WTF Blizzard -- your MM is pooooooop

I really hate this generalization.

When I say matchmaking is bad, it’s because there’s too much variance in skill level on the teams. I’m not saying I’m given bad teammates on purpose or anything like that.

Everytime someone makes a legitimate complaint about matchmaking it gets lumped in with this mentality.


When it’s a struggle to carry bronze as a diamond, your game is really bad at solo carry potential. 60% winrate, hundreds of games to climb? Not worth it for most people. Heck, I probably would maybe get 50-55% wr at best and negative winrate at worst

Vallanub’arak is my main, don’t talk trash.


I’m not taking it seriously, I know it’s satirical, I still hate the generalization though because people really do think this way.

Well, I know your investment goes beyond a little spittle in the air, you’ve got that confidence rating thread which I think delves into good ideas. I say I think because I’m not 100% on MMR in the first place. It at least has the well-worded appearance of a good idea, and me brain am smooth no want process big think. So that’s…mostly why I’m a non presence in that thread becayse it’s the far more technical side of things.

But here’s one, is there a game with a solid thicc matchmaker or are we kinda just hoping Blizz establishes that standard?

Basically, what it means is you move faster in MMR the further you are away from a 50% winrate. It’s not complicated, it just appears to be.

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I think the system sounds good, and I think MMR needs something good done to it.

This would basically force smurfs to int hard which would self-leaven the gap, right? If they burn up a winstreak they’ll fly up, leaving them where they were pre-smurf. Vice versa for losing streaks where eventually you’d just be up against a dummy in each lane with nine teammates (I mean obvious /s is obvious but Ima say so), and thus when you start winning hard on losing streaks and losing hard on winning streaks you hit that 50% median more readily. That was my understanding, which seems almost painfully obviously conducive.

Saying all that, I have zero doubts smurfs would still try to smurf around it, aha.

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I thought about trying that streaming, but it seems everyone is some sorta streamer now-a-days.

Like how every girl in CA is a model back in the day.

either you do not understand what is happening, or you are a beginner. Go to my profile, read my threads, find out why matchmaking is and how it actually works

I can play this game too.

Since you wanna dog me and call me clueless or a noob – you must have a mental deficit. I have been playing, across about 6 accounts, since beta.

So I do know what is going on.

What is going on is most of you just cry and whine and act like you are super pro God level.
What is going on is, most of you types now-a-days cannot fathom a world in where you are not the best, you are not a winner, yeah sometimes you fail. That is life. It applies to everything across all spectrums – even whatever spectrum you are probably on.

You wanna team that plays good all the time, PLAY IN A PRE-MADE of people you deem worthy.


It really is that easy.

you are too toxic and clearly do not understand that an equal team is the norm and it should be so, but what Blizzard has created and defends (extremist selection of players to incite hostility and hatred) is not normal.

I was a model in another life. That’s the only explanation for why I’m so ugly in this one. :money_mouth_face:

I have a GM buddy who made a smurf and we trio que together and some dps are unable to be carried in this game. The ability to feed and afk can hurt your team and put you too far behind.


Oh ok. You are the one who started bashing the poster and not having a conversation.

You run and hide and cry toxic – you are what is wrong with gamers.

Also champ, this is a FREE-TO-PLAY game with people of multiple skill levels, sometimes people play drunk, or high, or overly tired.

Stop trying to compare your FREE TO PLAY MOBA like it should be the God dang world series or something.

If you want good quality team mates – MAKE A TEAM.

Dont expect Blizzard to give you good teams. Stop showing you’re lazy and make a team.

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Ah, all those Valla players that just love to vault forward with no frontline coverage…

Why are there multiple leagues when in reality there are only 2, masters and noobs. If you’re skill level is not enough to be masters you will never rank up.

I don’t understand how other Blizzard games have more even ranks. In SC2 if you are silver than you play silver players not sometimes bronze, sometimes masters. In HOTS in the current state you are playing masters or bronze every single game. So, unless you are a masters skill level you will never rank up.

Huh? Although this game allows people in Storm League to group 2 ranks apart (something I consider to be less than ideal), Master players can’t group with bronze. Bronze won’t face masters or the reverse in Ranked.

It happens in QM, but that’s just QM.

Did you forget Grandmasters? They are somewhat more skilled than the average Master Player. I don’t get your argument at all.

I’m B5 and had a coaching session that I did pay for by a High Diamond player and he played some games with me and also watched some game and did say I play around High Silver Low gold and the games we played it was really difficult for him to carry because of the people in the game were just so bad he would get the advantage only for the others to cause it to be lost.
He also was saying it’s completely dumb how I have to grind out 1k points only getting 25 points per win. Ya, that’s a thing. Once you get to B4 you start getting 200 points per win, but in B5, it’s 25 points. Right now I’m 651 points into that 1k ( imagine how many games I’ve played to get there getting only 25 points per win and losing 25 per loss, ya it’s a lot) and I climbed from 0 because I left a Draft because I knew the person on my team was a Aba troll with a 10% wr. We all know Aba in B5 is really bad because the team never builds the comp for the Aba, they just pick whatever and we don’t know how to 4 man properly in B5.
Anyway the coach was saying it’s really dumb how you only get 25 points per game and the total is 1k… that is 40 wins in a row if you want to climb out right away, but we all know that’s not possible. So you end up spending the entire season getting to B4 because it takes so long. Then the new season comes and you can win ALL 3 games which I have done before and still be put in B5 again, and the cycle starts all over.
So the coach told me to make a new account and play on that and I did. Ended up in Silver 1 but, I don’t play that account because I have all the heroes on my main account, I don’t feel like spending that much time to get them all on the other account and I sure as heck am not spending any money to do it either.
People say all the time it’s easy to climb out of bronze yet they have never been there or played there. It’s really not due to the ranking system and there really are people that don’t know anything about the game at all.
Other day I saw a Sylvanas cast her R Mind Control on a minion wave… My jaw just dropped. People Afk after the first death or fort lost or obj lost. Then after that it’s gg. I just have to play hundreds of games to climb where as someone in B4 can climb by playing 5 games.

Too hard to carry but everyone on the forum loves to be so positive and windmilling arms when it comes to their games. It’s never over. Nevarrrr. And git gud to carry because the only factor is you in the long-term and something something you learn from every game.

I agree with you, and I also recognize this is a big reason why people main assassins.

If a GM with diamond buddies on tank/healers can’t carry a bad or trolling DPS in low ranks, that’s just showcasing the problem.

To carry those games you need to impact things yourself. Get camps yourself, get kills yourself, waveclear yourself. If your heroes are slow at doing those things, you will be in a mess.

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