Your MMR doesn’t rate what you think it rate

Your MMR doesn’t rate what you think it rate

it rates…
. [wait for it]

. [wait for it]
. [wait for it]
. your TEAM.

Your MMR isn’t applicable when you’re in a new team. I.e. … MMR in this game has been misused. No wonder the matchmaking is such a mess.

Premades are just abusing the system, making smurf accounts to boost each other while randoms playing on there mains are suffering. This is my last season bothering with this game until they decide to fix ranked which is clearly never gonna happen.

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Sometime i stalk Rank Profile of my teamates, and how can they be Diamond or Plat with like 5 games ? and stop to play, when we try so hard and have like 200+ games per season.

An other thing is, sometime i see Diamond with 30% W/R and they have worse W/R than me, like 10 win and 40 lost but still in Diamond, WTF…

I am gonna be that guy next season. I am gonna play 3 games, get my rank and just quit until they fix this broken matchmaking

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