[✅] Fade cleansing Earthshatter?

Just an idle thought on this phrasing:

Hmmmm, like making Fade only be a Cleanse, but it can cleanse Earthshatter.

That way DoubleOffTank has a counter for bionade/earthshatter.
Throw in something that reduces Ult charge feeding.
And all the sudden DoubleOffTank is a lot less of a throw comp.

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Earthshatter lasts like 3 seconds… it’s terrible now.

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double offtank should always be a throw

because they are good at taking space but not holding it

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yes counter earthshatter by fading right into that mess. totally makes sense. in fact it sounds like a one-way ticket to getting yourself slaughtered by a pocketed Rein. but at least you would have cleansed your teammates right

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Better would be to fade and evade earthshatter altogether but the delay makes it impossible to react to it in time.

If it’s a Cleanse you could react to it, go Fade, then pop back up on top of your team and Cleanse it.

*2.5 seconds

they nerfed it a few patches ago

Don’t make it inconsistent just for one stun

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I wasn’t sure of the exact time, but yeah. I’m a Reinhardt main and I basically stopped playing when that went through. He feels terrible to play now as any agency Reinhardt had in winning team fights is completely nullified since I can’t even kill 200HP heroes through Lucio heal aura before their whole team stands up.

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Yeah it was a random nerf in response to rein/zarya being popular at the time. I’ve never felt like shatter was unfair to play against. Reins gotta not get stunned during the animation, not just die during the animation, have good positioning to get it on a lot of the enemy team and not have an opposing shield to block it.

Like it was a good ult. Ults area supposed to be good.

Of course now the problem is sigma, apparently. Can’t wait till he’s made completely unfun.

You realize you still stay stunned afterwards right? You’re just invincible for 1 second.

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Yup, I was figuring get rid of the invulnerability, and get rid of the cc immunity. But just make it cleanse the “shattered” status.

double off tank isnt bad cause of ana rein, its bad cause u have faster dps ults and support ults while they only egt faster support ults and the dps dont have space cause if the off tanks push they get bursted or cced. Earth shatter is prolly the worst tank ult rn besides hog ult

Adding Moira as a crutch isn’t super beneficial to the actual composition. They’d have to homogenize the tank category to ever make double off-tank viable or rework/add new heroes to fill in the gaps that punish your team for lacking a main tank.

Well yeah, they’d need to do something about Ult charge feeding.

There are a couple ways they could do it.

For instance, make it so Ult charge is only gained passively or on kills, and is shared Ult charge from kills is shared equally with the team.

Or just make so Ult charge feeding is inversely proportional to maximum HP. Such that killing a Soldier and killing a Roadhog both give 200hp equivalent Ult charge.

I don’t like the option of create a counter to fix the problem. Shatter should have a synaller área impact snd Anti healing maybe less duration. Or We Will be forced to play a specific hero.
Anyway is bettter than don’t try anything

Well they could make it so a variety of offtanks can block it or cleanse it.

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nah dude. Thats only half of it. Off tanks dont create space at all. Also idk if anyone wants to live in a world where u can run double off tank. Having lower slef sustain makes skill shots harder. hittinga shot on solder is harder than sig because u have to position better. Tanks have more ground to cover. If a hog and dva could just run u down off tanks wouldnt be hard.

Well, I have been working on something like that.

  1. Make AnchorTanks have better shields and projectile speed.
  2. Make AnchorTanks have worse selfpeel, and make armor more vulnerable to Rapidfire and Shotguns.
  3. Make DiveTanks have better Armor/HP ratios
  4. Have various cleanses on Roadhog/Zarya

[✅] Basic Rehaul of the Tank Role

its interesting, but rein would feel terrible. Its a flat out nerf to him which the opposite is needed. The other changes are fine. I would prefer more nerfs to sigma and orisa, even tho she would be worse, would feel terrible to play. And finally without reverting speciffically damage creep the armour change would make tanks feel really squishy. Its making brig worse which im all for but nerfing tanks as a class would feel rly bad.