Your personality & your main characters

If there is some correlation between a player’s personality and their main characters, I think it would be neat to see it.
If you feel like sharing a bit about yourself, take the 16Personalities test and post the results along with your top 4 most played characters.

I’ll start:
My personality type is Mediator (INFP-A / INFP-T).
My top 4 most played characters are Artanis, Diablo, Li Li, and Arthas.


Congrats, me too.

Tassadar, Uther, Varian, Reghar.


Adventurer ISFP-T
Nova Kerrigan Tyrande Cassia



I’m also a Mediator

My most played as of right now are Varian, Valla Li Li and Zul’jin
Though I think it’s worth noting that I am always testing new heroes and usually find heroes to go on game spree’s with as was the case with Zul’jin and Butcher, I get bored if I play the same hero for more then a single game sesssion in a row.
In TL;DR I’m proudly a flex and am constantly trying new heroes, few are those I don’t like if they aren’t hella hard to do right like Aba or Vikings


I got the architect and it describes me almost perfectly. I’m actually rather impressed.

Edit; I forgot to answer this but I play a lot of heroes in all roles. I would not say that I have a main per se, just that I tend to flex and counter pick as best as I can.


I didn’t know about the architect personality.
Reading about it, you sound like the living equivalent of the shotcaller endorsement in Overwatch :smile:


Honestly, I do a lot of shot calling and drafting in my games. I don’t really know what you’re referring to though with the overwatch thing.

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Advocate - INFJ-T

I play a lot of healers, Stukov, Lucio, Cain and Lili mostly. Easy stuff cuz I hate confrontation (I know, the irony in a PVP game eh?). Lol.


Logistician ISTJ-A (apparently the most common type at 13%)

My most played are Fenix, DVa, Abathur, and Auriel

The major flaw I see in doing this study is that this community all has the trait of playing online video games enough to bother posting on a forum about them which heavily favors introversion. There will be some extroverts but they will be heavily underrepresented on this forum


Campaigner ENFP-T

Heavy extrovert here. :stuck_out_tongue:

Most played Champions :
Sonya, Yrel, Johanna & Valeera.


This personnality test is actually often very accurate. I did it around 10 times while tweeking some answers without lying and i always end up as Campaigner.


In Overwatch, you can endorse people for sportsmanship, cooperation, or shotcalling. And if you get regularly endorsed, you can earn free lootboxes.
It’s a nice bit of positive reinforcement mixed with cosmetic rewards ~


I got Logician INTP-A

Flicked through strengths and weaknesses and saw insensitive, absent minded and condescending.

Haha. I have been accused of those things many times.

I play a decent range (not very well mind) but the ones I enjoy the most are;
Diablo, Garrosh, Whitemane, Reghar, Uther, Fenix and Greymane.


Your hero choices are very confrontational.
Maybe your extroverted nature has a role in it ~

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Li Ming, Greymane, KT, Malfurion


Good call.
I actually am very confrontational and the worst/best kind depending on point of view because i tend to inspire others to be. :relaxed: Note that it does not work on forums or other writing places. On the contrary i tend to look like a weirdo and sometimes a troll.

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INTP-T Logic dude

Alarak, Artanis, Genji, Uther

Edit for my own thoughts on my choices: Alarak and Artanis make a bit of sense in regards to the personality type, but from the outside looking in Uther may seem like an odd pick. Until I mention I pick him to burst down anyone who gets to close to me or my dps. SURPRISE, the support you were trying to kill 180’d your butt.


I’m an architect and my mains are Alarak, Fenix, Tassadar and Artanis.


I’ve done some personality tests before, and I do dislike some of the structuring they use as they don’t seem to make a distinction between being able to do something, and having a preference of doing it. So instances of frequency of certain activities tends to be a middling ground for me as I often engage in particulars, and can function in them, even if I would prefer not to so do.

So I tend to retake and see where skews shift based on those answers, and as such, I’d say I fall as a hybrid between:
the logician-T and the mediator-T

-> logician: They love patterns, and spotting discrepancies between statements could almost be described as a hobby
– which is about the general expectation some take to how I post.

-> diplomat: Mediators are guided by their principles, rather than by logic (Analysts), excitement (Explorers), or practicality (Sentinels)

– I’m not as driven to logic as could be attributed to me and I won’t decry non-logical appeals on the basis of them not being logic, but rather in pointing out discrepancies when people conflate logic and emotion.

I’m more compelled by fantasy (hence my enjoyment of blizz universes) than I am by some things attributed to the logician, though I do work in a mix of the scientific and fantastical in writing between those, so I think it a bit more fitting I squeeze between the two.

That said, my most played heroes are:

Kerrigan, Tyrande, Zagara, Sylvanas

Not sure I’d call them my “main characters” as stretches of my game history is marked by changes all the above have had over the years XD

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I always look at these sorts of tests as indicative, rather than determinative.

They show you what sort of behaviour your personality tends towards, not what it IS or IS NOT in any definitive sense.

And training and experience will change that too.

So I always answer in my preference, but I don’t think the assumption is that because I answer I prefer my own company, that I ALWAYS DISLIKE the company of others.

Isolation is downright damaging if done for too long no matter thr personality type.