Xalatath, Priestess of the Void

Ranged assassin, deals damage overtime and marking them with a vulnerability spell on enemy heroes.


  • Damage Overtime
  • CC
  • Poke
  • Area Burst Damage
  • High Damage Output


  • Siege Damage
  • Low Mobility
  • Prone to Harassment

Basic Abilities:

  • Void Bolt (Q): Xalatath shoots a bolt that deals moderate damage and stuns for a short time.
  • Corroded Injunction (W): Xalatath creates a field of Void energy in a target area that deals damage overtime.
  • Nihility Bounce (E): Xalatath shoots a bolt that bounce up to four random targets, damaging and granting vulnerability status.
  • Void Disintegration (Trait): Xalatath’s abilities deal damage overtime and reduces physical and spell armor.

Heroic Abilities:

  • Void Spark (R1): Xalatath fires a blast of Void energy in a target direction. Dealing heavy damage in a straight line.
  • Void Convection (R2): Xalatath casts a giant sphere of concentrated Void energy, deals massive damage and prevents health recovery for a short time.

As a Rendorei sorceress, Xalatath is an unwavering individual that possesses Void energy to obliterate and opposition that battling against the Void Elves.

Level 1:

  • Void Regeneration (Quest) - Takedowns grant spell power for basic abilities and mana regeneration.
  • Void Piercer (Q) - Void Bolt can pass through creeps until hitting an enemy hero.
  • Debilitating Bolt (Q) - Void Bolt can also deal more damage when affected by Void Disintegration.

Level 4:

  • Rapid Convex (W) - Corroded Injunction increases cooldown reduction.
  • Horizon Dusk (W) - Corroded Injunction duration extends.
  • Void Leech (Trait) - Void Disintegration now heals.

Level 7:

  • Umbral Solace (E) - Nihility Bounce increases ability range.
  • Tracing Void (E) - Nihility Bounce now up to six targets.
  • Oculus Conjunction (W) - Corroded Injunction no longer requires mana.

Level 13:

  • Void Remembrance (Q) - Void Bolt restores mana per each enemy hero hit.
  • Void Radiance (W) - Corroded Injuction increases ability radius.
  • Silent Injunction (W) - Corroded Injunction also silences.

Level 16:

  • Rendorei Pestillence (E) - Nihility Bounce has now two charges.
  • Havoc of Emnity (E) - Nihility Bounce reduces spell armor.
  • Void Shrapnel (Q) - Void Bolt hits splits into five.

Level 20:

  • Void Erudition (R1) - Void Spark deals more damage and reduces spell armor.
  • Circle of Perdition (R2) - Void Convection increases ability radius and cooldown reduces per each takedown.
  • Void Somber (Trait) - Void Disintegration enhances basic and heroic abilities.
  • Void Burst (Active) - Void Bolt has no cooldowns for a short time.

No, no random targeting.

This is wrong. Xalatath is a proto Old God who was trapped in a dagger and used by the Champions of Azeroth to defend the Legion, and later, freed from the dagger in order that N’Zoth might be imprisoned in it.