You play heroes of the storm since when?

I play heroes since the day i have get the oportunity to buy it from the blizzard launcher, that was like an early access i guess i have get some character in the pack and i was enjoying my first moba. :smile:


i played it since the beta,

first mains were raynor, diablo, kerrigan and tassadar, in that order lol

call me crazy or biased, but i dont tihnk the game was as chaotic back then as it is now, much more many original builds and so on XD lol

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I played it since i got a pc with the power to runing it, around 2 years.

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My main was arthas and ETC, those two character are still the more level hero i have on every other hero :blush:



To me the invincibility of illidan in alpha was only a myth. I watched mfpallytime vids religiously when alpha was going on

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yeah I got into it when you could buy the pack that gave you beta access as well. You also got 3 heroes(raynor, diablo and tyrande I think?) as well as the golden cyber wolf


I was playing before Kael’Thas was released, I think it was Sylvanas-ish in Beta.

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I tried to do early access but they wouldn’t send me a key, so I did it whenever it hit open beta or launch. Whichever was the first time to get it without an invite.

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Closed beta during the Thrall patch.

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Played since you can buy into the beta.

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Played since beta. Thrall was the newest hero.

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Butcher Patch :grin:

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Closed beta, release of The Lost Vikings

Played my 1st game ever on 2015-01-21 9 PM.
(Started off with 5 Valla wins in a row in QM)

Hmm I guess I was 1 day late to buy the Founder’s pack, as it was announced on the 20th…

Aaand thx to hotslogs, the stats of my 1st game ever are still there:
hotslogs . com/Player/MatchSummaryContainer?ReplayID=8426964

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I joined when they did the Overwatch promotion with the D.Va skin.

A couple of years ago when they had a cross promotion with WoW. I hadn’t played a MOBA before, and joined with a few friends to farm up the WoW mount, got hooked, and here I am. Several of those friends still play on a regular basis.

Since it launched.
Couldnt play during beta becouse of a @€%@& chemestry exam.

A week before Leo release in 2015.

I came for the skins back in 2.0.

Ended up with something else than the skins.

You go figure out yourself.

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Started late March/early April 2017, can’t remember exactly… maybe it was even late February… :thinking::sweat_smile::man_shrugging:t2:
Was a player of WC2 and WC3, and wished to play those old heroes for the fun :sunglasses: