[✅] Fade cleansing Earthshatter?

Are you sure about that?

i mean what do u expect. Majority of the player base is in plat diamond gold. Theyre still learning the basics off the game. The easiest playstyle that everyone can understand is walking with a sheild in front of u. Nerfing rein is a net negative. It ruins pro play and gm and makes teh tank that all low elo players know how to play around terrible.

Earthshatter is still one of the 5 best ults in OW and having non shield counterplay is actually nice.

I figure with moving the game towards favoring Rushdown and Dive, Rein would do fine. He thrives on close range brawls.

I figure Tanks should be more in line with “Heavies from the FPS genre” instead of “Tanks from the RPG genre”.

Also the beefy barriers do in fact have an impact on survival.

Not to mention, that extra projectile speed should count for something.

Worst comes to worst, throw in a couple points of damage

idk if it would favor them because damage is so high. Orisa and sig, especially in ur proposed environment, having more initial and possible shielding but the same damage. The initial shield protects for the rein push and the dive, which rein and dive take a heavy loss here. The extra proj does nothing tbh. Firestrike still gets eaten by sig and the rein taking less damage while pushing matters the most. Also nobody minded tanks when they ow came out, just revert back to then

Yup, that’s intentional. It does virtually nothing to barriers or at close range.

I thought it was pretty clever.

exactly. It just flat nerfs brawl more than poke in an enviornment where poke is way better

If anything I’d say DiveTanks are looking rather Brawly. Hog is already beefy. And Zarya packs a punch.

It would make AnchorTanks worse at brawling, and somewhat better at poking. But that’s the whole idea.

Make it so that DoubleBarrier is at a strong disadvantage at close range. And that includes Rein based DoubleBarrier.

If Rein needs a peel boost, maybe make it in the form of a Zarya Peel buff.

no main tank main wants less engagement. They want to take risks and go in. In a rein or orisa meta people would hate the game, and all orisa rein players would quit. Make the game more active. Less sheilding and more "w"ing

Well let’s say they put in a 3sec Zarya projected barrier.

i dont understand u lol. Imagine if dive only ahd a 3 sec window to dive a support, or rein could get bubbled while walking, getting energy and then reaching them and u get bubbled again, straight 100 energy. Ur ideas are interesting but not what ow needs. the game is too out of wack, it needs reseting.

In general, the goal here is to make it so that SingleBarrier is optimal, and DoubleBarrier is a niche cheese comp.

And considering DoubleBarrier is near invincible at medium/long range, unless the opposing team has their own DoubleBarrier.

The counter needs to be close range. Especially since Dive and Rushdown are pretty much the only other type of composition that’s not a Poke comp. And those thrive on close range brawls.

I’m all for this new Moira change but I feel it would be stupid to have it remove the earth shatter stun once it’s applied. It shouldn’t remove any stuns once they are applied aside from Mei’s freeze.

No. Double off tank use should only be situational.

I’d be ok if Fade could only cleanse stuns (shatter, bash, flashbang, etc.)

roots, snares, and damage all still apply normally

That’s the reason it’s so terrible. In Masters, there are two shields more often than not. So it is near impossible to land a big Earthshatter on multiple enemies because Orisa/Rein and Sigma have shields on top of Ana having her sleep dart, Brigitte having her shield bash, McCree having flashbang, etc, etc, etc. The amount of cooldowns you have to bait out in order to successfully land a shatter on more than one target is ridiculous and impossible for one Reinhardt. It is a team game, but the amount of outplay right now for this meta for Reinhardt is near-zero due to the abundance of shielding and stuns.