I miss the old on-fire system.
Old elimination text and fire symbol.
Voting cards.
Events that were actually interesting and new.
The game now feels so streamlined and increasingly packaged into a straightforward FPS.
I miss the old on-fire system.
Old elimination text and fire symbol.
Voting cards.
Events that were actually interesting and new.
The game now feels so streamlined and increasingly packaged into a straightforward FPS.
I miss when Overwatch 1 ran smoother and looked better than Overwatch 2 because they added an ugly rim light on all the characters in 2.
I mean, they really did redefine it if you think about it.
Just, in the way of solidifying that sequels often suck.
This is true, but as soon as you put something behind a paywall, it limits the amount of people who can play it. Not enough people bought it, so that’s why it’s dead. If it was free, the mode would probably still be alive.
I think what blizzard should have done is make the first mission free, the next two paid for. You have to hook people first, and if the first mission is good enough, people would have bought the rest… optics were really bad when the PvE missions came out. Most reviews said it was an hour of fighting bullet sponges and that’s it.
They did redefine sequels, though. They rebuilt or re-vamped large portions of the back end, released a next-gen console version, let you keep all of your cosmetics, and kept the player base together in one game…FOR FREE.
Do you know how easy it would’ve been to charge for the game or take your skins away? That’s what every other game does. Smite 2 is catching flak for it right now, because people have been buying skins for years in that game and are going to lose them.
CoD charges full price for the game AND sells a battlepass AND doesn’t transfer anything over when they release new games every year.
Y’all need to analyze this differently if you think you were wronged in some way. We have it better than anyone, no exaggeration.
They didn’t redefine a sequel. A sequel still has the same general definition. They simply didn’t release a sequel while still calling it one.
Other studios making worse sequels or some bad decisions doesn’t make Blizzard any better.
I miss 2CP.
I miss voting for cards at the end of the match.
I miss loot boxes.
I miss the backstory and build up to new characters.
I miss 6v6.
I miss games without a constant flow of leavers and backfills.
I miss when tanks were tanks, and not brawlers.
I miss playing in games that weren’t roll or get rolled all of the time.
Bride was a completely new event for OW2. So was trial of Sancturary. Also like the old modes did return the following year.
Even then, bizz owns diablo it’s not like the anime cross overs. there isn’t legal junk in the way.
Redefining freedom and democracy.
I miss lootboxes, and real events where you could earn nice skins, not just a lame recolor that they’re charging $19/20 for it. I miss all the small things that made OW unique, that were stripped from the game.
I liked how you could get legendary skins without it costing 20$
Most of those things made OW1 unique and the game had identity. Those backstories and there expansions is what made players wanting to play the heroes. Sadly this: “Redefine sequel” called OW2 is now just like Valorant where heroes barely have any backstory and are forced into the game.
Basically: “We want our game to be more like Fortnite.”
Didn’t Blizzard even hire some of the people that worked on that very game just to copy its business model? (I’m thinking of lead management positions and consultants.)
Yeah, it was new two Halloweens ago, it ain’t new anymore.
Played it once myself and didn’t care for it ever since.
Also no longer a new mode.
Legitimately a good and challenging mode though, would be nice if they kept that type of treatment going.
Blizzard owns Archives, funny how that one’s going isn’t it?
Love the part where you ignored the other things I said lol
Ya their not new modes because halloween is over, and the next one isn’t for another two months were we will get a new mode.
weird how time works.
I’m pretty sure those need reworks do to the engine changes, same reason junkstiens revenge wasn’t here year one.
The work went into making new content last time around.
Also this bit isn’t true, that was speculation.
most of the jobs lost was on the publishing and customer service side of things, that MS was going to handle from that point on. Still sucks.
They’re not new modes because one is two years old and the other is coming up to a year old.
Assuming we get one, because it was in fact not
PVE has been the game’s biggest loss of money and they aren’t making any campaign content nor did they continue to update the latest PVE content, the Hero Gauntlet, and just outright removed it instead. Pretty safe to say that team took quite a hit when that team brings zero profit outside of Halloween.
That’s something I don’t recall them ever saying, nor does it make sense considering the engine did just fine with Invasion despite it being more complex.
yes and a new gamemode will happen this year to. they only do the Halloween once a year on Halloween.
Like why do I need to explain this to you.
that wasn’t a paid mode and players like other event modes just didn’t stick around long term. Nor did it release the same time as other PVE content, it was it’s own seperate thing.
It got vaulted will probably pop up again with new content in a new season at some point. As a time limited mode.
Well as sure didn’t say PVE team got fired, it was reporters outside of blizz that had the scoop.
Only thing you are correct in, is the fact that their not making more paid PVE style missions. AS in like the story mode stuff.
When you change and update old code, their is a good chance the older things made with those tools will break. their Entire PVE toolset got reworked from a fundamental level.
Any major change like that will require you to go back and rework content even if the end result is the same. heck we saw this in PVP content when the first old arcade modes were added as d.va would demech into the sky box. Do to changes with spawn mechanics between gamemodes.
It’s the cost of updating your tools post making content, which why you normally want to lock in your tool set before developing content at all.
But OW didn’t exactly have that luxury.
i miss how abilities had to executed on and if you didn’t you would get punished for doing so. nowadays everything is way to accessible and with counterswapping it just feels like every match is scripted.
i miss the chaos the good and the bad. i miss the randomness of the original. so many variations and all you can do to up your chances of winning was to git gud. no handouts no pressing H for advantage just raw skill exchance.
rein players where playing a mental game off chess against one another. nowadays the losing player just swaps mauga. back then it was like two gigachads facing off in a whose gonna shatter first battle and thats just rein v rein. all characters interacted with each other in this unique way.
it felt like you had to come up with more then just monkey brain activity to actually be skilled at overwatch. if not you where punished for that. every missplay resulted in death but where there where missplays there where also big plays. abilities like grav dragon nanoblade bap window firestrike felt amazing to use. nowadays though everyone has too much health and can easily escape death. shots feel more like cannonballs and no one actually plays better then autopilot anymore. i miss ow1
Again, assuming they do one.
You don’t.
They’ve never indicated this will ever happen. It didn’t maintain a playerbase because they didn’t or couldn’t update it so they removed it. This is purely being naive.
They sure haven’t denied it either. All we have is reporters saying the PVE team experienced layoffs, which coincides with the removal and cancellation of the majority of the game’s PVE content. Archives is gone, Hero Gauntlet is gone, Invasion and Underworld are never being updated, all we have for PVE in OW2 going forward is the Halloween modes, assuming that they’re even going to be updated.