You only had to do two things

there are no more chronic complainers in forums the knights saw to that . they failed to course correct and the game played the price. blaming the people that called for improvements is a typical tactic of forums knights and is also part of the reason game is a heap . all of this was predicted all of this was preventable

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Maybe you should play the game and cry less troll.


thank you for proving my point

Banning skilled players who’d also invest over snowflakes who would never throw any money aside from just reporting working well for Blizz.

Sadly game is run by a robot and were just confermed by Asmongold himself in this clip.
Blizzard Lied. - YouTube

40 random people false reported him for telling he love Warcraft and then he got silenced.

Same goes for another streamer who told his guild to report him and he got banned for a week.

There are no human reviewing reports as they keep lieing about. Its all automated.

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There are people who do this. But this is a normally an indication for a psychological sickness and bad social competence.
This kind of people are very rare.
So rare it doesn’t matter if you play 1 or 20 games a day.
The amount of fake reports that you can get through that kind of people is not relevant for the report system.

OP just said it him self: He gets emotional and insulted if anything doesn’t goes his way.
Adding the fact, he got multiple silences before the ban, you can pretty much be sure that his ban doesn’t come from fake reports.

One of the mainstay of chronic complainers is a lack of observation skills. There are several chronic complainers that still visit, and occasionally post to the forums.

Chronic complainers are the sort to blame other people for things ‘failing’ in the game despite little connection to faults or flaws persisting in the game. “Forum knights” tend to post tips to deal with problems, or blips/quotes on why specific things are unlikely to change, ergo, people should learn to ‘cope’ with a specific feature instead of posting over and over again how something is ‘problem’

You’re inability to distinguish between these things is a repeat of the same crap that gets debunked across every game community that repeats it.

The functional issue of chronic complainers is that they keep repeating something until they think they are ‘right’ about something. No amount of evidence, no quantity of being ‘wrong’ causes them to stop, learning from it, and improve what they are doing. The drop in "chronic complainers’ is because the game has had an official announcement regarding a lack of new content for sale. Those that will assert they were ‘right’ for a myriad of spammed topics don’t need to keep coming around here anymore because the game is actually ‘ded’ enough for them to go elsewhere and post the same bunk.

What has been ‘predicted’ and is preventable is chronic-complainer attitudes. Pointing out self-inflicted problems, and blaming others doesn’t change the circumstances for the player, but so long as they have anything else to blame, they’ll keep on doing the same thing over and over again. It’s not just this forum, or even other games, it’s a persistent problem for all walks of life, and it takes a good deal of willful neglect for people, like yourself, to not notice it, revel in it, and then keep on repeating it.

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Matching making is superficial, report systems are about as effective as airport security.

They are things to make people ‘feel good’ and they are scapegoats. People rant about them on end because they’ll feel personally victimized by them, make up superstitious rants about it, but all it boils down is player ignorance and apathy. The sort that don’t read topics that explain how these things work, why particular choices were made, or a reflexive response to calling devs ‘lairs’ persists in all sorts of games, and it is not a matter of “Someone in authority just has to fix two small things”

You thinking it’s “two small things” is reveling in ignorance, and then faulting others for it.

Dev conferences exist were they point out that these are superficial elements for players to fault because that’s what a typical person does: despite the ease of access to information available, people would rather to find that something reaffirms that they’re already “right” and something else has to be blamed instead.

That’s part of why you aren’t reading what I actually write through, and respond with posts that “logically” look disconnected from what I actually wrote. Your premise is a “circular reasoning” started by a strawman claim that moves into a load question that you imposed on the subject. In turn, you respond with buzz-words that suit what you want to think about the circumstance (“logical” is used when people think someone agrees with them) but does not reflect actual knowledge people have, largely because once people think they know a little bit of something, they stop trying to learn more because they don’t know how much they don’t know, let alone how to actually apply it.

If someone disagrees with your position, you assume bad things about their skill or education, or employment or whatever else, and keep on making bad predictions because you don’t actually have the experience and knowledge to make correct ones. So long as some negative stigma doesn’t directly vex you (to be the next thing to fault) you repeat the same mistakes and effectively have a robotic/impulsive response that breaks down into two fields: agree, or disagree.

People have posted the same complaint on this, and other games, for years. The ability to call something a “problem” rarely contributes anything, and none of these thing actually suggest how to fix the proclaimed issue. Similarly, people take this weird arrogance in their limited ability to identify a symptom and not distinguish it from the cause. What you identify is a conflation of correlation and causation.

If you bothered to read things through (despite language barrier) you might notice part of the issue of your position is evident contradiction. It’s easy to overgeneralize faults, but when pressed for details, things don’t hold up. These are aspects of a negativity bias, and with a bias, things ‘make sense’ to the person caught up in it, but they do not for people that don’t already share the loop.

So since I disagreed with you, and then posted something about ‘the community’ you respond with "oh well this isn’t intended exclusively for “forum gentlemen”.

No duh.

Maybe you should put more effort into getting over yourself and instead of assuming bad connotations about things that don’t readily agree with your wonderful ignorance, that you instead assume that you’re the one that needs to catch up and do a bit more to find that magical functionality and amusement you expect others to provide for you.

