pfft, well of course the assertive would say that to the turbulent. GOSH!
its not like I’m asserting it would be determinative as my post was on my take of it being indicative, and I better fit the description between two of something than either singular one would of based on their listed qualities – its not like there isn’t overlap either.
They’d prob be better represented as venn diagrams instead of as lines XD
Well, I’m a virtuoso.
My most played characters are Auriel, Kharazim, ETC and Genji (somehow). I rarely play the same character over and over again so my heroes are all over the place.
I mean I get emails every so often from this site about studies they do and even they admit right off the bat it’s indicitive and to some extent predictive, with their studies finding something like between 65% and 85% of people with that given personality type doing X thing in a given situation.
Point is, you’re right, and even the people who do this know it
I’m an ESTJ-A and I don’t mind conflict. I usually shot call and when there are other authoritarians out there who try to run a dictatorship when I disagree with some vocal dude, I’ll let him have it.
I don’t hold grudges, I just have arguments and move on.
My 3 main played is Nova, Sylvanas, and Genji.
My personality shares more kinship with Sylvanas out of those 3. I don’t hold grudges so her quest for vengeance is not my thing. I’m more quick witted, dismissive of haters, and tactical with my word choices.
I did this test long ago. It said I’m an INFJ-T (Advocate), the rarest personality type acording to some.
I’m saying this from memory BUT if I’m not wrong my most played heroes are, in order, Brightwing, Jaina, Li Li and Auriel.
If you think about it, it makes sense. Brightwing and Auriel are all about enhancing an ally, protecting them and helping them achieve a goal, and Li Li fits the “giving them the support they need” part. Jaina is the weird one, she’s not about helping others. But that might be explained by the fact that I adore Jaina as a character.
Lol, so many introverts. I’m classified as an extrovert but it’s a sliding scale so it’s 60% extrovert and 40% introvert.
Honestly, I’m indifferent to people. If they’re there and cool, awesome. If not and I’m by myself, awesome as well. I can really care less.
I guess the only thing I can think of that pushes me to extrovert is that I’m not shy, have zero problems speaking up, and take center stage in social interactions but my ability to operate in social situations runs on a battery life before I get burnt out.
I have the same personality type as you as well…and most of my mains (what!!!) are support. Someone else is an INFJ-T as well up there and they also play support lol.
As for rarest…playing support is pretty rare as well.
As an example, i’m 91% extrovert, 9% introvert. I burn others battery life as i talk more everyday than two women friends that did not see each others for years.
lol, I don’t mind other people talking to me but once my battery shuts down, I kind of stop being enthusiastic with my social engagements and just shift into an observer role. I’ll respond to stuff but I stop leading the conversations and shift from entertainer to the entertained.
People will ask me, “what’s wrong?” because of the sudden shift of center stage to observer but all I can say is, “Ha, nothing, I’m just hanging out and relaxing now. What’s up?”, since explaining my personality is probably not very interesting to random people.