to 5 damage per bullet.