Was going with the theme of “OffTank Sigma, MainTank Orisa”.
Thought I’d go with cranking up the damage and peel on Sigma.
While cranking up Orisa barrier, but weakening her selfpeel.
Experimental Barrier
- Barrier Health reduced to 450hp, down from 900hp
- Cooldown reduced to 0.1sec
- DirectHit Damage increased to 65, up from 55.
- Self damage reduced to almost nothing
- Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds, down from 10
- Self damage reduced to almost nothing
Kinetic Grasp
- Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds, down from 10
Protective Barrier
- Increased to 900 HP
- Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds
- Reduced to 20% damage resistance.
How is she going to main tank if we reduce her fortify even more?
Doing that also means she can’t be more aggressive and leaves her as nothing but a Shield bot.
Sorry, Orisa is off tank. Sigma is the main tank now ;p
By getting an offtank that can peel.
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I like the Sigma barrier speed, but Fortify is pretty much Orisa’s only active pushing tool, and the ability that actually encourages her to engage the enemy. I don’t want her to become even more reliant on a static barrier. Play her like Soldier, not like Bastion.
I’d rather her barrier just be made into a resource ability at this point, like Rein or Sigma.
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Give Orisa a headshot immunity and fortify has 30% resistance. Experimental Barrier should also at least be 600 hp.
I don’t know. I feel like that would just make her even weaker to Rein+Zarya comps while leaving her damage received by other headshoting heroes relatively unchanged.
Rein Hammer and Zarya Beam just made even more reliable.
I’d rather not have Sigma be an offtank. I hate that you can only really play him as offtank now as it is.
It’s still better than 20% fortify alone. Although I disagree with the whole fortify resistance nerf anyways. In fact, I feel like it should be upped to 50 again since Sigma was the only reason Orisa became so strong.
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That’s a kind of the point though.
There should be a range where a composition isn’t strong.
And cutting through potentially 2x barriers at medium range isn’t reasonable.
Thus making main tank even less appealing than it already is.
We already have a problem where people would rather play offtank.
Maintank is one of the most necessary roles in the game, so I think we shouldn’t make it absolutely boring So people just instalock hog and Zarya.
That’s not a good reason to cripple a character, you’re not even thinking about how to use Orisa with characters besides Sigma
Well they could maybe bump up Orisa firepower a bit.
I imagine that’s more fun than glowing a bit.
Bunker was already replacing GOATS in ladder and T2 before Sigma was on anyone’s radar. Orisa was already strong by herself, Sigma just covered the weaknesses Hog and Baptiste couldn’t.
Fortify is a lot more than just glowing. It’s probably one of her most important abilities. I could explain in heavy detail but I won’t.
But is it fun, compared to shooting stuff?
I mean that’s the entire concept of an off tank isn’t it? The fat DPS.
The main tank is the anchor of the team.
With someone like Orissa who is easily walked over, her survivability is more important than her damage.
So you think glowing is more fun than shooting stuff?
I feel like you’re not very familiar with the character.
I don’t know. Seems pretty black and white. I don’t want her to crumple the moment a brawl breaks out.
Orisa is a bore to play at range. Just aim at choke and shoot. She’s only fun once the fight breaks into a brawl, where she’s rewarded for using her abilities dynamically around her.
This change kind of forces her into that distant, barrier-refreshing-and-hope-you-get-a-pick playstyle I actively avoid.