Hi - I have something for you to see

I just wanted to point out that I predicted the current state of the game two full years ago and nobody listened.

On a related note, not once have I even slightly considered reinstalling HotS since the day I uninstalled it.

As a side note… damn am I glad I cancelled that W3R preorder.


I read through your entire original post, but saw no real constructive criticism, except mirror matches (which didn’t really happen at the time of writing in 2018, they were culled out before that) and heroes being released overtuned until being

nerfed in a few weeks (that did happen quite a few times, but you also forget the numerous heroes released extremely weak like Lunara or Chromie who required multiple buffs to become viable). And saying Activision in general is evil.

I don’t know how the developer team is supposed to learn from any of that, since you offered no real solutions to the three problems you listed, though it was an extremely lengthy post.

The one point I could agree on is hero buffs/nerfs after release should happen much faster than weeks, so they don’t become permanent bans or complete non-picks until then. 7 days should be enough to gather data about a new hero.


Okay. So why the hell are posting this?


The original post was a salty topic about how you got stomped by Mal’Ganis. It seems like you didn’t predict anything, because if you really belive that the current situation of HotS is tied to the balance of the last Hero released you are just showing how you don’t understand anything.

Also, it seems you care a lot for a game that you’ve not played for two years. Mal’Ganis had really kicked you in the butt that time.


If the game is not fun for you anymore why do you come here on the forum and waste your time making this thread.

If i was you i would just log out from this forum and stop using it if i were not playing the game anymore. But it should not surprise me someone like you makes this kind of post when your whole post history screams of negativity.

This post just tells me you still check on this game online even when you got the game uninstalled long time ago.

Someone just like you predicted the game would only last one year more in 2019 but failed just like you.

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Ehm, the post you linked doesn’t make any kind of prediction?
Unless you’re saying that “you’re hemorrhaging players” is a prediction that “there will be fewer players in the future”, but then we don’t have numbers to back up your claim, do we?
So we can’t really tell for sure what the player numbers are, much less compare them to the time of your post.
Especially someone who doesn’t play the game (like you claim you don’t)

Also, kinda off-topic, but in the linked post you call for the devs to “excise the cancer” refering to Activision…
Do people blaming AV for everithing ever realize that the merger occured in 2008?
(that’s over a full decade before you blamed them for ruining HotS, which had existed for about 3-4 years-ish when you wrote it, maybe 5 if we count alpha and beta testing)

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because being right about HotS losing players is the best thing that has ever happened in his sad, miserable life.

He got that Mal’Ganis PTSD

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We know this is a lie. OP probably plays everyday =p

And just like that you used your divine power to predict this instead of winning big at the lottery.

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Hey, people actually replied to this topic.

What a wonderful world.

If your ability to gauge the correct amount of time is supposed to be reflective of your ability to be observant enough to make accurate predictions, you’r not doing a good job.

The target fixation on a single hero followed into more fluff on “stuff is op to make sales” are all incorrect claims; stuff observant people wouldn’t - which given the above line, you evidently aren’t.

Similarly the claim that “blizz cared about balance” could arguably be taken as incorrect – as a number of games can be nitpicked to having a variety of balance problems (hi classic WoW and build stagnation) with about the only real claim to fame possibly being the original starcraft; otherwise ‘balance’ is harder than you care to notice, but you’d rather toss out click-bait bunk that you can’t be arsed enough to notice if it actually applies accordingly.

It doesn’t. You’ve posted inaccurate information, got riled up on weak conspiracies, apparently don’t know how to count to 24, and still linger around here trying to pretend your little ‘rebellion’ on this isn’t just another demonstration on why people don’t listen to this sort of stuff.

This showcase seems more particular to showing that you’re your own issue and your inability to enjoy something is from your own machinations – stuff other players or devs can’t fix for you – and you lack the seld-awareness to realize that.

Well, here’s a couple of spiffy paragraphs that predict the next cycle of false bravo for you to put out that has more predictive power than the next time you decide to repeat yourself and think it more than it actually will ever be.



And OP wont come back to his thread ever again. That’s a fact.


Maybe read the post you made before you believe your memory on how you predicted the present. Memories are vary unreliable.

Make sure you remind everyone in 80 years when the sun is about to blow up.


Let him keep his candystick. It hurts noone to have a dellusional selfesteem.

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It’s just an not so elaborate “Look, I told you so” post.

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