“Redefining a sequel.”

…what else is there to say?

Just leave what you liked about the original.

I miss how there was actual PvE in the form of the Archives missions.


if it helps. I never did a single PVE event ever in OW1.

ever the Archives, just qued comp, comp and more comp.The only one I think i did was get the winston werewolf skin, holloween event.

Just becasue of the skin, nothing else.

Is it unreasonable to want all the old PVE missions (the OW1 one) available to play at all times?


Yes, think of all of the poor shareholders.


It deserves a reward for the most poorly aged quite.

Which makes the whole thing even more insulting considering OW1 had more pve than OW2 ever will.


“redefining a sequel”

“we regret not going f2p so we’re doing it now”


How about posting the next topic about the 2+ years of content we lost because of the developement of OW2?

Or how about raging about that PvE was canceled? I know you kind of touched on this, but you can do better!

We can gig up the graves again and again! Its fun right?

More fun than playing the game now…


You know, it’s kind of sad.
Most of my fondest memories were of trying to get an achievement on PvE missions with total randoms.

And as far as quick play goes. Paris and Horizon were the place where the most craziest plays took place.


I mean they achieved their goal.

They absolutely redefined “sequel”

I’ve never seen such a small update called a sequel before.


I just wish they could redefine a sequel once again by giving us Overwatch classic.


all i really miss was taking bullsh highgrounds as sigma without everyone whining that im not at the front.

and the only thing im missing from current overwatch is never having been able to experience tankfist + zarya or tankfist + ball


I believe Jeffs original intent was a good thing. The plan was to have OW2 as a separate PvE game and the PVP game would merge into that game eventually. We were going to keep our skins which is a huge bonus if they had actually delivered the PvE game. Most sequels don’t let you keep cosmetics from the older game. It’s a miracle that we did keep our skins at all in the end but the game we have today isn’t a sequel either.


Reminds me of Animal Crossing, where they took out a lot of the features that the players liked in previous games & only added a few of them back. But it’s a “new” game.

No it was always going to be a PVE + PVP package from the start. The original OW2 trailer literally contains PVP content lol

It should have been a separate PVE game developed by a different team.

Man, I really wanted to believe in Jeff’s vision. And to be honest, I actually don’t think that what we got is even close to what he had in mind. I think that his vision clashed with the powers that be and that’s why he left.

But this isn’t a sequel. It’s Overwatch 1 with a cash shop, battle pass, and 5v5. And if they go back to 6v6 then it’s just the original game with a shop essentially.

Can I say that a part of me misses loot boxes? It’s not like I loved them specifically but really the fact that I felt like the monetization was really fair to the player. Now I feel like the game is just an advertisement and everything is ridiculously priced. You get nothing rewarding for just playing the game anymore. It’s ashame really.


There is nothing in the current pay to win game that I like better than OW1


As a PvE enjoyer, because it’s chill and has lore, this is all I want for the anniversary event.

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Did they make any of that better though? They can stay in their graves when they get a proper burial not leave the festering corpse for everyone to gawk at

Wow you are sooooo cool. :roll_eyes: