✅ If Mei was moved to Tank Role

A lot of defensesive uses for wall cost you your team’s momentum, especially if you’re not coordinating.

Mate, she’s just not a main tank. Zarya’s bubbles are much better than ice wall defensively and Zarya has 400 hp, which lets her rotate aggression with her main tank. Hog can rotate aggression too, but Mei cannot, she can’t take a hit. She can hardly even be called a bruiser.

DPS queue times would probably decrease with 5 sec or so.

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It’s not just that. Mei would have to have her lethality nerfed across the board to accommodate more hp. She would be incredibly oppressive as a DPS and duelist with 350 hp.

You play Rein, right Falc?

No significant effect on queue times, significant (positive) effect on the way the game is played.

Also I could play my favorite dps in my preferred role (without needing to wait 4-10 minutes) and be instant master with Mei.

Imo Mei as a tank would need higher total life (350-450, 400 preferred) to operate as a tank, with no other changes.



The way I look at it, if Mei was a Tank, and Roadhog was a DPS.

Then you’d have a “soft” version of 3DPS or 3Tank comps.


Wait a minute, you’re a hog main?

You don’t act like it.

Ok so you know how when your barrier is low, its your off tanks job to be a threat and take the pressure for a bit so you can recoup? That’s rotating aggression, Mei can’t do that, she only has 250 hp.

I don’t want that. If I want 3 dps, i queue for QP Classic.

I think I’ve had some good impacts on Roadhog balance before.

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Isnt popular? Good Joke.

Before she became meta she sat around a 1.5% pickrate

I mean, she would need other changes. 400 hp Mei would be an incredibly overpowered, oppressive duelist. She could kill any other tank in a 1 on 1 easily with them having no chance against her at all. She could also force 1 on 1 with her wall. She would be extremely difficult to kill even if focused. And that many hp is too much for a hero as small as Mei.

If she got moved to the Tank role, I’m sure the balance team would pinch-to-zoom her to 2-3x her current size.

Interesting read! Your balance threads are always so well-constructed.

On the subject of impact on balance, I feel like my Sym post from the other day like almost a week ago stopped ThicCree from making it to live…

If Mei were to become a tank, she’d need to have higher HP, and a slightly toned down heal, as to not feel like a Hog in terms of self-heals. My only possible other reason as to if she’d fair bad in the tank role, is nobody likes to tank, and its been generally made unfun. In fact, made a thread the other night talking about that specific topic. So if Mei is stuck in tank queue, then we’re going to see even less of them, for better or for worse.

I have my suspicions. What if devs knew ThicCree was a bad idea, but put it in, then changed it. As a way to show how reasonable they are, that they didn’t go with the bad idea.

Since this whole last patch was a demo of how they could post to PTR, adjust, then publish to Live, really really fast.


No, they wouldn’t, they care about the art design. She’d probably get an entire new hero model. Maybe a mech suit or ice armor.

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I’m not sure if ThicCree was an inherently bad idea because it would have opened up his counterplay options and survival time versus heroes he obviously counters (Brigitte, Pharah, Junkrat, Mercy, Moira, Lucio, Reaper, Baptiste, Mei, Doom…) and the heroes the community believes he should counter (Tracer, Torb, Soldier, Sombra, Mei, Roadhog, the entire support roster).

When you describe this patch as a demo, I can get behind that. Most of the changes to Orisa were bad ideas, but I can’t deny that I felt much better after noticing the patch notes offering a much more toned down version of nerfs to Orisa.
I remember making a thread the day the PTR went live describing how the balance team was failing in regards to Orisa.

I also remember making a thread praising the balance team for not completely destroying Orisa once the patch hit live.

Do it please. Mei moving into the tank role should add more tank players and help balance queue times.


No thanks, Mei stays where she is in the DPS slot.


Stop asking about the same thing. She’s dps either ya’ll like it or not.