I’ve done some personality tests before, and I do dislike some of the structuring they use as they don’t seem to make a distinction between being able to do something, and having a preference of doing it. So instances of frequency of certain activities tends to be a middling ground for me as I often engage in particulars, and can function in them, even if I would prefer not to so do.
So I tend to retake and see where skews shift based on those answers, and as such, I’d say I fall as a hybrid between:
the logician-T and the mediator-T
-> logician: They love patterns, and spotting discrepancies between statements could almost be described as a hobby
– which is about the general expectation some take to how I post.
-> diplomat: Mediators are guided by their principles, rather than by logic (Analysts), excitement (Explorers), or practicality (Sentinels)
– I’m not as driven to logic as could be attributed to me and I won’t decry non-logical appeals on the basis of them not being logic, but rather in pointing out discrepancies when people conflate logic and emotion.
I’m more compelled by fantasy (hence my enjoyment of blizz universes) than I am by some things attributed to the logician, though I do work in a mix of the scientific and fantastical in writing between those, so I think it a bit more fitting I squeeze between the two.
That said, my most played heroes are:
Kerrigan, Tyrande, Zagara, Sylvanas
Not sure I’d call them my “main characters” as stretches of my game history is marked by changes all the above have had over the years XD