“Redefining a sequel.”

I just miss 6v6. You can argue until they’re blue in the face about everything you love about 5v5 but I liked 6v6 better.


They redefined that by making a worst sequel. /claps.


There was a simple way to make.pve work.let players control the bots, one q for heroes one q for villains.when vilains die they would posess a diferent mob like that old batlefield game.

People paid for the OW2 PVE and it was dead after a month. No doubt the same thing would happen to OW1 PVE if it was available all year round.


I mean we still got a new free mission in underworld that was an upgraded Archives mission, and most likely will get more PVE stuff in Halloween and going forward when we normally get archives and the like.

We have yet to hit that part of the ow cycle.

That’s the price of being a live service. People still play the PVE of other shooters with PVE in them, and that’s because people don’t expect continuous content. By that, I mean the players and the developers don’t expect it; the devs make it with the intentions that people will play it and replay it.

Meanwhile, modes like MVM in TF2 are mostly dead (IIRC) because we’ve played all the levels already. You know right now if an MVM stage dropped tomorrow, people would go running back to the mode.

In multiple interviews Jeff stated it was going to be a separate PvE game from the start.

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Nope! In fact in interviews he said the opposite.

Can’t get much clearer than this haha:

And again, the original OW2 trailer contained PVP content… I’m not sure how this narrative can even be spun at this point.

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Judging by the fact that the PVE achievements are the rarest ones on Steam, I don’t think you’re alone.

According to Blizzard, yes, it’s unreasonable.

They removed them to sell the story missions in OW2, which happen to be inferior to the Archives missions.

If Archives missions were still available, even as seasonal limited-time events, people would have considered the paid story missions an even worse deal.

There are PvP modes in Arcade that are practically dead game modes.
They would rather keep those dead game modes than make Archives part of the Arcade rotation.
That’s how desperate they are to cover up their PvE debacle.

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This is absurd. It takes crazy levels of cope to think the 3 5-minute Archives levels (one of which was just the Havana PVP map with recycled NPCS from Retribution) are anywhere near as good as the OW2 story missions.

The free Kings Row mission they released last year? That was Archives-level.

I’m not the only one who says this. Even the biggest YouTubers have said it.

5 versus 20 minutes means quantity over quality.
The elite units are more interesting in Archives, despite being limited.
The overall flow of the mission is more orchestrated.
Most importantly, the ability to play as any hero you like is the biggest selling point of Archives compared to the story missions.
Also, the modifiers in the Archives missions made them much more replayable.

The only advantage of the paid missions is having more cutscenes and a bit more story in them. That’s to be expected for a paid content.


I mean… The achievements are still in the achievements tab but it’s literally impossible to get 100% completion until the event returns. Unless they get removed from there,. returning it is a must.

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Oh it must be true, a YouTuber said it!

You realize the entire business model of a YouTuber is to say controversial things for clicks, right? It is literally the best way to get engagement on any social media platform.

It doesn’t make it true. In fact, your opinion will have better reach if it isn’t true.

No, qantity over quality would be 100 30-second missions vs 10 3-minute ones. This is literally quality over quality. They have more enemy variety, unique maps, more cutscenes, more in-game interactions, etc. They are better storytelling missions by literally every metric. They only area in which they are somewhat lacking is replayability - but even then, I think of them like a movie - something I would want to play through occasionally, not every day.

Yes, because they’re designed to tell a story.

The story-mode version of Archives also locked you into 4 specific heroes. There is more variety in the OW2 Story Missions.

That’s the entire point of them.

Seriously, who was grinding Archives over and over? As I said above, not many people. The OW1 PVE achievements are incredibly rare on Steam. This was not a common activity.

Oh no, that’s not what I said.
I only mentioned that as a response to “crazy amount of cope”.
Usually the ones coping are those who belong to a minority, which in this case those who think that story missions are better than archives.

How so?
More variety through having a small amount of playable heroes? Explain yourself.

And that’s exactly why they are a worst version of Archives.

Archives would not be well-received if it did not offer an all-heroes version and, later on, a version with modifiers.

The whole point of PvE is to make it highly replayable.
And despite OW1 Archives not nearly being the most replayable PvE content in the industry, it is way more replayable than the story missions.

If the story missions were any good, they would not be completely dead after a short period of time, despite being permanent modes in the game.

And Archives achievements on Steam do not actually mean anything. I bet that 90% of Steam accounts were never used to play Archives, either because they belong to brand-new players who never tried OW1, or they belong to existing players as alt accounts.

This is the problem with your argument. The point of the OW2 Story Mode was never “high replayability”. The point was to tell a story.

Per Jeff Kaplan in 2021:

We want to make the story missions, like the campaign, have an element of replayability to those – but we’re not under the illusion that a linear campaign is going to be highly replayable. And that’s what we showed at BlizzCon 2019 – that Rio mission – and a lot of people are like, “Oh, I don’t see how I’m going to play that for thousands of hours.” And we’re like, “Yeah, I don’t think you are going to play that for thousands…” That’s not the goal.


The highly-replayable gameplay in Overwatch is the PVP game. They had originally planned for a separate, “replayable”, PVE non-story mode but it was cancelled. But the point of the Story Mode was to tell a story. Complaining that it isn’t highly-replayable is like complaining that the latest CoD singleplayer campaign isn’t “highly-replayable”. You’re missing the point.

It’s fine to disagree with the decisions, but the Story Mode is also fine for what it is. And it is exactly what they said it would be (although we only got the first episode). And it does a way better job of what it was supposed to do than the OW1 Archives missions ever did.

It sucks that people attached all sorts of wrong expectations to this pretty simple concept, so now we won’t get more of them. But hey, I guess collab skins are more profitable.

I mean, you still don’t get it.

Archives were also not meant to be highly replayable. They are called “archives.” They are meant for storytelling.

But as storytelling content, the developers managed to make them decently replayable by offering an infinite number of hero combinations and later adding modifiers.

That’s literally the entire equation.

Both Archives and the story missions belong to the same type of content.
One offers a decent amount of replayability, while the other offers close to zero replayability.

And for this reason, Archives is a better version of the story missions.
It has what the story missions offer and adds layers on top of it. Simple math.

In a first-person shooter, you value gameplay depth far more than nice cutscenes.

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I miss voting cards.


Also because most like to play pvp.

Never coming back, was there for the Invasion event.

You mean the exact same things we’ve had before? Junkerstein’s Revenge and Bride ain’t exactly new. The Diablo event ain’t coming back either as that was for the Diablo battlepass.
Archives sure as Hell isn’t coming back, and the PVE got cancelled along with Hero Gauntlet’s removal.
Most of the PVE team was fired, even if we are still going to receive PVE content, it is going to be nothing like what we’ve had in the past.

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