Mercy 50hps Flying 60hps not Flying

Luckily that resurrect is way too clunky to be a threat. More like free kill of Mercy, unless somehow no one can see that with giant glowing wings.

Well as long as your not standing in the middle of an open fire fight and use the protection of say a barrier, lamp, a wall.

you should be fine.

More like as long as no one decides to flank through that area. It’s not like enemy can’t just rush in to kill Mercy and escape.

hahaha So you are a threat the that should be seeked out! Hmm I wonder why?

Seeked? You literally have neon sign on you.

And it’s not because you are threat - it’s just too easy kill to pass. Easier kill would be only on AFK player.

I actually have an improved version over here, they does the same thing, but doesn’t limit Mercy’s mobility.

✅ Mercy, 60hps on ground teammates

Yeah but arguably Tempo res was too much and it was an issue with Damage Players not killing us as they should be doing, the longer they leave up alive, the more Res we can pull off during a fight and with 60 HPS we could keep things up until Ultimates start flying.

I think while the idea is interesting it would be too problematic for mercy players. Why should we get punished for utilising good positional abilities of her kit? Why should we be punished for super jumping, bunny hopping, staying airborne for survivability?

I think just because mercy synergises well with certain heroes in team comp does not mean you have to scale her down because she works so well with pharra and echo. She is still an individual character and does deserved to be looked as such rather “overpowered” in good team synergies.

I actually have an improved version over here, they does the same thing, but doesn’t limit Mercy’s mobility.

:white_check_mark: Mercy, 60hps on ground teammates

But nobody seems to be responding to that one.

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I personally believe that players of a hero are all individuals, notwithstanding of what role they play, be it support, damage, or tank. Ergo, I believe that players only account for their own opinions, are not “cores” of any “group/ tribe/faction/belief/creed/ or identification”, and do not stand for the opinions of others.

I also completely disagree with the, yet again, language being used and the tribalistic approach towards the blanketing of statements against both Mercy fans, and Damage fans, and see it as not a way of unifying the community or respecting people, but dividing them.

this is a good post op

Which is punishing Mercy players for using her mobility. The moment I hit GA I’m healing for 50HP/s, until ability is over. This change only buffs Mercy players who don’t use GA much, it will also cement her into just being a 100% pocket.


How about this. All healing is reduced on characters while they are not on the ground:

DVA Boosting, Sigma using ult, Winston rocket pack jumping, Hammond swining, Pharah in flight, whatever it is that the new character will do, Junkrat while grenading himself into the air, Lucio while on walls, Widow while grappling, Genji while double jumping, etc.

Mercy has been nerfed enough. She’s already an almost worthless character. Stop blaming her on your inability to click Pharah on the forehead.

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Its a net buff though? :no_mouth:


I’ll be blunt: I don’t care what other faceless people on the internet think of me or “us”. I’m going to advocate for what I think is right, and nobody’s negative opinion of me or “us” is going to stop me.

Respect is a two-way street. I will give my respect to the people I speak to until they prove they are not worth my respect because they are not willing to reciprocate.

This is a fat lie you pulled out of your six. None of “us” labeled you as a “traitor” for disagreeing. You are entitled to your opinion of Mercy, just as we are. Disagreement is not belligerence. Know the difference.

If “we” truly saw you as a “traitor” for disagreeing, then you wouldn’t still be in my Discord server. Nobody has earned the honor of being called a “traitor”, and I’m honestly not sure what they would have to do to earn that title; what I do know is that anybody who does manage to earn it will be banned from the server in an instant.

Taking criticism has never been a problem for me. I observe it and consider it, but criticism does not entitle you or anyone to action on my part. You said the Pacify proposal in my megapost would be overpowered; I and many others who collaborated on the proposal disagreed and chose not to change it. From that, you constructed this whole “Mercy cult” delusion, when in reality you would have left the Discord server long ago if that’s the way you really felt. If you took my inaction from your criticism personally, that’s your own fault.

There are… a lot of things wrong with this assertion.

First, there’s the presumption that all of “us” will defense every “pro-Mercy idea” and attack every “anti-Mercy” idea. Just a few days ago, I reviewed a rework proposal from another Mercy main in my Discord server and told them that their idea would “singlehandedly break the game” as written. As for the “anti-Mercy” ideas, I’m… honestly not sure what that would include at this point, other than leaving her as she is. Even then, that’s subjective because believe it or not, some people in my Discord server are okay with her current state.

Second, none of this is being orchestrated by me. None of “our” forum activities, other than the rework proposal in my megapost and another certain event that led to the “Mercy Ice Cream Movement”, were collaborative efforts led by myself, and the latter of the two was just for kicks and giggles.

People hated the Mercy rework long before I even created my Discord server. I didn’t gather a group of people and say “We’re all going to complain about the rework”, there were already a bunch of people complaining about the rework and someone said “Hey, wanna make a Discord server?”. If I didn’t gather a bunch of people together, then we would all be complaining independently from each other.

There is no Easter Bunny, there is no Tooth Fairy, and there is no Mercy Hive Mind.

There is no damage that cannot be healed, unless you are referring to the players that left because of the rework. Maybe they’re gone for good, but the developers can always change Mercy into a to a better state to satisfy the remaining Mercy players.

This sounds like projection. You’re the one calling us “cultists” for not taking your word as gospel just because you claim to have some experience in game development.


It would keep her from being a stronger pocket for Pharah or Echo.

Who said she was pocketing the Pharah or Echo?

You don’t seriously believe that this isn’t going to be an issue with increased healing, do you?
It’s a problem that must be addressed if her healing is to be increased. She has very strong synergy with those heroes.

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The buff is still a stupid idea

This thread currently seems to have some better ideas for Mercy buffs anyway, I’ve already jumped ship :^)