Zeratul and Qhira

Hi everybody. I was just wondering and this seems weird as I am playing Zera and I WAS ABLE to blink out from Qhira’s revolve till some days ago. Several times. Now if I blink, I carry her with me, while she’s still revolving around me.
Has something changed? Do I remember correctly?

I’m assuming this is the correct (intended or not) interaction.

Not from her revolve, but from her crashing-towards-you stun I presume. She will be flying at where you were, not where you blinked. You happened to timed it right when she re-cast E.


I have found this:

Don’t know if something has changed since then regarding this.

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What I know, that Teleporting a certain Range makes the Tether break.

Maybe the last patch broke it.

I think Max range teleport breaks Qhira’s Sweep. So if you didn’t teleport at max range she’ll still revolve around you.

I’ll test more at max range and/or a diametrical opposed location from her. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. Thank you!

as someone who plays loads of Qhira
I have yet to find the pattern, staying attached to Zera post blink is one of the most inconsistent things in the game I can possibly imagine, like others have said though the only thing I can think of as a hypothesis is that it has to do with range teleported specifically from qhira’s position relative to Zeratul (so max range in the direction away from where she is while revolving rather then into her)

I think that makes the most sense. This is what I found on the wiki:

the target instantly moves farther than 10 units from Qhira’s current location

Zeratul’s teleport is 7.0 range IIRC and Qhira’s spinning radius is 6.0 so this makes the most sense (?)

That does make sense, probably meant to stop the weird scenario’s where she would chase a Gul’dan who teleported with his level 20 I recall something like that being added a few patches after her launch

Fixed in the May bug patch

Never got the chance to send the clip to WTF moment but I had a game where a dragon knight kicked an enemy player with our Qhira swinging on him over wall and into a keep.

She died :frowning:

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Just to note, I was playing a game as qihra against a zera a few days ago and he was able to break my swing a few times (by blinking in the correct direction away from my current position in the swing)

  • So I believe everything still functions the same between the patches regarding to if and how qhira’s swing breaks.

Indeed it works. Zeratul needs to teleport to Qhira’s opposite direction (relative to Zera’s actual location)