Zera needs a change

Hes not op because he doesn’t contribute quite enough. I still think that in theory, he doesn’t have a real counter, just a few checks.

The moment he gets buffed tho…


oh imo, samuro is the one with no real counter haha. not sure, maybe different region different problem.

zera is indeed very strong, but still not as broken as samuro imo

Sam does have a similar problem for sure but not quite to zera’s extent. There are a couple things that can give sam a hard time.
I think sam is just in a bit of a better place in the meta atm.

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Varian, Murky or any other CC hero? Sam can’t be ganked and has great survival sure, but he also has only his autoattacks to do damage, except whirlwind, but that’s bad for teamfights. It will be mostly used for clearing waves and pressure lanes. Unlike Zeratul who has also great ways to poke or prepare teamfights (Void prison, Q).

His illusions can also be used for stacks and Nazeebo, Azmo or Valla being popular makes it a bit harder for Samuro, at least in lower elos.

I don’t think so, because he only has his AA and his heroic (whirlwind) for doing damage and quite a lot of heroes have sth. against AA damage, while Zera also has Q and W for damage.

His wormhole talent was one of most busted talents he had before the nerf.
Just jump in and poke with W and jump out again in an instant. At leeast now with the 1.5 sec delay you can punish him if he takes wormhole.

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I still like it with my Q-build. :smiley: Jump in, use your spells and maybe 1-2 AA, jump out, wait for cooldowns, repeat.

I can imagine why it was nerfed, because it’s uninteractive and free poke.

cc doesnt mean much if you dont know which samuro is real or fake. he also has few ways to escape

most samuro are not focusing on teamfight only, samuro also doesnt excel in teamfight. but his overall performance is all above average but still very hard to catch, that’s his issue.

zera’s build on the other hand has to commit in his build, and each build also wont have better performance than samuro averagely speaking.

i think overall, samuro just have much better survivalbility than zera while out performing him in much wider area

It doesn’t take a lot of skill to figure out the real one though, except the samuro player is an GM or an OTP.

not sure what otp here means, but yea, in master and gm, samuro is almost impossible to catch most of the time, especially in QM.

and the mind games with samuro’s illusion at high rank is toxic too, alot of the time a split seconds of you guessing which one is real will almost means he escape easily.

unlike zera’s only blink, you can actually predict zera’s blink depends on his talent build.

I agree on that, but in my experience Samuro is an duelist and you shouldn’t duel him, just clear waves, keep an eye on your camps, stick to your team and he will be just a soakbot. His teamfight presence is bad. He is like Murky to me, who can annoy you and your team, but he can’t do much in teamfights, he will try to separate your team.

oh for me, most of the time, if he can win teamfight, he will just win teamfight, if cant, he will just split push non stop aggresively. he is too flexible at what he can actually do, especially against a team of randoms. most of the time he also doesnt need to win teamfights to win the game too, and dont get me started on those fountain stealing early game.

not to mention, most of the time when he split push, he will have much better advantage than those who defend or gank him, because of they cant get a clean kill on him.

there are few samuro mains in my server, most of them have around 80% winrate on samura on solo queue after thousands of samuro games, which is ABSURDDDD.

I don’t remember seeing you in Wind Striders :thinking:

wind striders? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Explanation? :clipboard:

He can waveclear. That’s more contribution than a lot of heroes.

Which things?

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A mobile melee, who has only autoattacks to deal damage (and one heroic), what could give him a hard time?

I don’t know. You tell me.

Just another tip: Why do the average player prefer ranged assassines over melee assassines? Now use this knowledge to figure out why a melee assassine, who have to deal damage with AA only except one of his heroic, could struggle against. Or just play him for yourself to find out. :stuck_out_tongue:

Cause most melee dps heroes need to commit to a kill while range can just stand miles away and poke you to death. Tanks and melee dps heroes are usually the first to die in a teamfight then healers and range dps comes after.

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Valeera is never a counter to zera. Cause zera can decloak her so she can’t use her cc and she can’t decloak him to hit her cc.

Sylvanas is neither since she is so squishy, that she literally does everything he jumps on her.
Only her hilts are counters, but they have to hit, and her reactiontime must be insane.

Chen? In which scenario, u just ignore him as zera.

Tracer is also countered by zera, she has no option despite her ult to decloak zera, as long she can’t decloak him, she can’t do any dmg on him. On the other hands, zera can keep up with her mobility and has enough burst to really threaten or even kill her.

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Or you could just tell me.