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In a company (or organization) there are two types of employees, those who provide solutions, they are proactive, self-critical and adapt to constant changes.
and those who “just do their job” always say yes to their boss, no matter what he tells them and they don’t like to go out of their comfort zone.
the former add value.
the seconds
they are just necessary.
when the first group I described leaves (I won’t go into detail about why this happens), the balance is lost.
this is happening to biz.
and it also happens in this forum
you just “do your job”
Anyway I’m just waiting for my account data to be deleted I don’t really care what happens here anymore. I’m just going to move on to something new

Can I get a response? :thinking:

You didn’t see it, I mentioned it, before your question.

I hope you don’t see your map like that

I only see a jerk (rightfully Silenced), who cannot respond properly and then for some reason bath in the delusion that they were super smart and witty.

What is “teacher’s league”? This player who reached Masters and really good at watching and reading the Map doesn’t know. Is that Silver or Gold? Maybe Plat?
Or did you stopped after the Ranked system started to make sense (post-Rank40-1)? Or is that flower talk to “I never got a proper rank but I coached my friend”?

I’m just too silly, uneducated and unskilled because I disagree with you to understand such slangs. And you prob unable to understand sarcasm or will be -once again- willingly ignorant.

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it’s masters.
Although we speak different languages, I think you understood it well.

Eh, it’s not lost for good but you literally have to sue Blizzard for their unenforceable EULA to get it back.

Most people have better things to do…but all it takes is one angry, informed nerd and all of a sudden Blizzard is going to find out that you can’t just make stuff up on the go when it comes to contract law, even if you have a clause saying you can - because without reasonable definition there’s no limitations. It’s called a “Gotcha” clause and generally they’re frowned upon and are never enforced by the courts.

As for the OP, yeah HotS has severe problems with IP management and fairly bad decision making at a top level. If I had to guess there was a particularly bad manager who no longer works at Acti-Blizzard who was mishandling the IP.

Not sure who thought ripping the reporting system straight out of OW was smart…but it wasn’t lol. That caused a lot of grief, should have just increased our block list size, auto enabled language filter and give an easier option to block ragey players without looking at the in-game score screen, clicking the gear and selecting block.

Leave reporting to actual issues like death threats, racism, etc. Things you can reasonably define as an offense instead of going after people who say “sigh” to teammates who feed, that’s some silly social justice warrior nonsense lol.

even as just an analogy, that’s over simplifying the particulars; when someone calls you out on forcing only two things in situations where are applicable, it just demonstrates the very thing I’ve been trying to spell out for you.

Even in the example given, you’re not setting yourself up as the type to ‘add value’ you’re just repeating the status quo and acting like you’re the group you’re trying to praise while you belittle others around you. That’s pretty much the stereotype for the managers mocked in comic strips by the embittered 1st group when they get sick of higher-ups stealing the credit for their work and ideas.

Report system is automated in WoW aswell so this is not a Hots only problem and WoW has way more players.

Asmongold and some random streamer both got banned for abuse chat in Wrath classic after they both had thier guild report them for saying something 100% harmless. Asmond got banned for 24 hours and the streamer got banned for a week. Its all automated no matter what game it is…

And when they tell you they carefully reviewed the reports they lie cause no human review the reports at 1.05 am when Asmond got banned. There are no human at work in Blizzard at that time. It was all done by a robot.

It just proves that Blizzards report system is flawed and the rotten community can take advantage of it by single out people they dont like. A multiboxer can within 1 min get you banned or force you to name change cause the report system only watch the amount of reports you get but never check the context of them.

Mass reporting will keep being a thing in Blizzard games as long this automated system exists. In the past people like Grubby that never trash talk or do anything toxic was silenced by trolls and former HGC players got silenced aswell by the losing team.

I agree with you that abuse chat should only be againts very toxic players but this is not the case now when we got a report system every troll can abuse to get innocent banned or silenced.

Making fake reports againts innocent players should in my opinion end up in a 3 day suspend but that wont happen casue Blizzard never cared to hire people to review all the fake reports that are mostly made by trolls.

Yelling my name is Asmongold and I love Warcraft should not even get you silenced if a sane human being was checking every report.

Its all here to watch.

Blizzard Lied. - YouTube

Blizzard literally lies in your face and take your money and bans you if you play WoW.

As a sidenote. Its literally pathetic to know that people can now get reported for afk for going back to base and recap your flags and defend them in AV battleground.


unfortunately, people that go out of their way to abuse/prove the system do then violate something, so maybe what few staff around revel in that wonderful irony at people asserting it is automated instead of seeing it as sadistic irony and blizz complying with the demand presented

I think that somehow many of us knew it, or at least we suspected it.
Creating a bot is less expensive, in economic terms, than having dozens of employees reviewing reports.
and we all know activicion-blizzard loves money.

Personally I’m not completely unsympathetic to your OP, but it’s highly unlikely anyone from Blizzard who is in any position of power to address the issues you’ve raised will read it, let alone enact any change as a result.

As you’ve been playing since Alpha, then I’m sure you’re aware Hots is now considered “finished” and has no active development.

Broken record called me a troll and said I don’t play Hots at all. Personally I’m flattered and I’ll wear the troll label with pride. I mean, some of the best heroes from WoW are trolls.