Zero risk dives

Just started up again. Had a game as Lunara. Even level, Qhira landed her Revolving Sweep, melee’d me two times, missed her other skills, and I was still lowered to 30% from burning. What the hell. Even when my team was there and she didn’t stun, she’d sweep, becoming immune, then be allowed to see all around me, and choose to grapple away. Why? Where is the counterplay here? What am I missing? When I copy her as Abathur it’s almost guaranteed I’ll get killed unless I miss my hook and they just run away.


Please, check here:


Lol ikr. Even Sonya has a talent to choose to just chain away from enemies, but screw it. Its disgusting that she has more poison than nazeebo at top poison, or Valeera at her lvl 20 garrote build. Straight garbo


Leaping Strike breaks her E, as does Abolish Magic iirc.

Abolish removes that, Greater Spell Shield cuts it to 25%. I also see no big difference to other melee assassin; if Thrall gets his root on you the result is pretty similar.


Wait… a Lunara complaining about DoT? Hmmm…


To be fair, Lunara deals virtually no real pressure unless she picks all of her burst damage. Wasted hero slot after all of her nerfs…

Qhira is like Sonya + Stitches + Valeera in Bruiser form.

Zero risk dives have been a thing for a long time.
Varian can do it with his shield wall.
Illidan can do it with his evasion
Genji’s been cancer since his release because of his ability to dive and escape
Tracer teleports around the map, making her “near”-zero risk
Zeratul can do it if he’s smart with his talents

Qhira’s just another addition to a whole cast of highly annoying characters for anyone (like me) who plays support or mages to deal with. But that’s the game. You’re not supposed to be able to carry. You’re supposed to work as a team. If they dive me as support, the tanks or people with stuns are supposed to punish them for it. For ranked play, you draft around that.

For QM, you do what you can with what you get, then complain about the worst elements of it on the forums, while Blizzard really only reads the HOTS sub-reddits. =D

Nazeebo is ranged, has CC, exponential power, Vastly different heroics, more siege power, ice block and is a late game hero.

Not a good comparison