WTF Blizzard -- your MM is pooooooop

Yeah and like for me I am a healer main. My dps game is ok but my heals i think could get me to master if i had teamates that understood this. But so many dps or solo lane heroes lose and ignore so much soak and camps cause they want that kill or high dps and its just terrible.

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As bruiser main, who played himself out of bronze multiple times and played with silver and gold players. I would say I can carry them, if they don’t fail too much and you end up with 3 times higher death rate than the enemys. Because otherwise you can’t outsoak too much xp loss due to feed.

It’s funny, because my teammates can’t use the advantage I give them, when I get massive exp from dual soaking.


Yeah, I forgot bruiser too. They surely can carry a match as long as the player is quite a bit more skilled than the opponent, even with trolls or feeders.

When you have teammates like that, your hero needs good damage, good self sustain, fast camp taking ability, ability to fight alone, and decent wave clear.

A Deckard or Morales will suffer in those circumstances.

Maybe that’s why D.Va is my most played hero. :joy:

Deckard, yeah, because his healing demands movement and fast reactions to pick up potions, but Morales is basically a healbot in low elo like Lucio, so she works in low elo better than expected.

You’re #41 D.Va worldwide this season. That’s pretty good. Keep it up.

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Yup ive been in the same boat. One of my buddies plays alot of xul and double soaks but then the dps still cant well dps properly or focus anything but the tank. Or even then they will not do camps. Its terrible but oh well.

Focusing tank isn’t that bad, but the whole team has to focus tank and not only one. It’s easy to focus tanks, because tanks usually want to peel, but if the team knows how to focus, then even the beefiest tank will fall.

Long story short: Tank focus is better than no-focus (all attack different targets).

That I will agree with but when everyone is focusing the tank and lets say the enemy ming is 14 and 0 cause no one attacks her then that becomes the problem.

I agree it would be good, if your team and you focus Ming, but sometimes it’s a bit too hard, if she knows how to position herself.

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The matchmaking of this game is a complete disaster and provides the most unfun experience. The person who decided that ranked play should allow any queue size for all regions should be fired.

“While we are only 5 persons left in the team and our whole company is on a huge decline, our internal numbers show that everything is guchy and we do a great job right?”

My arguement is that ranks are meaningless and that in a lot of games there will be players with the skill level of complete noobs and skill level of masters. It’s like rolling the dice to hope that you get the masters player and not the noob.

Becasue ranks are not based on individual skill but skill as a team.
So therefor you can have people down in gold that play godlike and have GM players that dont even know how to take camps before objects facecheck bushes.

And fun thing is many of those masters/gm players i have beated in qm were all hardstuck silver/gold players for 4 years in HL and then suddenly got master after SL got out.

When you face a 5 stack in qm were one of them are GM 15 and two of the players are master 2000 then you dont expect to have a easy match but we did lol.

Game was over after only 15 min and they had lost a fort after only 3 min to Valla and Moralas that none of those so called master players cared to go up and gank.

Just mindless 5 man push bot lane and get nothing out of it. Easy win.

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After some time I get used to my butcher who 1v4 all the time and I like him for what he is