✅ Mercy, 60hps on ground teammates

What if Mercy had her 60hps back for most heal targets.

But PharMercy and EchoMercy pockets weren’t buffed. And still healed at 50hps.

AND Mercy can fly around constantly without having to slow down to get this increased 60hps.


Cadeceus Staff

  • If the teammate being healed a small area-of-effect healing circle appears below the healed teammate.
  • The healing circle heals teammates for 10 healing per second.
  • When a player is standing on the ground, they receive both the 50hps beam heal, and the 10hps AOE heal.

An example of a grounded circle insignia, why they could easily make a yellow one for Mercy.

Would provide that coveted 60hps for Mercy on grounded teammates, without conflicting with Mercy’s movement skills.

And without making airborne healing too strong.


Anything that buffs Mercy’s healing output, but not Pharmercy and MercyEcho, whilst keeping Mercy’s flow intact and making room for Pharah and Echo to be strong on their own is a great idea to me. :+1:


I figure it also solves that issue of teammates complaining for Mercy to stop flying.

No mind reading needed.

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Hope you didn’t forget about jumping, which is technically “flying”.
Idea itself is good, though it’s unlikely to be noticed during gameplay.

I figure similar to Soldier heal, they could make it go a little bit off the ground to account for that.

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If they can make Earthshatter climb the payload and go under it at the same time I’m sure they can code this properly :smiling_imp: lol

Poor Genji would be really annoyed to find out, that climbing wall weakens healing on him.

Like that would ever stop Genjis from demanding more healing :stuck_out_tongue:

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Would it not be easier to just code it so Mercy can only heal players for 60hps that are on the ground? (excluding jumping teammates)

Your circle idea sounds a lot more complicated and harder to code/animate.

It’s literally just a smaller radius Soldier heal that heals at 10hps.

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it still adds complexity that isn’t needed. But that’s just my opinion.

Perhaps, but the visual explains what’s going on to the healed player.

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I liked your last suggestion better. More risk vs reward. Only people who didnt like it were those who didnt like the idea of “bad play” or more risk to get the reward, but not all heroes have abilities that are entirely complementary of their kits. If we’re talking a buff to Mercy’s healing other than your previous suggestion - only two sound good.

One - the idea of switching Valk to cooldown and Single res to Ult


Two - removing Res and adding a new cooldown support ability like aoe heal or targeted pacifism.

Funny enough is that it also fits healing buff.

This might actually be the first time I’ve seen you post something that looked like a good idea.

It would cause 60 hps to the vast majority of the heroes. People shouldn’t be jumping all the time regardless, so you’d be doing 60 hps most of the time.

Yes, but in terms of impact, it’s not that different. If teammate is dying with 50 hps, increasing healing to 60 won’t make noticeable improvement to situation in most cases.

Lol thanks.

Also, visually it’s a circle.
But as is the case with Soldier76, it’s probably actually coded as a small sphere or a small column of AOE healing.

Would make it a lot harder to glitch out in unusual terrain.

to OP: I personally like this buff and / or rework to Mercy’s healing and would like this to be put in game. A hardy job well done is in order.

Weird take on my buff reccomendation but it’s a step in the right direction

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What if she did 60 hp/s on anyone inside the tank category only? That’s like the main issue I find when playing her, you feel so useless when your tanks need healing

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