I feel like you’re avoiding the question.
Yes, because you use it in conjunction WITH shooting stuff, namely the Reinhardt who is (prior to the nerfs) trying hammer through you or shatter but all it’s doing is making you laugh as he does tickle damage against your close range headshots.
Orisa is meant to counter Reinhardt, I don’t know why you’d remove the thing that givers her an advantage in that engagement.
I explained that fortify ability is important.
If you really want an answer if shooting stuff is fun, of course it is but there’s more to many of the characters in this game than shooting. It’s a very black-and-white way to look at things.
I’d argue that it’s more fun to shoot stuff and have a good barrier but kinda meh selfpeel, rather than be sturdy but boring
I would easily argue that the play style you’re referring to would be pretty boring as well.
And as soon as they decide to just walk past your barrier you basically crumple as I read a few other people have mentioned.
And that’s fine, because you should have an offtank that can peel.
Doesn’t fully solve the problem but ok.
You missed it a bit.
all this will do is enable a Orisa Rein meta.
Also, Sigma doesn’t need to stun even harder than now and use Shift more often.
Hint: almost like the problem is BOTH tanks because they are badly designed…
Orisa should have a stronger barrier and a weaker fortify.
Sigma should have his Shift removed.
This would solve the conundrum.
^ This. And the dev’s should take a look back at this and seriously consider putting these two tanks back the way they were. So we can finally get some other playing again in the comps
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
So I’m gonna stop you right there