if you ‘enjoyed the game for 7 years’, then it had sufficient reporting and matching systems in place.
However, of that time, you have played an account of 5 years, which would indicate that either you are not consistent with your own time frame, or you have had more than one account. If you have had more than 1 account, then you have indicated that the game not only allows people to have more than one account – a foible of free-to-play games – but you have also presented a solution to the issue you have at hand.
The concern you have here is that the account was banned, which would mean that it has been sanctioned several times. In the course of your complaint, you do not show humble or repentant behavior, but instead try to rationalize the conduct with non-sequiturs that you delude yourself into concluding as ‘logical’ outcomes – claiming demonstrable fallacy as ‘logical’ doesn’t help your cause.
The forums aren’t going to be sympathetic to players that confess that they are their own problem, try to fault anything else anyway, and then look for some roundabout explanation that claims that something else ‘ruined the game for them’. Accounts aren’t banned over 1 sentence so in the course of your complaint you have suggested:
- a faulty processing of what is ‘logical’ and what is not
- that you are not accountable for your own actions
- adolescent reactions to reward vs punishment. (i’ll leave this as in-claim only, and not detail the identifying marks as this is too long as is)
Given the sort of outburst you have and disconnect on the rational presented here, it could suggest you could be one of the ‘crazy’ people you demand that the system ban. While a particular quote has been incorrectly attributed to Albert Einstein, Mark Twain, and Ben Franklin (amongst others), one of the better attributions is from anonymous recovery organizations as is phrased in particular as “insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results”. (not repeating just anything, but the repetition of mistakes).
What you have presented is a declaration of enjoying something – despite it’s evident flaws – and then not enjoying something in the aftermath of predictable outcomes. While aspects of the game have changed over the span of years, the crux of the turn wouldn’t be from the devs you are blaming, but an inability to discern the difference from what you’re doing (logically permissive) and what other people do.
If people looked into the conduct you’re trying to condone on your main action, they would likely find the sanction to hold and see this at yet another example of the system working as intended for filtering out “trolls, afk and crazy people” esp the ones that perceive themselves as “Good” and then try to rationalize that rule-breaking conduct is both logically sound, but also not their fault.
Unfortunately, this is cliché conduct that was shot down back when the devs where openly posting responses to uphold bans on the game, so even if you are unhappy about the particulars of the game of then vs now, it seems that that aspect of the dev-design (despite the insistence of banking off of previous success) doesn’t align with your scrutiny.
More so considering the concern you have here is regarding the reporting and matching system by drawing complaints with functions that are consistent with competitor games; back when said games have forums of their own, they had similar outbursts that met with a similar lack of sympathy, with a similar turn-around as one of the issues of free-to-play games is a lack of lingering ‘punishment’ to curb unwanted behaviors.
Similarly, the initial premise you provide “only had to do two things” is grossly wrong – character implementation, hero balance, map design, bug testing, – one could suggest that the reputation of blizzard had been they could ‘do no wrong’, so they only need to do ‘two things’ to have a “successful game” you fault that conclusion and blame them for your disconnected claim, despite that not actually being the case at hand.
Even if this isn’t verbatim “crazy” (concurrent mental health concerns contrasted to batman asylums) it is demonstrable delusion where you are lying to yourself and rationalize double-standards by just finding something else to blame. That sort of stuff is going to align up with sanctionable behavior in other games, and maybe it’ll take another “7 years” to invest in, love-and-then-hate, another game and community, but that is all preventable behaviors that ‘logically’ shouldn’t be repeated the next time around.
Esp if you end up as one of those others that reinstalls the game, rationalizes they can afk/troll/grief, and then uninstall again once that smurf gets banned too. Cuz btw, what you’re doing so far is the sort of thing other people do that causes you to rile off regarding “witch hunts”