You play heroes of the storm since when?

Beta for me. I mained Nova and Nazeebo then… back when they were fun to play.

I don’t know when I actually played Heroes of the Storm because I apparently was already level 1 by the time I got back to Heroes of the Storm during the Heroes of the Storm 2.0 Promotion, D.Va and Genji, at first I wasn’t so into it, until I really tried to play more of it, but I do remember before I got back to it during HotS 2.0 opening about Tyrande with the old Shadowstalk.

So I probably played before Tyrande was reworked.

A friend of mine IRL introduced me to the game around the time Yrel was added. I completely wrote it off as another generic MOBA that wasn’t for me, but then I played it firsthand, and I realized how wrong I was.

I started between the releases of Stukov and Garrosh. (I do not miss Garry’s pull on Q at all).

A little while later we got the one and only Kel’Thu-FREAKING-zad. He sealed my interest in HotS, and led to me digging into WC lore.

One more from open beta…

Aaaaaad there is proof the game is still play from high % old players. Proof iswe care,love the game vs these " dead topics"…:smiley:

Late 2015, shortly after Artanis was released. He was about all I played for a good half-year.

I miss old super-bruiser Arty… :disappointed:

Man I was basing my start date around my oldest replay which was the Zagara patch. It would make a TON of sense if HotSlogs is only showing from around then on because I coulda swore I was around BEFORE Zagara actually launched. :open_mouth:

Since Varian was new.

From Alpha :violin::violin::violin:

I’ve been going off and on since the beta. Other games have hopped in for me to play like Overwatch, Hearthstone and StarCraft II, and I’ve had times where I took long breaks from HOTS to cool off from the difficulty of winning.

And I played last night some. Sometimes just QM, some brawling, then some TL maybe. More so on the QM than TL until I lose horribly in QM and learn my lesson. I don’t even worry about the quests sometimes. Assassin? Nah I feel like playing support or specialist now.

More rambling! I have somewhere around 70,000 gold and mayb 6 heroes I never bought, as they don’t suit my liking. Anyways I may get on here now.