So here’s what I got today. The usual attempts at dismantling DoubleBarrier while encouraging SingleBarrier.
As well as some OffTank changes.
- 20% damage resistance (I.e. Tracer/Reaper damage on armor goes up 30%, but a lot stronger vs snipers)
- Health = Changed to 300armor,100hp.
- Firestrike = 20% faster projectile speed
- Barrier = 2000hp
- Fortify reduced to 20% damage resistance
- Halt! = No Slow effect (or very brief duration)
- Primary Fire = 20% faster projectile speed
- Barrier = 900hp on a 8sec cooldown
- Gallop Passive = Walking forward for 3sec while not using abilities/attacks/ult, grants 20% speedboost, until cancelled by using an ability/attack/ult.
- Kinetic Grasp = Does not grant TempHP, repairs his Barrier up to 500 barrierHP., and can overheal the barrier to 1400hp.
- Accretion = No Stun, replaced with a Boop
- No self damage from attacks
- Primary Fire = 20% faster projectile speed
- Barrier = 1100hp
Now let’s throw in some Tank changes for Tanks that aren’t AnchorTanks.
- Health = 300armor, 300hp
- Health = 300armor, 200hp
- Health = 300armor, 300hp
- Projected Barrier = Cleanses against Sleep and EarthShatter, and preemptively blocks Hack status from EMP.
- Take-a-Breather = Emits an AOE cloud that provides 20% damage resistance to teammates, and cleanses antihealing.