Hog is getting nerfed pretty hard this patch. But that’s fine.
They were already heading down the direction of “Make DoubleOffTank not be a throw comp”.
Now that Hog is nerfed, they can go further in that direction:
- Reduce the Bionade AntiHeal radius down to 1/4th it’s current size. No changes for heals or damage radius.
- Damaging Tanks gives 50% less Ult Charge
- Healing Tanks gives 50% less Ult charge
- Fine tune healer Ult Charge requirements
Changes like this would greatly benefit Roadhog. As well as any other offtank.
they could do anything, but they wont do anything sadly, agreed with what you said though
You’re joking, right?
Tanks have been nerfed more times than DPS.
They’re butchering their game even harder.
I actually think they are focusing on pushing the tank meta to be more open.
By making it so that you don’t NEED a barrier up 24/7 to win.
Heavily disagree on this. This game currently revolves around “who’s barrier breaks first” and LOTS of unbalanced burst damage. Back then when Overwatch first started we didn’t have these issues so much.
Roadhog is an open target for an ult charge buffet. So is Orisa, with her limited movement and weak barrier. The only legit tank to perform an adequate tanking function is Sigma, because of both his barrier and grav ability.
Well, the Ult charge is fixed up above.
And I got a sniper fix over here.
[✅] 2x Widow headshot, 2.5x full charge
A good idea for a sniper fix on Widow, but you now you have Hanzo.
I often get killed by a so-called head shot. Even when I’m mostly behind cover.
Let’s see, let’s brain storm some buffs
- tighten the spread angle on the right click shotgun spread.
- Faster initial speed on the right-click slug+explosion animation, so there’s less prediction involved (since it doesn’t hit like a truck any more).
- Faster reload
- 7 sec hook
- More hook damage, 55 from 30
- More melee damage, 55 from 30. (Note, Torb hammer melee is 55)
- BioticGrenade AntiHeal radius shrunk such that it almost needs a direct hit
- Stun/Sleep/Shatter immunity during Take a Breather
- Tanks feed 50% less Ult charge to damage/healers, reduce healer Ult charge requirements somewhat
The hook damage would be reasonable, because its essentially a skill check.
I like that idea.