You are hemorrhaging players

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And you know why. We ALL know why. It has nothing to do with League or DURRTa or the 4 billion other wannabe MOBAs either. It has everything to do with you and the state you’re leaving your game in.

80% of your roster is instantly obsoleted by the other 20%. Every new hero you release is instantly a firstpick/firstban because of how ridiculously powerful you make them out of the gate. Mal’ganis is currently the most banned hero EVER in HotS history, eclipsing even Rework Rehgar and prenerf Zarya. Orphea currently has the best traits/abilities/talents from 5 different heroes combined into a single hero (She’s S+ Area Denial, S+ Damage and S+ survivability simultaneously). She renders heroes from every single category except support obsolete.

And we all know your next hero is going to be hilariously broken in a completely new and unique way… but we’re tired. We’re tired of it. That’s why you’re losing people so quickly and are having to constantly adjust your matchmaker to actually allow it to find games (QM allows multiple instances of the same hero across both teams on a near-constant basis now. And it’s supposedly the ‘most played mode’).

You are sacrificing game balance and the loyalty of your playerbase for money. Literally, for money. You release game-destroying over-the-top broken heroes with overloaded kits and then kick out a bunch of skins and such that are gem-only for them so you can rake in the cash. Once the sales start to drop off, you nerf the hero just barely enough to shut the community up like you did with Mal’ganis. Seems you took the lessons learned from the Fenix and Maiev releases to heart. The nerfs were too much too quickly and sales cratered on both.

You didn’t used to be this kind of company. You used to actually care about balance. You used to care about the enjoyment of your playerbase, not just how much cash you could funnel off of them and how fast you could do it. You have changed.

And now your once-fiercely loyal playerbase is speaking up in droves about how we feel about this change across multiple franchises. The cash cow is in tatters, down to levels not seen in the last decade. Diablo’s franchise credibility has been utterly spent and discarded. Starcraft’s in shambles, being abandoned in favor of a game made 20 years ago (Brood War) by the Esports scene. Overwatch still waxes and wanes because it’s still relatively new but that won’t last and we all know it. Heroes of the Storm started off as a literal fanservice game… and look at it now. It screams cash grab harder than a P2W shop on a Private WoW Server.

We all know why this is happening. Your guys in creative, if they’ve been there long enough, also know why. The CMs reading this probably know why but are actively prohibited from saying it out loud. There’s a singular word that can be tied to the current state of Blizzard across all franchises. A single word that can be used to wholly sum up the fury and dissatisfaction that 25 years of loyal fans are currently feeling. A single word which contains within it the root of every single problem that is now coming to a head simultaneously for your company.

That word is Activision.

It is the cancer consuming you and killing your franchises. If any of you reading this at Blizzard have the will to save your company… the cancer must be excised before it kills the host. Do it. Do it before it’s too late. Do it before the damage cannot be undone. Do it for yourselves.

Do it for US.


Where have you found any numbers regarding the Hots playerbase and size?


I don’t know if you’ve realized it, but HotS has been spiking since Orphea’s release.

Perhaps the only legitimate concern in this entire thread. I expect Mal’ganis will receive a few more nerfs.

Orphea is literally the lowest win-rate hero in Master+Diamond.


Did you say Valeera is getting a buff anywhere in your wall of text?


Orphea is pretty weak OP, see threads on her to see why. Ironically many of them start by calling her OP but that never lasts past the first misguided post.


Its way too late for all this and technically the day they handed over the keys there was nothing they could do about it.

There are plenty of other reasons why this game has been bleeding players… its not just the heroes… but yes the bottom line is… Activisions bottom line.


lol 10 min queue times

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  • And bronze players allowed to play with anyone but themselves
  • And new players going straight into TL
  • And feeders allowed to play AT ALL
  • No PBBM implemented even if to just clean the player base of _horrible/boosted players @ every rank
  • And snowflakes not banned from the game
  • And casuals just existing anywhere but inside vs. AI
  • And not a word from “blizzard.”
    It’s just a skin/mount store.

Lol he thinks orphea is OP


In her original release on the PTR she was crazy good. They have toned her down based on feedback (odd how we never hear about that, blizzard listening to the community telling them about how OP a hero is and them tuning it before release. Good for them)


I stopped reading at:

Orphea has 45% win rate, even at Diamond/Master level. She is undertuned.
You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Stop embarassing yourself and just leave the game if you don’t like it instead of making ridicolous topics that show how little you understand of it.


This post is like 10 years too late bra lol

If you only knew how amazing and consumer friendly this company was back during late 90s you probably wouldn’t even believe it in contrast to what it is now


Man these post with no basics of economy or anything else. These are more like their projections that dont use any stats at all.

Like someone uneducated trying to explain to ppl something they themself have NO idea about.

In op whole post the only thing that is true is malganis being overturned and stats do show that.Ffs that point about only 20% of roaster is completely bogus.

When i play qm there are soo many heroes i see. Not only a few.Same for ranked.

Sure some are way more popular but thats a given.Also most ppl whine that HOTS devs are bad. Well i got exp from 3 of 4 main mobas(someone i know will start playing lol now as well due to a friend) and they are completely the same.

All of em did some things that aint great.

Yep. Im getting sick of seeing these posts and im too lazy to dig out my long posts on why hots is failing and why mm will never be great.

These usually just get ignored. Ppl always prefer to act based on feelings instead of facts.

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and people who post stuff like this is why companies continue to push and push and push on what customers will take to the point where the company goes from an awesome hobby company that made millions into a customer-hating nickeling and diming endlessly greedy faceless corporation

Honestly maybe. But i will leave the moment the game aint fun for me. I left a few already. I never spend a dime for a F2P game so i can see if this game is good for F2P gamer. And this game actually is.

Way better then smite that has skins that cost over 1000$ or ones that you can get only in a specific season and then you cant. These are predatory actions and a lot of games including lol,smite and many others from different genre are quite similar.

Hots is rly generous with the chests it gives(compared to smite for example).

Also no new types of every event like a few other games. We only have 3 types and you can get almost all skins in em.The few you cant you still can earn after a while.

From moba only DotA has us beat since all heroes are free.

Im a realist. I played a lot of moba and these issues are in those games as well.No fix. And there will never be one.


if you don’t like post’s like these not to worry soon there won’t be anyone left that cares enough to write them or read them


I wouldn’t mind this one more time just for Mei, since it’s completely natural for her.

It depends what you think blizzard was in the first place. The original devs haven’t been there since about 2008/09. If you like a game they make play it if you don’t find something else. Your loyalty to this brand you have built up in your head is misguided.


Bans are irrelevant; all that shows is what people THINK is OP, not what is OP (that’s what win rates are for, once they are paired with pick rates).

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Medivh is the lowest actually. And it looks like Orphea is going to be another Medivh type high skill high reward Hero.

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